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Everything posted by Adamq8

  1. That depends on what worldview you are coming from. If you view conciousness as a emergent phenomena caused by neurons in the brain, then i would say that it is possible if we just map the brain and learn how it is working then in theory we could create sentient beings. If you are conciousness only worldview i feel that the matter would be different, sure, some conciousness only proponents believe that we could create concious robots since everything is conciousness, but I would disagree with that, there is still a difference between us and robots, that is conciousness imo, its Life, we can map and produce the human being but we can not create the spark of life in an artificial manner. It is the spirit or breath of life that the robot would lack.
  2. The issue is that, the coming of the Messiah was anticipated for centuries before Jesus arrived. Jesus knew he would be betrayed and that he would be sacrificed for the greater good of humanity and for the prophesies to be fulfilled. Jesus opposed the pharisees because it was HE that spoke the LAW since the beginning!
  3. Could also be related to, we are made in the image of God, like a ikon almost, just like Christ was a Ikon of the invisible Father, as are we an ikon of the Logos which is the Divine Mind.
  4. I am happy to hear that ? if it works keep going
  5. Come on man.. what are you actually saying? You can surely discipline and change your behaviour, I have been deep into addiction and ive became free from it by perseverence and DISCIPLINE and through doing good and asking for forgiveness for your own sake and being aware of the consequenses of my actions. TAKE RESPONSEBILITY FOR YOUR ACTION! USE YOUR GOD GIVEN WILL! A transformation is messy and you will fuck up more then once but just know that it is part of the journey, you have the power to change, to do better, meditation is valueable in that it clearly shows the ephemeral nature of thought and how it appears, but that does not mean that they are random or useless, they bring meaning and are CREATIVE. It is LOGOS. Just dont take yourself too seriously, and learn to let go when it is needed, but use thought when it is needed as well. Know thyself, know your pitfalls etc, learn your triggers. It is a question of habit with regards to addiction etc, thought patterns which trigger emotions and memory etc. Do not surrender your power is all I am saying, since you are a powerful creator made in the image of God, honor it, use the tools that you have been given. It is possible to free yourself from the bondage of addiction and anxiety but it does not necessarily entail that you have to think that thoughts are random and you dont exist etc. A murderer might have a thought about killing someone and actually acting upon it while another might have the thought about killing someone but will never act upon it, can we say that the murderer should be free instead of in jail because it was just random thoughts appearing and he had no say in the manner? NO! Thought is creative but it is YOU AS ACTUALITY WHICH MADE THE THOUGHT POSSIBLE AND REAL and can manifest it, or else they go back to the field of potentiality. As I said, you form potentiality into actuality. But it is good to know that you have the power also to let go of thoughts and not make a big deal out of it.
  6. I would say that the universe is full of intelligibility because of the Mind behind it, the Wisdom of the Logos. It is by the Logos that everything was made, without it there would be nothing ordered at all. How come everything just does not fall apart? Why do the universe operate according to laws? And if these laws of physics would be altered just a slight it would all collapse. Thats because it is an infinite intellect behind the structure and law of the cosmos. The Son is the Logos of the the Father which is the Infinite Mind. The Logos is the creator of the structure of the universe. There are patterns in nature.
  7. Well I sincerely disagree with that statement, materialism is not a spiritual perspective at all, it is nihilistic and makes life out to be a random process in an indifferent universe, and any significant spiritual experience is a hallucination and totally meaningless since it is just wishful thinking or a misfiring of neurons in the brain. To point that out is not anti spiritual either imo. What do you really mean with the forum being more and more fundamentalistic?
  8. He is an materialist and a atheist which to me is non compatible with true spirituality, same with Adeptus who have been on here arguing with Leo about telepathy and other things. Apparently psychedelics and meditation is not enough to convice anybody that reality is also more then just random non intelligent matter combining to form a intelligent being. But his meditation app is actually good, used it before. But his view about reality is not something i agree with but he still has some good advice so take what you find valuable and leave the rest ?
