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Everything posted by gettoefl

  1. why not forget people and just worry about you no mother knows what love is
  2. people have this perverse idea that love is picking and holding the ones who are most like me ... such as my kids my lovers my countrymen and everyone else be damned to hell is that what are you are speaking about? love is, you and me are not one bit different and all my actions reflect that understanding
  3. they have diminished responsibility but they are unbeknowingly doing a huge mis-service to their fellows there is one reason to incarnate if you haven't an inkling about any of this, then it matters not what you do in life whether you love or hate, it's all the same in the end, your love got you nowhere just like your hate did
  4. to live for another is a wasted life if you didn't find what is real first, you will be leading them astray just like you have yourself you are not the person in the mirror
  5. this was cool, take a read:
  6. happiness is such a trap, and suffering is a gift since through it and only through it can you realize you are doing life wrong suffering is the chance to realize that the one that suffers isn't who i am and then to awaken to the i am that i am you need plenty of grace to get a sniff of that truth however
  7. this is why the sages and mystics don't typically have kids, you are forced to play the silly sacrificing your incarnation for your progeny-game would be nearly impossible to escape since kids have to be priority once you have them
  8. the law of god is giving is receiving you don't need happiness because guess what you're its source and not to burst bubbles but no-one else alas has it so your role is the game of tag psst - pass it on best to know you beforehand for which no forest is necessary
  9. nothing is the sum of all the things in the world and in the mirror that you believe are something they are nothing spiritual work is to drop what is in truth nothing in order to see the real thing the nothing is blocking your eyes from seeing switch on the third eye then you will no longer be blind
  10. if you look in the mirror and think that's you then you identify with the ego and thus do its bidding unconsciously 24x7 but you do in fact always have one choice, you can choose your true nature instead and practice and embody
  11. they're a trap and a distraction imo by design they serve to keep you here another lifetime in most cases romantic love is the belief you can make another happy - impossible sex is the belief that bodies can join and be united - impossible find what is real first and afterwards see if you need a soulmate
  12. nothing is what you think is a thing but actually is nothing like the world you look at and the one who stares back at you from the mirror nothing is preventing you from seeing everything except your egoic belief that you are something
  13. what changes, doesn't exist for example you and me all an hallucination as for thoughts, they are how one wants things to be if they are dual they are false and haven't existence one thinks they exist because one is under an ego it they are unitary they are love which is all that exists
  14. brilliant and inspiring @Forestluv and thanks all for the questions and discussion
  15. look nakedly at the world absent of memory beliefs judgements for these superfluous overlays burden you and but curse the world look afresh at the world and exalt through a child's eyes at the sheer wonderment of existence you are the prisoner and herein lie your cell keys
  16. love is god's universe, fear is what i slap atop it fear is how i keep myself alive as a separate sovereign entity i enjoy it but it's fake af my task is to undo the fear and rejoin god but only if i am ready
  17. all i know is i have a deep love for these two articulate beautiful cohabiting aspects of the absolute and i embrace them with open arms as their progenitor i am assisted by them in viewing the complexity and ingenuity of the consciousness i am capable of cobbling together consciousness isn't constrained towards acting consistently and i wouldn't expect it any other way they share a body consciousness and i share a divine consciousness, ego and spirit ... everything splits in consciousness
  18. you need a tinge of discomfort to keep the awareness sharp
  19. the goal of meditation/yoga is twofold find what you are then stay what you are and then live to enjoy what you are
  20. with all things equal the thought "a child should be allowed to express their own identity" should be given greater weight than the thought "parents have the right to overrule a child's expression of their own identity" in my opinion
  21. are you serious? do you know what i won't do to protect my (future) kids from harm? nothing
  22. and more attractive than the sheep in my farmyard
  23. yes meet my needs and my standards or gtfo of my world my truth is the truth better get used to it