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Everything posted by Adamq8

  1. @wildflower Hey man whats with the attitude of yours, there is no need in being aggressive.. I explicitly made it clear that I spoke from my own experience, and to me nothing comes close to an DMT experience, thats all. I did not say anything bad about meditation if you read my text again, and I did not state it as an " objective " fact either, I said how my experience has been with meditation and how it differs from psychedelics, to each their own, meditation work better for others and psychedelics work better for some. But to state that " Until you've achieved full absoprtion Jhana, you don't know what your speaking about, so you should refrain else your misleading people" is circular logic, you are using buddhist views on meditation to validate buddhist views on meditation as a measure of truth. That if something is misleading.
  2. This anti psychedelic propaganda is more damaging rather then doing people a service, especially in the metaphysics circles and spiritual circles. Psychedelics is and will always be an insane source of wisdom, insights , healing etc. There is nothing which even come close to a full breakthrough experience IMHO, there is no drug or meditation that is so out of this world as a breakthrough experience with psychedelics. Please note that I speak from my own experiences since that is the only measure i can compare with. But if you are immature in your mind and then goes on to do psychedelics you are setting yourself up for alot of self deception. Every practice is in a way necessary, they build on eachother, I dont understand this either or mentality that is destroying more then it is helpful imo. Psychedelics is mimicking death more or less, even science can show the decreased brain activity during a transcendental psychedelic experience. Also i want to add that why is enlightenment the only measure of truth? Why is it important? It is just an ego game if you think that an enlightened being somehow knows truth more then an philosopher/mystic which is illuminated by insights and direct awareness of GOD etc. Intuitive and discursive knowledge go hand in hand i would say, and they both together produce a wholeness to truth. Also i want to add, why would a silenced mind be more true then a contemplative mind which can deduce certain truths about the world we live in etc, that is a bias which plenty of spiritual people fall into. Balance is the key i would say. You can reach GOD using logic and reason as well, and let me tell you that you do not end up in some nihilistic emptiness/nothingness of the atheist philosophy's, which to me is completly illogical and unrational, you end up at the uncaused cause, completly unlimited in scope, closer then close, there is nothing in this world that is even remotely close to the majesty of GOD. But paradoxically, there is only GOD and nothing else, but GOD as it is in itself is not the limited human that we are at this particular moment, this is an creation.
  3. Agreed! He is adjusting to the audience, he still has some materialism thoughts, which is nothing wrong per se, but I dont believe he actually believes in that worldview but he has his audience and the guest's he has on, but give it a little time and it will be the new " cool" with a mind based ontology and Jordan will come around as well, but he is playing it extremely careful and strategic imo. I also do believe that Jordan will come around to Christianity in a way, but not the dogmatic part of it, as did i as of late, it is an extremely profound tradition, especially the mystical side of it, but the Church is also a mystical place imo, and they have profound wisdom about life, God, community etc. Since ive digged into Christianity i am suprised in a positive way of their Theologians and Mystics and Philosophers. Take St : Thomas Aquinas for example, what a mastermind and brilliant philosopher which truly makes an impressive argument for the existence of God. Christianity is a profound religion, I came to it after years of hearing bad stuff about it, Ive been an atheist and raised in an atheistic family whole my life, got into spirituality and as the path has progressed i came to the Christian worldview, and I was suprised to see that the badmouthing from culture about it was plainly ignorant and did not even represent what Christianity is or stands for. But ofcourse there is bad eggs within the Church and the Tradition, but then again, there is rotten eggs in any institution/tradition, from religion to politics to spirituality, that's just how it is. I would say that, true Faith is extremely profound and is not to be confused with a shallow belief. Faith opens the door to the mystical is what I would say, there is something about true Faith that is so misrepresented in our society, it is a way to know or a kind of unknowing with trust , which imo transcends rationality, BUT! They complement eachother like the hand to the glove.
  4. They also talk about mysticism, psychedelics etc, it is great to see Jordan acknowledge Psychedelics as a way towards GOD. Extremely profound conversation in my opinion.
  5. Thanks bro for your answer! ? I read my post again and it felt like my post could be interpreted as if I was being offensive, im sorry if that was the case ? With the Jesus part was just that I actually find it reasonable to believe in Jesus without needing to experience it 100%, because his words resonates without being necessary a mystic, but you are Def right that the non dual Christians is extremely important in this day and age, we have some extremely " woke " mystics in the Christian tradition. I always enjoy your posts brother, you are certainly a wise man! There might be some minor disagreements but overall we agree on most things ? Thanks for your time and keep spreading the word.
