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Everything posted by Adamq8

  1. I wonder in the pupil it is like a black hole, perhaps conciousness is that black hole and apperance happens within it , but it is just a void ?
  2. Great trip report! And I can relate to the unlimitedness that GOD is! My experience when tripping on LSD was that the GOD head is a formless reality generator, generating realitys of out nothing in not even a second, but got deeper to go! Thanks for this report
  3. Thank you for your posts ? and sharing good information
  4. Hey guys! so today i did 200 mcg of LSD by my self, been on this journey for about 1 year ish really serious but always been a sceptic to reality and how society functions as long as i can remember. So how did the trip go? Jesus fucking christ, excuse my language but i now know the source, death, and fucking everything. srsly. So what was the information? It is PURE IMAGINATION! GOD is the one dreaming up an infinite number of realitys simultaneously, i really do believe you can go so fucking deep on psychedelics that you will dissapear. Everything LEO has been teaching is the most advanced stuff nobody is recognizing. Consciousness is all there is, time space, a body, a brain, is all A DREAM in gods mind. It can dream up any reality. If we think energy, vibrations and frequency, it just flows, and OUR 3d Reality is a slow dense vibration, it is a "low" consciousness, cause the higher you go the more formless you become. I wasn't ready to let go of this reality or my self and so forth, i kept holding on, something wanted me to stay. This is a topic that i will keep exploring, this was the biggest epiphany in my entire life. Im still on after glow on the LSD so i hope im communicating so that you can understand what im talking about.
  5. Yeah like that in a way, when you die in this world the body releases DMT, because it is gonna let you keep trippin into another reality or back in time in this life, srsly
  6. Haha nice i tripped today to! Awesome man, and yeah im heaven and hell and I can also observe it ? mindfuck
  7. Did 200 mcg today and it was the most intense awakening i have ever had, still a "baby" tho in the psychedelic world
  8. Ofcourse, infinite possibility ,cause and effect forever in a fractal nature. Your self is GOD.
  9. It is ?? im doing meditation on a daily basis and alot of contemplation and listening to Leo and other teachers alot , gonna start kriya yoga this week , just waiting for the book. And im actually gonna start martial arts as well, i like the mental part of it
  10. YOU are not aware of the creator that is you, subconciously. It is hard to pin point it, but when you really find it and go deep enough your gone, bye this 3d world, srsly i do feel like that..
  11. Well it goes both ways, when the awakening first happen, i LAUGHED and almost cried and said jesus this is GOD, but i feel really good now actually, like i wanna go out and fufill this life to 100 % , do whatever you want, when you " die" its another dream " another trip " so enjoy the hell out it this one!
  12. Extremly beautiful! LSD shows you reality
  13. Thank you for this! Appreciate it, and I will read the material
  14. Yeah and in the end the paradigm he holds is breaking apart, when he talked about the archetypal experience and he got floored and shooked like never before, awesome interview and thanks for sharing that!?