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Everything posted by gettoefl

  1. does your left hand need me in order to know your right hand duality is true false, non-duality is true ... god can't know anything false
  2. yes it is deep, but can't believe it is that simple, been looking for such insight for years, fascinating thread, i bless you Mario ❤
  3. thanks for the CC videos @MarioGabrielJ will give a try to that technique at that next moon cycle in acim which i study, Christ Consciousness is achieved as follows: you first accept the Atonement, recognizing that the visible world is an illusion and gradually through practice you are no longer affected by it. You then give your life to the Holy Spirit, saying, "This world holds no further value, so guide me forthwith according to God's will." In so doing, you become an embodiment for Christ's love and forgiveness, representing the Christ that the world around you needs.
  4. everything you said is correct except the last bit ... sex keeps you a body, it's a trap and dead end ... youi won't reach heaven, uniting bodies is just part of the movie, awakening is about a oneness that does not exclude ... that's the road to heaven thanks for sharing your experience
  5. body is trying to keep you a body - read osho's from sex to superconsciousness - sex needs to be dropped, it is just a taste to convince you that there is something blissful available to you, it is your first encounter with the divine ... there is much more and much profounder available best wishes
  6. sex is a distraction often an addiction that prevents awakening, one is bliss within one is bliss without the body is what you dissolve not indulge even worse if you have others do the same wake up first then see any appeal of sex you shouldn't be anti-sex, just realize it is keeping you here longer than you need so choose one person only and someone who has this same understanding that appetite is fine but addiction is hindrance
  7. everyone does what they want to achieve happiness nobody has not behaved this way until you realize you are operating on behalf of the wrong person you are not the person in the mirror for the first time in your life you choose wrong self or right self, ego or spirit choice now means something
  8. not true, but you can't know this with your mind, so focus on the known that there is only you, and truth will gradually dawn
  9. there is here and there is tiktok, in couple years time most will be there not here forums are very last century as for me im here in spirit not ego so every visit is a absolute blessing though tiktok and its ilk have allure too
  10. i say there are two smarts: one is i know what i want, two is i know what they want and can tap into the collective mood - i represent mr. average jo blow and therefore make a good leader, i don't think you choose this level of smarts, it is finding yourself the quintessential embodiment of a country pragmatist vs. populist
  11. meditation is to practice being the created you not the manufactured you for example you may feel angry but you are never angry, so when anger arises and tries to take you over you let it go because angry is not what you are slowly you become what you are same with all thoughts, they try to tell you who you are, you bid them farewell and leave them to their next victim you didn't come here to be a cog in the wheel but the wheel that turns the whole universe
  12. they want to have one, they don't want to look one careful with words when a woman speaks first is objective and sublime, second is judgemental, ugly and grounds for divorce for malice
  13. awakenings are inevitable if you walk the walk but trying to figure everything out is dumb since i am a finite mind trying to understand an infinite problem but i do need to understand my purpose and my function so that i don't waste my time and get distracted like everyone here does
  14. model what integrity and forgiveness looks like, and don't just model it, explain in an appropriate way how you are treating the world in terms of attitude (mind) and action (form) the world is a classroom not a prison, explain this
  15. god projects out ego onto the world with the thought, i am separate from this, there isn't separation but because it is believed it appears me and you are identical, the same pure essence energy of god, both whole and eternal and perfect, difference is what ego creates for fun but when we see we are the same, we have forgiven the apparent split, we merge as oneness, the world is dissolved and the luminous infinite reality shines this is my un-embodied understanding
  16. appreciate you too, you always have the best and deepest questions here my experience is that god isn't ego ... ego is the visible fractured aspects of god that one sees in the world ... god flung them out of its mind in order to dream and the dream task is to return them back to mind so all the stuff around you, people and things, are not really there, they sit in your mind but you want to see them so you imagine them in the universe and thereby you cover up the everything with a bunch of nothing if you forgive what you see, you reunite with it and your work is done
  17. to ego everything exists to god nothing exists because it knows what is better the job of an ego is to cover up the real with everything that is unreal and bravo to everyone for doing so spirituality is simply undoing this
  18. for me it's a case of i have figured me out now i am intrigued by you and my receptivity and compassion is degrees higher than anyone else by virtue of the work i have put in ... furthermore i don't mind what happens
  19. yes take no notice, he was way out of line here, thanks for sharing what you did, it must be unimaginably horrific what you have undergone and i thank god you're dealing with it better, good to see you posting and hope you are doing well today
  20. love is nothing to do with what i bring to the party and everything to do with affirming and being encaptivated at what you bring to the party i remain incomplete without your contribution
  21. i think the closest fit is purpose: beliefs about the meaning of life and your life’s purpose; seeking to be part of something greater than yourself.
  22. the 6 virtues resulting in the 24 values found in all cultures
  23. yes to see innocence is to gain innocence
  24. guilty as charged are you?