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About gettoefl

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  1. An important awakening required is that death doesn't exist. When this happens, you won't sing from the rooftops. The world around will slowly but surely start disappearing. Ego keeps you far away from exposure to such experiences and wants you to dismiss them as idle nonsense. Ego is smart and cunning and devoted to keeping the dream alive. Once you depart its clutches, then love can have meaning for the first time. You will be able to exude as a pure vessel of love and light. All the while, you can certainly enjoy the dream and do all kinds of fun stuff. I myself am a starry eyed joyful vagabond on a multi-year world tour indulging my whims. Good things fall into your lap when you align with good news.
  2. The love people seek in this world means to give them a dream upgrade. Real love is let's both get out of here alive so we don't have to do all this again. You are here for only this reason. You can only bring love, you can not find love. Love is to stop seeing people as bodies, to realize your real eyes and acknowledge those around you as your one ticket back to base.
  3. The abused will speak and one day you will get your comeuppance. The killed haven't a voice or a lobby so you are safe from them. Moreover, to depict killing and/or violence means you are are somehow endorsing it. Killing won't come back to harm you but violence may very well do so. Seeing violence normalises violence. The only people who can depict violence and get away with it and those who suffered at its hands. Even they will often be terrorised. Watch oscar-nominated Black Box Diaries to see how a Japanese rape victim took to the big screen and has been made a pariah because of it.
  4. Its your wound and needs healing. Meditation is one good method among many.
  5. Anger directed this way is abuse and begets resistance and resentment. Nobody is interested in or motivated by another person's anger. Anger is sickness. Get over it, Deal with any problem from a place of peace. Then others may consent to work on themselves.
  6. a.n.g.e.r. is anytime not getting expected result drop your expectations about how people should live their lives you are not right and they are not wrong anger makes you miserable and has no impact on others
  7. Torture is, I am a good guy since I spare your life in return for you telling me everything. The bad guy kills so that his torture is unknown. Do beware that if you tell that I tortured you, I will hunt down and torture your family. Most torture is therefore unknown.
  8. Am all ready already. Didn't awaken but did what I can so all is good. No need to linger longer. Regret nothing, miss nothing. Love everyone, in debt to everyone, apologies everyone. Cool if it's my last few breaths. Cool if the sun rays rouse me from my slumbers a while more. To be fair will prefer another go round to this shit show. All my own doing. As I said, did what I can. And held a few hands along the way. So all good.
  9. Difference between false self and true self in terms of attachment is to to do with the entering and the exiting. When exiting for the day say, the false self requires results: what did I get out of this, how were my needs met, how did these people help me. When entering for the day say, the true self aligns with the highest good: Let me bring holiness, healing, harmony to every encounter today. False self doesn't care how it gets into any situation and only cares what it gets out of it. True self doesn't analyse what happened. That need not and in fact can not be understood. All it looks for is a feeling of peace which means it succeeded in doing what it set out to do. This is how you detach.
  10. I was pointing to the place, where you do absent any you.
  11. Yes you can do that and become a committed meditator. Then everything bad will fall away and everything good will fall into place. The false you doesn't stand a chance since awakening will be inevitable. The simpler the meditation the more powerful. You just sit and watch. You get to know the real you and laugh at the false you. The longer the better. Build up slowly and gently and don't let the false you compare itself to others. Let the real you guide you and that's all you need.
  12. How will I lose consciousness? By returning to any egoic thought such as, I need I want I resent I plan I must etc. Enter each moment with an anything-can-happen attitude. I am not in charge here; I am but a vessel for good to unfold; I have no agenda in this and I take no credit nor analyse anything that happens. What happens matters not, except that I see and know it is good and right since it wasn't my doing. Actions are unimportant; the only thing real is loving thoughts and pure intentions and all else is simply ego.
  13. Everyone is a pleasure hunter - we are all addicts. The addict’s thought is: This world isn’t good enough as it stands; I need more, man, woman. The greater the pain, the more supplements needed to make the world bearable. We all pop them. Healing is when pain no longer runs the show - when one wakes up one day and feels I am satisfied. To be free of pain is what makes one free of the past’s hold. This is step one. You will still have pain in the future of course as long as you regard yourself a body and thus you are not in a position to go from pain free to step two - peace full. This is called spirituality. Pain free, past free, is the pre-requisite. If in pain re the past you are too sick and cannot focus on the work. To now attempt spirituality will make it one more addiction. Have to be comfortable (present) and satisfied (past) to undertake this journey. Ditch the pills for just today and affirm, now is perfect. Just a mustard seed of faith brings the whole cavalry of heaven to the rescue.
  14. To give is to get For give is for get God's math 101