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Everything posted by gettoefl

  1. it's like a muscle you have to train, don;t overdo it and take breaks plenty, eventually it becomes the default
  2. noticing is another word for awareness which is your true nature ... the more you notice the more you dissolve stay in notice mode as much as possible, don't attach any story to what you notice, you don't even need to remember anything at all
  3. you can still live life to the full but you will know and be your true nature
  4. pleasure is but a break from misery no? ... why not have the bliss of the real you
  5. self IS sickness, all your ills your problems your troubles are due to your sense of self just repeat: I AM is health is affluence is opulence is intelligence that's what you are
  6. god only knows perfection, you punish yourself in your imagination ego got you by the short and curlys
  7. script's been written for every lifetime but you can erase chapters if you care integrate what you are and disregard what you're not or don't
  8. contemplate what is my world lacking realize that's what everyone needs bring it
  9. bed 7pm, sleep til 3am, meditation til 7, outside til 11, work til 3, play til 7
  10. what i do is i just keep quiet as i go about my business and i watch the mind; i have two modes - intercept and interrupt ... catch a thought arising i add one point to the intercept, lost in a thought i add one point to the interrupt ... this morning while out i reached 5 intercepts and 23 interrupts, rest is silent ... getting better
  11. i have no dog in the fight, i am just stating my not deep take on why monarchs still have credibility daniloover9000 for monarch i say
  12. you are all that and a bag of chips so why not in the words of Elvis, self esteem is seeing, the wonder of you know beyond doubt you are existence's finest workmanship and great hope future generations are depending on precisely what you do today no pressure
  13. monarchs are ways of claiming civilization and organization for outsiders they encourage tourism and reverence for insiders they provide unity and patriotism they work to put the country in a good light they are public employees with lots of trappings and lots of stress prisoners for life unless you snag a nice bride like megan and flee to california
  14. thoughts per se are not problematic, it's your relationship with them. you let them run your life, you are asleep at the wheel thoughts are a terrible master but a fantastic servant see each thought as it arises, if it's bad don't let it pass this is called meditation
  15. seeing beauty is embodying ugliness i want that beauty, look at wretched me spiritual work is integrating what is outside and bringing it back home seeing beauty is a call to integration to get back to I AM opulence and magnificence and loveliness
  16. most of us claim trauma major or minor trauma makes me say i'm a victim as a victim i am now a hater being a victor however will make me a hurter what's the solution? be the visitor, knowing you're not from around here
  17. beautifully written, beautiful share, i love you and hope you stick around and join in more often
  18. step 1 - dealing with oneself lovingly /not being down on oneself step 2 - dealing with the world smartly / not reacting step 3 - dealing as god, dealing as prayer, dealing as love located these i-am discourses given in september 1937:
  19. yes different animals entirely, there is love of knowledge or knowledge of love philos = love, sophia = knowledge
  20. all belief is ruinous, it means i trust your work but won't do my own, just like qhwn in school saying pssst can i copy your homework we have to grow up specially since leo has told us everything so plainly and we are so fortunate to have stumbled on him i have nothing but gratitude ... and speaking of which spontaneous gratitude is a beautiful thing:
  21. yea spirituality is distraction for those who want to be workaholic or worldaholic spirituality is simply balancing outer with inner, not a bad thing problem with spirituality is it is very individualized and subjective and thus difficult to discuss therefore when you come here you waste your time with stuff that is nothing about your path thing to realize is the following, when you talk to me you talk for you it is only what you contribute in life that brings development so yea reading page after page here is futile and a huge distraction bring something to the table
  22. been doing this for about 4 years ... i have a great quality of life doing this, my body's natural resourcefulness adjusts and provides as needed before taking cold shower, do 100 sit ups and 100 push ups to get the temp high enough to manage the cold plunge in winter i wear 3 light layers, t-shirt sweater fleece and if it goes below zero degrees i will add a 4th when i get up in the dark to meditate, i wrap a blanket around me and have gloves and balaclava at hand for when it's below 5 when outside i don't feel cold since i am on the move so take off the fleece and wear a light jacket why i do this? because the body gives all these things by default and i am tons healthier relying on its management
  23. nihilism is good, you have seen there is no meaning, now go out and give it your meaning for example life is a dream that can end any second so why not write a nice poem today or whatever life is up to you, when over you will wake up and say, next!
  24. just read this in the book The Presence Process:
  25. yes everything you see in the world, is what you seemingly separated from god bring it all back home where it belongs to integrate the dual universe, end all feelings of badness and wrongness and painfulness set it free to be what where how it is ego will tell you everything is bad, you need to tell everything it is good