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Everything posted by gettoefl

  1. myself appreciates banana chasing monkeys just like me ... lots of love 👍
  2. i'm amazed how many people look at scurrilous allegations and think a teacher's teaching and status must be invalid i see in my teacher what i don't want to see in myself
  3. when has rupert spira spoken about rupert spira in any of his talks or even said come follow me and i will make you enlightened among men maybe he is acting scandalously as a device to see if i understand that the human is not the being, one is a machine the other is a master
  4. he is swinging from pole to pole like any good monkey teacher, one season i emphasize the love and the next the stupidity
  5. what does leo matter, he built a community for you to find what and who resonates, and so ask yourself what and where will you be without a leo incarnation?
  6. duality is for you not for me, it's how i lend you a hand since you think there is duality at play, i don't feel the nails going through my hands but i know you do and i am here to help you projected me to help you awaken
  7. yea simple but not easy, "you" needs to get out of the way, agree with what you said
  8. for perception to become vision needs a whoops then a wow-omg ... the whoops is forgiveness which is correcting yourself for looking at the unreal and taking it as real, then the wow is healing which is to look a bit deeper the tree in front of you isn't a tree, it need be seen as nothing but then looked at deeper and beheld
  9. good job ... for me meditation is how to bring the real me to the surface and keep it there ... the real me is a vehicle god uses to speak, see and listen
  10. every incident one forgives affords another day of breathing and possible awakening ... not forgiving can easily lead to violent incidents and death your job is to stick around, for your own sake as well as those you hold dear
  11. yes all awakened people live life on the razor's edge of death, blithely and blissfully so, tomorrow has absolutely no relevance whatsoever if it comes good if it doesn't great
  12. your only task on earth is to get your neighbor to heaven how else would you get there
  13. pondering the illusion is called making the unreal real and that is what science is doing and most religions too namely bringing a god into the dream via books like the bible - god knows no dreams and couldn't if it tried fact is you have two tasks see the unreal as real like every person always does and then correct yourself by saying whoops and slowly make this automatic see the real in the unreal, there are no human bodies there are only holy spirits ... namely go from sight to vision then you are good
  14. people gave him money willingly and lovingly and i know no cases where he defrauded anyone his buying rolls royces was a device to show you your envy and your poverty and your insufficiency and it worked he spoke on this matter in his discourses many times people love to bash osho with rumours and innuendos but they can't argue with his words he left a great legacy to assist with awakening, almost 200 books what have you done for mankind?
  15. you are projecting here ... can you name one follower who spoke of abuse perpetrated sheila was certainly a mendacious power-hungry character, the complete opposite of osho ... shame that he entrusted her with so much power ... yes things in oregon were badly mishandled but osho was still osho throughout
  16. he maintained a prolific output and schedule was just as heavy right until the day he died, google osho timeline to see the schedule he maintained for 50-some years ... could you do those kind of hours year in year out? he loved his life and loved his people, that's why he kept going ... was perfectly happy to give up the body too
  17. yes the goal of meditation is to no longer need to meditate so the sooner achieved the better it's up to you
  18. to heal me is simply to forgive you ... i just need to see all that baggage you bring and tell you it's ok, it's fine, it's understandable i plead with you to get help and support and expertise with all this but my acceptance of you is open ended and unconditional when you feel you are welcomed and embraced in this way, you will look and see no evil attribute in me and you have thereby healed me we are both free and can now go off and share the good news
  19. my rule is twofold - know what i am then share what i am ... yes there's seemingly plenty of evil to distract us and terrorize us into staying within our four walls but when i know what i am then i am invulnerable and unstoppable no matter how well equipped the apparent enemy at large is
  20. 7-7 every day four hours in there for meditation either prior to or after the eight hour sleep so in effect it's 12 hours with the world, 12 hours without
  21. gilles was sent to teach me how to love the least the last the lost what he did was nothing to do with who he is he came with a script to play out and nobody loved him enough to tell him he had a choice in that this movie is over but there are alternate endings available i go share this good news in prisons
  22. truth needs not words, advocates or petitions people don't want it, give them what they want forgiveness, healing, sameness which are done by mind not language the work is done before and after not during and with in the inner sanctum not on the outer stage
  23. the SSSSSSSSSSence of love human is sovereign special sacrificial selfish silly small sexy surviving scarce sought god is standard still solo smiling silent simple source sum spacious same
  24. that's kind of you dear brother i contemplated some more and i can make it more simple to be non-judgemental only gets you 80% home, it's good but not great non-judgement is i am taking no position on you on way or the other, i am ignorant of the merit or otherwise of your action or behavior this is the slow lane to heaven, good but not great what instead needs to be done is judge the person but not the action know that the person and his or her action is non related so it is of no use to judge an action how to know this is to know it for yourself, what my body does is NOT under my control when i realize this, then i can judge you based on your true nature and my ascent to heaven is hastened
  25. awesome images @CoolDreamThanks yes i didn't mean you should not enjoy and engage here life is wonderful awe-inspiring and to be savoured to the full grace is remembering that we do indeed walk with one who knows the way and we can lean on his understanding rather than our own