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Everything posted by gettoefl

  1. better to go your own way, no harm in using that technique and you will soon transcend it so don't get stuck in their club else awakening will be hard
  2. the book is fiction by the way
  3. hey i love all your takes on here my dear kindred spirit, thanks for shining and sharing and keep it up
  4. you cultivate family or your cultivate freedom you serve or you sail each hooks you for life buyers beware i am in the world but not of the world no prizes for which road i traverse
  5. trust is you are my missing link until proved otherwise trust is contractual, love is unchanging
  6. this is from the Disappearance of the Universe, book 2, and j=jesus just a cautionary word for you
  7. awakening is beyond fragile physical states, it is recognising body is an effect, a body feels no pain, it is mind that tells body what to do
  8. suffering is being attached to a world and pain is being attached to a body neither are anything to do with you and thids becomes clear in awakening
  9. god has nothing to do with planet earth, this place is false and god is only about truth remember it's your dream the line you quoted is the son seeing that it's him alone his moment to enter ego death
  10. i know right, its a trilogy and in fact there is a 4th book too when jesus met the buddha, cant wait
  11. the realized one knows they have it but if you ask them they will say something like, what i have is no different from what's inside you enlightenment means you are not looking for praise since you know you are both sides of every conversation
  12. yes the ego is very cunning and sneaky, it wants you to do things how they are always done and to stay in the comfort zone every moment a choice is to be made, embrace or reject thanks for your stimulating words as always
  13. appreciate the props @Someone here ... i follow @GnothiSea on twitter, he posts Robert Adams talks every day and i love him to bits am real glad your a fan of his too because yes he's the most incisive pointer out there ,
  14. yes is the only word befitting a student of spirituality in either case i forgive
  15. what is forgiveness? what before had power has been rendered powerless what is absolute forgiveness? nothing bugs me everything is here for my evolution my benefit my opportunity
  16. means you set your belief aside and take another's on board to test it for a given time period goal is to pour out blood sweat tears goal is to see what they claim to goal is to transmute trust into truth
  17. everyone is utterly lazy and you're no exception why do you deny you want the the easiest life possible and will leave no stone unturned to make me do all your work for you um like in this thread easiest isn't best, don't you know know yourself
  18. sure enjoy to the max AFTER you do what you came to do
  19. there is pleasure pain bliss have to collapse the duality of you you are not mental you are existential love to live like it
  20. understanding is the particular, abstraction is the generalizing abstraction proves your understanding was indeed good you now have a foundation for more understanding
  21. god only knows truth your life and this universe are a passing cloud nothing to do with god if it acknowledged the false, it wouldn't be one god hasn't need of senses, it's one with you
  22. yes in the beginning you have to trust someone or something that resonates strongly, whether it be a spiritual person or some spiritual tradition trust means give it a chance and see if it works for you ... namely study that message but also put it into practice for me the best way to figure this out is meditation but like i say you have to entrust it to reveal the truth, commit to it and give it your best meditation is to step outside of the mind running your life for you and letting the beyond enter your presence to speak you taste your true nature and after that you get more and more acquainted with it even most spiritual people don't arrive at this destination but it is everyone's birth-right and sole reason for incarnating here
  23. be gentle start small dont push yourself ... body is a machine, it does what it thinks is best ... it's not the boss, you are ... your job is to witness and not react and forgive whatever happens ... everything is happening for your benefit, to shake you into seeing your true nature and then being it which means you take part but you know it's not important
  24. it's like a muscle you have to train, don;t overdo it and take breaks plenty, eventually it becomes the default