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Everything posted by gettoefl

  1. you love the story too much, the illusion is too intoxicating to give up even when you have seen the separate self as false, you still have the choice to live falsely, everyone else lives so, right? integration of true self is harder than realization of true self the former takes work, pain and grace
  2. first trust existence unconditionally, you have to know that it has your back, all is working for your abundant good and your highest ends second trust your every encounter with the truth conditionally, in other words if it sounds good take it on board on trust but then verify it by testing it within, you are the source and you are the arbiter
  3. @VeganAwake is it true to say i am the center of the universe, the divine house of nothing, the luminous singularity from which the absolute infinity spawns? seems so to me but then again i guess it would huh
  4. god enjoys a movie whether asleep or awake, in fact more so in the latter case i would say
  5. one is truth, two is concept, you can't see two, mind just tells you that you can ... zero and infinity are both truth but these take a certain level of awakening
  6. the flawless perfection of the timing is best not second guessed
  7. it is when he becomes sick and tired of being tired and sick, booze takes a toll, we may do it in our teens and 20s maybe but not forever in the thick of the party one day, he says enough! he realises the dream and the search is over is over you were with me all the time
  8. in drunk mode there is a ton to be done, you party like there is no tomorrow
  9. god is equally disposed to either outcome he wanted to enjoy the liquor and the movie but he can't keep partying the same way forever ... there are other parties that beckon
  10. doing is ego, being is god when you realize there is no doer, the dream is over
  11. you either enjoy the party drunk or you enjoy the party sober different strokes for different folks
  12. realize that not everyone is a good fit for your energy your experience and your consciousness level i would say more than 99% of the people we encounter day to day our response should be silence we do not have to suffer fools our energy needs to be channeled with deliberation and intentionality, to where it will do the most good
  13. all of us are god's toys and god's only will is what is, there are no mistakes errors regrets, all is flawless as it is
  14. you choose to have too much to drink at a cosmic party but you are god god drunk equals mason riggle do you wanna sober up? that's what @ivankiss is helping with
  15. insights should not be seen as shoulds but i would agree with you that you might take care not to deluge the listener with floods of output as that is not being sensitive to where they are at, love is a delicate balancing act between what people can handle and where they are at
  16. when i communicate i fully realize there is only me in the dream so i am doing so for one primary reason namely articulating my ideas to cement them into my own consciousness as it were and for one secondary reason namely that of love i seriously want love to flow my way in existence and there is only one way to ensure that happens by sharing my unique beautiful precious insights with the listener at large for example at forums i happen to frequent i am a person of love and i share all i have or i am a person of fear and i better wait til i am a more perfect incarnation
  17. i think this channel is real good
  18. you are god who is currently drunk and infatuated by the lures of the world which reminds me of a bumper sticker ... avoid hangovers stay drunk you dont want any hangover, do you, so that is why you refuse to deconstruct thus it seems we'd rather the buzz and the thrill and the escape of being folks drunk at the party drink up, it is not closing time yet
  19. what he is saying is that you are taking pleasure out of being a person who is stuck in life you identify as being this type of person, you take pride in being someone who is having to struggle and strive and strain this is known as ego, a story you are telling yourself about who you are ego maintains this story so it can stay alive and not face up to the fact that what it is saying is lies pretty much everyone you meet loves being an ego yourself included, it gives a huge payoff, it makes us feel like someone interesting, colorful and special but this is not who you are as self inquiry can reveal
  20. a few words from david hawkins on this matter
  21. my understanding is thus, ego is not imaginary, in as much as it is what creates a darn fine movie that can be very much enjoyed (or endured depending on your view) ego is what brought every human body mind who has ever lived to this relatively real planet earth, body is the space ship if you will you opted to dream up being resident in the ego in the movie as nothing at the center of ego's being from which you are projecting the whole thing that is being witnessed if and when you choose to you will do self inquiry and deconstruct ego, if not you will continue to enjoy the movie don't forget to make some time for popcorn no matter which route you choose even if you become god realized the movie will still go on as long as there is a body mind on the scene, it just won't be your body mind any longer you are then enjoying being the entire movie and will continue to do so as long as you please your name is g.o.d ... generator of dreams or gradually oneself deconstructed if you prefer
  22. a few pointers to the moon for reflection not dogmatism: religion is living to die spirituality is dying to live religion is righting the wrongs, spirituality is writing the songs worship is religion, wonder is spirituality religion is let's do god together, spirituality is i am god alone religion, my obligation to you spirituality, my expectation of me religion is us vs them spirituality is us is them