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Everything posted by gettoefl

  1. people always offended but christ is just a metaphor for the unmanifest manifesting the manifest and then along came some bloke called jesus who came and showed as how to accomplish the reverse the manifest manifesting the unmanifest and what is the path he demonstrated? bad self to good self (no more duality) to no self (no more you) to all self (all be god)
  2. meditation is yoga, y-ou o-ptimising g-od a-wareness there is a dial in consciousness you can turn up in order to look around and see, all this is god this is called god awareness just sit there
  3. nothing can be understood in the absolute ... there is manifest and there is unmanifest and an ever ongoing dance from one to the other
  4. people and people's lives are not comparable, we can all be victims and spin sob stories if we choose to every person is an magnificent conglomeration of universal treasure if you could get a glimpse of your own gloriousness the kingdom of god is inside take a look and become acquainted
  5. important to have one deep friendship at least, can be platonic can be romantic doesn't matter, find that person and pour your love into them love just means a constant mutually nourishing connection
  6. better to challenge and provoke rather than encourage and praise bit it is tricky since people want to hear the latter and will run a mile from the former i try to treat people almost the way i treat myself, i say almost since i am a hard fuck so in my case i choose to push you rather than coddle you i do it for your good, it's my way to love, i am not being an arse or trying to make you angry
  7. good list ... seems that the only difference between a psychopath and a realised master is that the former wants to exercise power over you to be your leader to force you to live your life a certain way and therefore will use the law or violent means to achieve such a goal ... which is good to know
  8. some good musings
  9. time is merely a counter for how many appearances / breaths / chances you are bring given to awaken #abc just need the one pun intended
  10. exercise healthy skepticism towards everything and everyone trust but only if you verify all the answers are inside you be enslaved to no one, likewise be wary not to enslave others with you own behavior, let no one fall dependent on you the above is what it means to be a mature adult
  11. path is bad me good me no me all me ... unitive is good me namely there is no bad no duality any longer, one is living one's true self with ego in check for no me all me google bernadette roberts all her books free online
  12. the you in the mirror that you speak of here has nothing to do with the real you ... spirituality is getting to the real you and then getting to the beyond you of course it feels like a trap, god is not done with this dream or perhaps it is
  13. yes most never change their mind their whole life, indeed they never entertain the prospect that they may be wrong and others right since awakening, i dropped holding opinions i still disagree with people but i don't argue ... disagree means i will explain the flip side of what they believe, like a devil's advocate if they dig in their heels and try to argue, i leave them be
  14. well done and well articulated, you are lovable and loved exactly as you are, no particular primping and preening is necessary, you might change your mind at some point and that is fine too, we need not be a slave to a certain look that in any case is no business of anyone except perhaps a partner and even then we ourselves always have power of veto over their opinion
  15. what i did was i pushed it back an hour every 3 months so i made the change gradually over a year ... i am planning to push it back another hout to 7pm maybe in arpril ... feel like i am using the best hours of the day for what is important to me feel completely fresh and raring to go in the morning, have had my quota of quality sleep and now i hit the ground running nightime is when i feel tired and i use that as a cue to go a bit easier the next day
  16. yes at first it is tricky ... on the other hand i measure the success of my day by how tired i am ... if not tired, i didn't put in the work 8pm-4am is now second nature, asleep within 15 mins of going to bed and awake 15 mins before alarm goes 1st minute of day is lil painful (no lights or heating) but every minute of the day improves ... do hard things first save fun stuff til last another good habit for my sedentary lifestyle: every 2 hours do 5-minute stretch break of 100 push up 100 toes touches 100 sit ups
  17. be you to full beautiful if my cup overfloweth how can i not but unload my fragrance to my environs ... and all is therein beautiful
  18. all those things are part of exercise - i do this 7 days a week, it's the lifestyle i enjoy - there is flexibility as i wish since i am accountable only to me - i may take 2 or 3 days a month where i am wholly social and live per another's schedule - am not a slave to it, it is just what works for me
  19. game changer for me was to get to bed at 8pm every night ... from there i divide the day into 12 6 3 2 1 hour blocks 12 is sleep meditation yoga 6 is work 3 is exercise 2 is entertainment 1 is review / plan also doing the 16:8 intermittent fasting helps to use energy effectively
  20. useless to leo* there are as many paths as there are people i will not be deterred by anything another says, i am glad of any pointer but i determine what works for me there is no truth outside only inside
  21. ok if you need the outside to assist you in your search for self love, i am not the person to ask
  22. meditation is the only self love since it fixes one in one's true nature the world and the mind will tell you that meditation is wasteful and unproductive, they say this because they want you to stay unbalanced and ungrounded, they have a vested interest to keep you fast asleep you have an astonishing treasure within, it is your birthright to discover it and with it you gain all the mysteries of the outside world you incarnated to earth for you to discover you to the max no other reason this is what self love means and until you love you, you are wholly incapable of loving another