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Everything posted by gettoefl

  1. Do you have any like-minded friends or any supportive community? You need to be around people who are fellow pilgrims in making something good of their lives. If I was still on the west coast, we could definitely hang out and make things happen. You sound a talented individual; you should throw yourself into your creative passion / life purpose and this will bring you the means for freedom since it seems you have done as much of the spiritual work as is necessary for now. Sending you my love and blessing
  2. Respect me and we'll conquer the world; disrespect me and I'm breaking every bone in your dumb-ass body Pay me attention and I'm your boo-bee, you're my honey; No longer give me attention and I've been with your buddy since over a week ago
  3. Two good Osho resources: Timeline of his whole public life, where he was, what he said, what was published: As you can see, the man did not take a day off! Most of his discourses unabridged:
  4. New doc premiering TODAY alleging sexual abuse throughout his commune in Oregon. It is being shown on ITV on the 13th in the UK. I am agnostic about these claims and so I will watch it. I spent several years reading Osho's books and consider him an inimitable and tireless force for truth. For the record the Osho reddit sub might offer more answers to your question.
  5. No problem at all and as you know I always enjoy your nuanced hard-won perspective. I likewise commend your seriousness and dedication to understanding reality on your own terms, taking the road not yet travelled. You are digging hard and deep, and I tip my hat. I suggest that we're both seeking knowledge in contrasting ways, and though our paths certainly seem worlds apart, I would claim they're not that different. What grabs me the most is your expressed intent on emptying mind and releasing attachment to outside sources. This conclusion I completely concur with - well knowing that the universe around us is but an illusory reflection of something far greater, the absolute that we are. Yes the slate is indeed bare within and I am sure that any gained wisdom needs letting go of in favor of emptiness and simplicity, allowing us to see past names and forms so we can hold onto the everlasting essence within. At root, all of us navigate that one truth: nothing outside will define who we are. We are supreme, and that’s all one needs to know. I wanted to extend good will to you; your path is radical, and while our scribblings may differ, I would wager that we're converging toward the same bright horizon.
  6. Forget everyone here and think of yourself. This is your absolute reality appearing to you. You are feeling besieged by fellow figments of yourself trying to give you a nudge along the path. And you are recoiling from helpful fingers showing you the moon. Take a little time and mull over your discomfort with all this and you will see the sheer folly. I absolutely know that everything is false. And that is why I am able to speak thus.
  7. Nothing random or dogmatic in my communication. I am pointing out what seemed close at hand. Being here may be inevitable but it's not unbeatable no matter what people say. There is escape, there is freedom, there is perfection. And trust me when I say that too is inevitable. If not now then take your time and enjoy the ride. Nothing is lost and everything is safe. Bottom line I would say is that, it's always in your own hands whether you pick the fearful life or the love-filled life. Chasing happiness here is assuredly the former. And seeing all this as a crazy-ass detour the latter.
  8. Religion means timely reminder. You more than anyone know this is true. It's known by everyone but we rather distract ourselves in making a name for ourselves so we can be someone special and live life like a king. Despite knowing deeply we are the the essence and maker of all we behold. They are among the most trapped and the most deluded and the most destructive who have lived. And you will not trade places with them for a second knowing the malaise they spread. They will be among the last to depart the arc. I'll wager that you have the real prospect of being among the pioneers. From what you say, seems you are currently very embroiled and entrenched here and not welcoming of liberation. Maybe you still have wounds to work with and I am unable to say if that's the case. Beware because delay is mind's premier tool. It says I don't need to achieve my goal today, as there is ample opportunity to do so. I am healthy and handsome and I need to live my life richly and profitably. This is pure self deception. There is just now to choose. Otherwise you have sided with the paupers and abandoned your eternally fulfilling and sublimely overflowing kingdom. In any case, it is up to you. No need to listen to random ramblings on an internet forum if they are no longer resonating.
  9. Yes I agree and I always love you. I am hammering you tirelessly since I think you are one of the rare few who have the mettle to take it. This is indisputably for everyone but you are the whipping boy du jour for the job.
  10. The question is, Does he bring games or does he bring game? And how do I tell? I better understand my games before I try to see their game/games That's the name of the game, see above
  11. Good distinction: Games = unconscious, I don't know i am doing it Game = conscious, I am jailbreaking games The name of the game, is to understand, your own games, and then their games That's how you game the system and gain the prize and end the games
  12. I am saying to align with the truth. You are the absolute engaged in a momentary distraction, a pesky trifle of your own making, that is ever growing in fascination and allure. There is no command telling you not to live your life to its fullest. On the contrary, all power is given you to live the most abundant and impactful life possible. You might realize however that you are in the world, you are not of the world. The person you see in the mirror is no more you than if I look in your mirror and you think that is you too. You are nothing whatsoever to do with this place. Success here is simply silliness. You came here of your own volition, for one purpose and one purpose only. To find yourself - after the bizarre moment you seemingly forgot yourself. After regaining self-knowledge you can still make a massive difference in the world. It won't be creating a multinational business conglomerate or getting on the Forbes 500 list. Those games are for children, like Musk, Bezos and Trump. You were built for infinitely more. Why play with toys when there is an infinite kingdom to be marshalled and increased at your hands? You can have a fantastic life here and still do what is important. It sounds like you have taken your eye off the prize, losing the wood for the trees. You have a mighty undertaking here and you are someone who has been entrusted with the means, the methods and the marbles to go all the way. I am you reminding yourself, don't squander don't procrastinate and don't deny your calling.