  9. The issue with this topic is that , you don't really know 100% if it is true that there is one God who created it all and that he has revealed himself to different prophets through thousands of years, I would say that there is one Infinite God, which has no limits, but this is not a nothing as in a void or an impersonal nothingness. The bible is a special book and should not be dismissed just with a hand wave, that's pretty arrogant, especially when the actual book goes back thousands of years and it is a red thread in the whole book, God used prophets to communicate and made him self known. God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I AM has sent me to you’” (Exodus 3:14). Then Jesus comes along and says : Truly, truly, (D)I say to you, if anyone keeps my word, he will never (E)see death.” 52 The Jews said to him, “Now we know that you have a demon! (F)Abraham died, as did the prophets, yet (G)you say, ‘If anyone keeps my word, he will never (H)taste death.’ 53 (I)Are you greater than our father Abraham, who died? And the prophets died! Who do you make yourself out to be?” 54 Jesus answered, (J)“If I glorify myself, my glory is nothing. (K)It is my Father who glorifies me, (L)of whom you say, ‘He is our God.’[a] 55 But (M)you have not known him. (N)I know him. If I were to say that I do not know him, I would be (O)a liar (P)like you, but I do know him and I keep his word. 56 (Q)Your father Abraham (R)rejoiced (S)that he would see my day. (T)He saw it and was glad.” 57 So the Jews said to him, “You are not yet fifty years old, and have you seen Abraham?”[b] 58 Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, (U) I AM. This God , this I AM , is not some impersonal force, or Brahman , or the Void of nothingness. Its the personal God who : I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. God created ex nihilo, out of nothing, there was not eternal matter or anything else besides God, and neither was the Universe, so this is not panentheism, the universe is contingent if we go the philosophical route, something transcends it and brings it into being. Also one important quote is this from Paul in Romans : Romans 1:20, KJV: "For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:" How could Jesus see that Abraham rejoiced? When Jesus wasnt born yet, and yet he appeared to Abraham. Also one interesting thing is that, the Christian tradition have produced alot of saints who lay down their life for this cause or did good things in the community. Also check out hesychasm ( to keep stillness ) which the Eastern Orthodox Church used to reach God, it is prayer and a gathering of the mind in order to reach Theosis ( Making Divine ), becoming deified. The Greek and Eastern fathers of the Church is a profound insight into mysticism and theosis, especially the monks of Mount Athos and St Gregory Palamas and Gregory of Nyssa and St Symeon the new theologian and Pseudo-dionysius the areopagite. And you have the desert fathers from egypt and so forth, Christian tradition has it ALL, but I only read the eastern fathers and the orthodox church, the others is not that interesting, but there is some profound Western mystics as well , Nicholas of Cusa , St John of the Cross , St Teresa of Avila etc, and you have one of the greatest philosophers of all time in thr Christian tradition which teachings holds to this day, St Thomas Aquinas. There is a gold mine within the tradition, thats why I recommend the orthodox teachings and the eastern fathers.
  10. @Raptorsin7 Check out the tv series The Chosen, great series about Jesus done in a proper manner, that can make you connect with Him as well, the most public funded tv series in history ?
  11. No christian right in his mind believe in a God with a beard in heaven ?
  12. Jesus is God. If you want to connect with Jesus , read the Gospels and the Church Fathers. St Gregory of Nyssa St Gregory Palamas St John of Damascus St Athanasius St Maximos the Confessor St Basil the Great St Irenaeus of Lyon This is just some of the Fathers, but you should really read them, insanely profound writings , but also, you should try to read the whole bible seriously and you will see the red thread going all the way from Genesis to the book of Revelation. Put all your prejudices and biases aside and actually study the books you will probably be suprised by the wisdom and Insight it produces in your spiritual journey and the figure of Christ is not like anybody else in history, he is also the most influential person in history, Jesus is the most written about , and most art has been done in history about him. And the Gospel of Thomas is a heresy and a gnostic text which has nothing to do really with Jesus, they propose " secret wisdom" and that sorta stuff which is a typical Gnostic way of saying we know the secret of Jesus and nobody else, and it was written according to scholars in about 250 AD. Not even close to the other gospels. But start with the Gospel of John imo. Also I can recommend a great book : The mystical theology of the eastern church - Vladimir lossky
  13. What you speak about as animating the body is more like the Holy Spirit. Jesus is a person. Nobody " becomes " Jesus, but you can live in his presence, but Jesus is Jesus. " in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God" otherwise known as the Logos, which is a reference to Jesus, the second person of the Godhead. Also he lays out the foundation for a full life in Him, just read the gospels and apply it. Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6.