  6. You came into existence and can just as easily go out of existence, you are not a necessary being at all, you depend on your enviroment for your survival and couldnt survive without this planet etc. i would suggest that faith is much more profound then what some might believe, cause remember, it is your belief that Christians somehow got some "fake" happiness from believing in Christ, it might be true for you but not necessarily for others, there is something deeper within Christianity. But ofcourse not all of the Christians is a true Christian so I understand where your coming from. Meditation in this context shows that direct experience certainly is different then a concept based philosophy etc, but at the same time, thoughts do represent reality and the rational mind is extremely useful and transcends the limits of the body, through reason we can come to conclusion and test it in the real world or investigate reality, that a Meditation practice somehow is more "important" then deep contemplation about the nature of reality is solely a preference, since thoughts is also included within reality and thoughts and imagination is a creative power. Meditation is awesome, but so is prayer and contemplating etc. If you truly study the Christian doctrine, as unbiased as possible, I believe that it would deeply resonate within the deepest part of you. All I am saying is that, there is something of ultimate goodness in Reality and Christianity is based upon that, Jesus said i am the way the truth and the life. One can find out that what we are is nothing, funny enough is that christian doctrine is creatio ex nihilo, creation from nothing, so it would be reasonable that we are nothing, because you cant know GOD as he is in himself, but to say that it is just empty phenomena does not explain anything at all, how does it arise from "nothing" and is ordered aswell, why dont you turn into a tree, why are you who you are? how can you even comprehend reality? Don't take these things for granted. You cant read my thoughts, you cant create a galaxy, you cant create out of thin air, you are an agent with causal powers, but you are certainly not the ultimate agent with limitless causal powers. So you might see the illusion of a concept based self which is in constant flux, but you do not wake up to a female body all of the sudden, you are you, no matter your internal "state" you are still you with a certain family and a certain body etc, you did not create yourself from nothing, your parents caused you, you can paint on a white canvas, through your mind you can create, but your mind has limits, you have to use resources around you to produce anything substantial, you need to eat to survive etc. You dont know what goes on in andromeda galaxy, why would you even know what the ultimate nature of reality is? Through meditation? You are constantly being maintained by GOD moment to moment. You are not Jesus either, what have you produced for the goodness of others that is even remotely near what Jesus has done? Contemplate that.
  7. Thought is an illusion says thought? Illusion is a thought about an illusory thought. Strangeloop.? But actually, via meditation its seen that thought is just a story that appears, but it can also be extremely efficient tool for creating ? thoughts is creative tho! It is not all bad ?
  8. @OneHandClap Thanks for the response ? Yeah well it seems like you and Bernardo is on opposite "camps" when it comes to metaphysics. I would like to see his response to your argument here ? I dont doubt that the question has come up on his interviews, I am not going to touch this subject since I dont know alot about it. But I do feel that, AI will appear as concious but has in fact no "inner life" at all. I think materialist science is going the wrong direction with neuro science, since there is plenty of evidence as well to clearly show reduced brain activity correlate with expansion of awareness, when it should be the other way around according to Materialism. But thats just my two cents.
  9. If we simulate kidney function to the tee, will the computer automatically pee? So if we simulate the brain, will AI be conscious then? One great opponent to this view is Bernardo Kastrup, which has a PHD in computer engineering, he says that it is the most absurd claim of the century to say that AI will be concious. Thoughts?
  10. That is a truly limited way of looking at religion. True religious people are normally more loving, compassionate, kind, then others especially in this scientific era we are living in. Every man for himself kind of attitude. True religion is spirit. It is just unfortuneatly that mankind also has corrupted the soul and spirit of religion, but that does not mean that we should just toss away religion like it is a fiction or some deep untruth and brain washing. I suggest if you are interested, to look up the earlier philosophers in Christianity, like Thomas Aquinas, Pseudo-dionysius, St augustine etc.
  11. That is not at all the true representation of the most famous religions. GOD is totally transcendent and above being as we creatures are beings. But man is made in gods image, or a microcosm of the macrocosm as a more "spiritual" term. Christianity does not believe in a God that is the universe, "he" created the universe. But he did not use "material" outside of him self, but he didnt become the universe either. "He" is above mind, life, being, non being, intellect. You can't say what "he" is, but not can you neti neti him either. He is both and neither. It completely transcends all the notions of finite concepts that we want to label ultimate reality with. But as in Christianity, God incarnated as man in the form of Jesus, and how Jesus was is then attributed to GOD but infinitely more. Infinite love. Christianity is all above Love. The purpose is to feel and experience God's love. So God is not a being among other beings, no matter how supreme the being might be.
  12. Remember that the unknown is the infinite intelligence running the show effortlessly. It is GOD.
  13. The nature of our experience is just flowing, the eternal NOW, but at the same time it is ABSOLUTE STILLNESS, what a mind fuck. It is the thinking mind that it is the problem which in a completely mind fucking way can seem to take over the Stillness of Being, and claims the experience as its own doing etc. But once it is recognized that it is just a thought story happening about a character which is also illusory , one is just pure Freedom, the "ego" tho, is fucking amazing , it is perfect, but only seen when it is let go off.
  14. Beatiful insight man ? I actually see it that way as well, but it took a while to recognize that, but it did come about from awakening and deep contemplation. Happy for you! I really am!?
  15. Same, that would be the most amazing thing ever, but im slowly trying to open him up to weed first, they are seriously missing out on deep things, alot of humans do..
  16. Ive known many people like that, and all of them had a disorder named Aspberger in swedish, I don't really know the english word for it and I am to lazy atm to look it up ?
  17. It does what it does because it is what it is ?
  18. ABSOLUTELY MIND BLOWN! What an amazing report man, excellent writing and it really captured me in an emotional way actually! ? Welcome home brother ??
  19. ? is that how you view the community , it would be unfortunate if it is ?