  13. You can't eat your cake and then have it for breakfast in the morning. You chose this wretched god-forsaken existence. But you did so naively, ignorantly and inadvertently. It was a vast rabbit hole you dropped into and couldn't climb your way out of. In doing that, you sacrificed the greatest gig there can ever be! So sad and so tragic and so soul-crushing. That's only if that ridiculous tale were truth. This here is beyond doubt all illusion. This is an elaborate trick. You hoodwinked yourself, didn't you. You are presently hypnotised and you think you checked out from the absolute into an alternate so-called dualistic realm. IT NEVER HAPPENNED. You are in a drunk-like haze experiencing a dystopian nightmare in this universe. The good news is, you do not need to be here a moment longer. Your perfect, beautiful, wondrous existence awaits as it always was and will always be. Not one note in your divine orchestra has missed a beat. You have been self-sabotaging by thinking an existence separate from other entities was a possibility. This is utterly foolhardy and fallacious! You are unwittingly denying yourself your birth right by letting yourself drown and suffocate in this strange merciless place. Snap out of it already and hold aloft your godly mantle for all to see. You know exactly what to do.
  14. You are seriously telling me that you are renouncing your true absolute nature in such a testimony as this. Unbelievable. I know you! And I also know you know who you are, yet you are preferring to mess around with what you are not, dabbling in trinkets rather than savouring treasure. You are exchanging fantasy for reality and choosing to abdicate your supreme kingdom for this make believe cotton candy apparition that your eyes are showing you. You would rather make an empire that rusts and crumbles and revolts rather that do what you were created to do, to extend and share and bliss out on the love of your eternal abode. Damn, well so be it. You have free will so sure, have at it as long as you want. When you again remember as you have before the sheer lunacy of chasing dissatisfaction at every turn, I look forward to catching up with you back home on the throne.
  15. This is all sleep and imagination and story that you are spinning. You have been home the whole time, dreaming of exile, safely snug in your own bed. You do know that, right? You placed all these apparently separate clones of yourself here to carry out your instructions and intentions. You are doing all this to yourself, all the pain all the pleasure all the peace all the predation. This is you! You wanted all of this this and, even if it does get hairy from time to time, it is unfolding exactly as you set it up to do so.
  16. I suggest you tap into the reddit community as much as you can. Ask questions and start discussions there. Also use AI as liberally as possible both in your prep and your running the class. In addition try to stimulate in your students a genuine and deep interest in culture, entertainment and sport. Enjoy the adventure; it is fun!
  17. Inspiring and wonderful. You have lived several lives in just a small part of this one. I will buy your book. Keep us updated. ❤
  18. Maybe in a temporary fit of insanity, you joined ranks with the - life is short, much better to eat drink boogie and shag marry kill - crowd. The hallucination has ensnared you and beguiled you pretty hard it looks like. No way! What about god-realization? What about absolute truth? What about the otherworldly beauty? Have all these been consigned to the back burner? I thought you were going all the way with this and now you aligning with the worldly turncoats. Ok, fair play to you. What is your life purpose if my don't mind my asking?
  19. Kind of you to say that. Truth told, my knowledge is shallow and narrow compared to yours! Also I gleaned a tremendous amount of what I know from the beautiful @Moksha and @Inliytened1
  20. Appreciate the props, good people. @Someone here @Keryo Koffa Leo did give me a little rap on the knuckles and thus I am working on better communication instead of manic rambling
  21. She's vulnerable so needs a valuable man who can provide for her protection and her procreation He honors that because he wants it and nothing else
  22. Yes indeed, spoken like a truly evolved smart certified ego. There isn't control. You are at the mercy of uncountable interactions of your ambient separate self spinning its web. While you believe you are avoiding sinking in the shit, by your stated agenda, you are in truth resisting all that lies in your path and inviting worse sink holes ahead. Give up the reins of power; give existence the wheel of your vehicle. Casts your cares on it since it is the only reliable thing and has your back. I simply love waking up and having an empty calendar with another day stretched out gleaming before me. Isn't it magnificent?
  23. Awakening is to wake up and have no plans, then to soar in the air like a bird on the wing, all because the wind dictates it You aren't your own man anymore with expectations, needs, requirements, preferences You do what is called for and you say what is useful and you go to where needed You are ever untouchable mighty untroubled and smiling You don't court trouble but should apparent ill befall you, it's all in the day's work You are simply passing through and all this has nothing to do with what you are and how you feel Nothing here matters in the least except in so far as you can do a good turn or two for a brother that he be the same way
  24. To control reality, get on god's team rather than having him on your team Love is the will of god and aligning with it moves molecules of any mountain God is happy to allow heavenly miraculous spell-binding unfoldings Alas so far, pretty much no human has given this a try yet Nobody out here knows the radical truth of love let alone practices it Our MO is to spin webs of fear Dear god Just allow me one more year