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Everything posted by Antor8188

  1. @Leo Gura Science debunks visions like ghosts, spirits,etc by showing an altered brain chemistry of the brain is schritzophrnic does that imply it isn’t true? I’m watching your debunking science video series and this insight popped into my mind?
  2. I was doing lexapro but it deteriorated my condition. Any natural remedies?
  3. @Leo Gura a month and a half ago was in this bar. Told the girl I’m homless she said oh sad wanna come to my place and she was a solid 9/10. Didn’t go coz felt nervous and she actually meant it. That was baffling
  4. @Leo Gura which one do women want the most? I have seen women flexing with homless guys and also getting turned off by them for their status whereas I have seen rich guys getting girls for their status and getting turned off by them what is the answer?
  5. @Leo Gura u mentioned in the video no facts only interpretation but what if my interpretation is correct? For example, my interpretation was my father got mad at me for poor grades when I asked him he said yes. How can that not be a fact?
  6. @Leo Gura gay guys the hottest ones like me but straight women even the ugly ones ignore my existence why?
  7. @Leo Gura realized I am god creating reality. Was scared of solipsism but yesterday realized this is the best feeling ever. I realized the inner world and outer world r the same and I am imagining everything. Even the the limitations set upon me was my own imagination. To manifest everything absolutely from changing the diameter of the moon to imagining unicorns I have to surrender my ego completely. Physical death is the only thing thats making me stop from doing it all the time eternally. No visuals but amazing insight. I realized i created u to awaken myself and I'm using stories to deny u r my imagination for example by saying I'm banglaceshi Canadian and Leo is Russian etc. After death most probably there will be a surprise of infinite potential Imaginaton.
  8. @Leo Gura after I broke up with my ex I started gaming again and something happened was trying to game up this chick she showed interest in both me and a homeless guy but chose the Homeless guy instead who hasn’t taken a shower in years not well groomed drug addict like a typical Homeless guy. The girl isn’t Homeless and I’m not Homeless either and she isn’t a drug addict. I’m mad please help what was the homeless guys game? I don’t wanna put anyone down but this shattered me lol
  9. @Leo Gura do I have the possibility to choose my own life after death? So in the next life I can come back to planet earth as a multi millionaire 6,4 giga Chad?
  10. @Leo Gura thanks for the how to get laid series. Got this amazing biracial girl and she is my girlfriend now. You got me out of hopelessness.
  11. @Leo Gura are tradeoffs a fundamental aspect of reality? For example after getting laid I got withdrawn from my program. After one Molly buzz the next 3 days are shit. After something really good happens something really bad has to happen too. edit: sorry posted on the wrong thread
  12. @Leo Gura remember u made a video on victim blaming and why u r a 100% responsible for ur old problems but in the video analyzing Jordan Peterson u said people have adhd due to a collectivistic problem because our tap water has lead and mercury in them. Did u change your opinion and now do u think the cause for individual problems is less individual and more a result of societal flaws?
  13. @Leo Gura initially I thought it was hilarious when u said mathematics is imaginary. Later I had an insight where I realized 1+1 can equal one for example when a couple has sex they only produce one offspring. Also it can equal to 3 since it is a family of 3 now. It could also equal to 4 and 2 if the babies are twins. This is just one example. Also when two atoms collide it becomes one molecule. Fuck my mind was blown the non dual aspect of maths.
  14. @Leo Gura in the Quran it’s written allah doesn’t put burden on a soul beyond which it cannot bear? So infinite consciousness won’t make a finite avatar suffer if it cannot bear it? I can relate to it but don’t know about other people
  15. Hello everyone, are insights from god to get you fixed?I remember if I had the insights Im havin now I would have become very successful. Why am I having them so late after missing out on so many opportunities?
  16. @Leo Gura from my last shrooms trip and introspection on cbd oil i realized from the absolute perspective free will is fundamental. Even the limitations we have like physical,societal,etc placed by God's free will to limit itself hence there is a duality of determinism that's created out of God's free will. So the duality of free will vs determinism collapses and from the absolute pov free will is the ultimate truth. From the limited Human perspective, we navigate through a mixture and free will and deterministic laws. For example from the limited perspective a human being has the free will to buy a coffee that's 2 dollars given he has 3000 in his bank account but his other actions are determined laws out of his control like gravity, weather,etc.
  17. @Leo Gura I wanna say thanks to u. If I didn’t see your videos I would have killed myself by now. Because of you I started loving myself, became more serious regarding life, did shrooms which was really therapeutic,etc. you don’t know how much favor u have done for me. regards,
  18. @Leo Gura planning to do 5meo 0.5 first time trying what tips would u give? It’s a vape.
  19. @Leo Gura and others I approached 9 girls both my wings approach 30 it was the worst nightgame ever girls told us F off called us ugly etc. never been rejected like this my entire life. How to bounce back?
  20. @Leo Gura could you make a video about negative self fulfilling prophecies?
  21. @Leo Gura I am an international student in Canada I got withdrawn from my program due to poor grades. I'm 23 how can I start over?
  22. @Leo Gura Out of 7g I took 3 long strains and had these epiphanies. I am God creating reality. By God I don't mean the ego me the universal me. The reason why I can't get what I want is because I have to maintain the ego.(the ego which thinks it's unattractive who will never find the one) I have to change my entire identity to reach milestones. I realized suffering exists because God loves playing games with itself. It wants the ego to experience ying and yang to expand it's consciousness. I cried learning I have to love myself before I expect other people to accept me. I still have some strains left but this trip was profound.
  23. Here is Andrew TATE who is telling a story about a guy who was a 2 but banged a 7 because he approached more than 500 girls who came to his workplace lol.
  24. @Leo Gura Whenever I do Nofap femLes get more attracted to me. Like super attracted. Nofap helped me almost get laid and girls online give more attention to me when I'm doing nofap. Why is that?
  25. @Leo Gura Don't you think it's harder for men to form meaningful relationships with females let alone getting laid with them because modern women are selfish and entitled? Because of this reason they end up following toxic people like TATE and bilzerian. I used to be super nice to women before but the nicer I was the worse they treated me because of this I became more arrogant and started standing up for myself for which they respect me more now.