  14. In the case for Judeaism/Christianity , it has always been Divine Revelation that has inspired people to live accordingly to God's word. The church is Christ's body. And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. - Matthew 16.18 And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” - 1 Peter 2:5 Also I want to add that this idea of enlightenment has not really anything to do with Christianity and why it came to be as it is, even tho you can have communion with God and Jesus Christ we can't know what God is in his essence or really how the Holy Trinity work, but it is not really a mono theistic religion , it is a trinitarian religion, and has not anything to do with Sat- Chit - Ananda of the indians. I suggest if you want to understand more about Christianity you can begin by studying the Church Fathers which is an awesome source of information about the philosophy and theology in Christianity and it goes all the way back to the following years of Jesus death up through the ages, if you want to know about Christianity in particular i suggest you actually study the bible and the church fathers instead of listening to some dudes on the internet who do not really have any insight into the topic at all. There is a good collection on Kindle, the complete works of the Church Fathers by Filip Schaff i think the name is, it is 3000 pages tho but cheap ? And eastern orthodox christianity is more mystical and more practical as well.
  15. Rest in peace man ?❤
  16. I have not tried 5 meo but ive done other psychedelics and I actually feel that one new to psychedelics can start with dmt in a vape pen for example, dmt is much more smooth ime and it is not so long in duration If you compare that with mushrooms and lsd, these tend to be much rougher because of the duration. Dmt is king atleast for me.
  17. What Christianity is truly teaching about Jesus is that he is God incarnated, the Word became flesh so to speak. Jesus was sent forth for mankind's salvation. " God became man so that man might become god " - St. ATHANASIUS. Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. - John 14:6 Jesus made it so that people could realize the divine within them, but Christianity holds dear to their hearts that we are divine but not God, as he is on a completely "other" "level". "it is true that its natural being, though thus transformed, is as distinct from the Being of God as it was before". - John of the cross Bishop of Antioch, who in his epistle to the Magnesians, writes, "there is one God, who has manifested Himself by Jesus Christ His Son, who is His eternal Word, not proceeding forth from silence," (i.e., there was not a time when he did not exist). Jesus was unlike anyone else in history
  18. A complete metaphysical omniscience is possible. Funny enough, smoke dmt and go for a breakthrough and you will realize what reality is, it is way to insane and radical but also completely natural, the infinite has a certain playfulness about it, there is truly no limit to what it can do, since there is nothing else but itself, it sets the limits. The source is way to good to be true but yet that is what it has always been since time is not real at all. It is completly transcendent but so powerful it creates the appearence of a physical world with a story ?? just as it imagines the story it becomes real, since its power is truly limitless, it can do stuff like that, truly mindblowing but yet thats what everything is, you just forgotten it. On the other side of death, is God waiting.
  19. Actually what you are doing is more or less confirming creatio ex nihilo. You are confirming that we as contingent beings can cease to exist, that we were created, so what did create us? You did not cause yourself, and everything around you can not cause itself either. No matter what you do, you end up at the uncaused cause, which brings the universe into being, that is God, you are not God and neither are I. You can experience God bla bla, but , I am talking about the power which brings creation into being from nothing in that sense, God can make himself known, but we dont know what he really is in himself, we can see his invisible power in the things he has made. We depend on God , not the other way around, since some Masters as you say can "have" cessation, but still come back to exactly the same place in their room for example, there is something outside of your subjective experience which holds you in place, same with deep sleep, you do not all of the sudden appear with a different body etc in a different country. This uncaused cause does not cease , it is Being itself, but you or me or anybody else is not Being at all in itself, we are full of potential and actuality, meaning we change, everything is moved, that is actuality and potential, we are contingent beings. But God is not caused by anything else, it is the fullness of being, as you previously have said, nothingness can not create since it is non existent, so we arrive at an eternal uncaused cause which brings time and everything else into existence and it holds creation in place, thats why you dont " cease to exist" forever in a cessation or deep sleep. In the sense of creation for God, it is to bring or cause things to be. God is God, you are you. Nothing comes from nothing, and creation is here right in front of you, the eternal cause does not cease. But creatures can. My parents existed prior to me, as did yours, as did God. He is on a completely different metaphysical level then you and me.
  20. Jesus was the son of God, he has been saying that all along as well. " wisdom teacher " is not at all really who Jesus Christ was or IS, the whole notion of Christianity is built upon : The father the son and the holy spirit. Ofcourse he was full of wisdom but thats not really the reason why he was here at all. Jesus was God and is God. Co eternal with the Father The word became flesh " In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4 In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome[a] it.