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Everything posted by gettoefl

  1. the only certainty is, i am all else is false this is the totality of what a person can know and this is step one on the path
  2. almost nailed it you missed a word though ... it is grand ONE'S design, take each first letter ... greatest of designs ... if you will ... ever when asked what is god ramana maharshi replied what is is god
  3. you are either inspired by the energy of the awakened ones like Leo, or if this is not your time you are not some words of osho
  4. the thoughts you have are just the mind rehashing the past get quiet and let god do some thinking on your behalf instead this is known as flow state or god mode and is how creativity arises
  5. you are making this black or white, it is a continuum ... we have to climb steadily day by day but the answer to your question is we would rather talk than meditate, it is way easier
  6. fear is the belief i am the body mind and i must endure love is knowing this is false and i am the all the fearless life is one characterized by a willingness to die every day every minute every moment, what happens is in the hands of existence die does not mean just no more body mind but also acceptance and surrender
  7. have an out of body experience then look at yourself, are the eyes needed
  8. religion is you have a life time to get it, take it easy baby spirituality, you have only this moment of breath left to get it, now is the only game in town
  9. it was hell for me til i reorganized my lifestyle to arise at 4am every morning, now it is automatic and the two hours breezes by, i couldn't say it is enjoyable and i cannot say in the 2 years i have done this anything remarkable happened but i certainly feel on the right track and will not quit
  10. seems gender/sexuality cannot be taken away however, these are nature not nurture and one needs to live with these limitations sex itself can be transcended for sure but not the fact of one's gender
  11. fully agree ... meditation is the only wholesome addiction, it keeps one on the straight and narrow ... it needs to be the bedrock, the unquestioned, the non negotiable ... every minute on the mat pays big dividends and is another knock on the door of awakening
  12. what words follows awakening from what do i awaken from? sleep what is sleep? the state where i think me takes a rest for a while so what's the answer? you think god has taken a rest for a while and you the ego is running the show. what now then? the rest is over, it is time to resume being god but how? you didn't ask that, you just asked for a definition of awakening
  13. crying is one of the best spiritual practices, it is a very effective way to get to no mind, words are gone and you are just a vulnerable child of god utterly lost in the moment
  14. from childhood one is taught what i am is me, what i have is mine me is identity, mine is attachments self inquiry gives i am nothing and dismantles identity ... no word describes me self realization gives i am all and dismantles attachments ... if i am all, no need to desire what i am
  15. this is good info so i thought to share with you ... i copied these instructions from the comments section of the you-tube video below
  16. i believe that boredom is one of the last obstacles ... boredom is mind saying, this moment is crap and can't we get to the next moment already life is not made of many moments, life is purely this moment if you experienced this here moment with utter totality and undivided presence ... you life will have been worthwhile and indeed perfect this very moment is an overwhelming miracle and is supreme perfection, use that as a meditation mantra
  17. the truth needs no discussion and no defender ... correcting others in matters of truth is just ego and shows a low level of consciousness ... show people love not argument
  18. just say goodbye to everything and die every night then weep tears of gratitude if you should happen to wake up, in all senses of the word
  19. strong inhale, strong exhale, hold right there til the 30 seconds is up ... do 120 of these reps is a hour of meditation i find it helps to make noisy inhale, noisy exhale for keeping mind quiet link below can be used to beep every 30 seconds to make the hour pass easily