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Everything posted by Adamq8

  1. It goes beyond language in that sense, my breaktrough experience for example, i couldn't communicate the insights , not as how i really experienced it. It is so different of a experience then normal waking state. But you know deep inside that this stuff you experienced on a trip is something you known forever you just forgot
  2. Apparently you have not reach high enough, you are talking about a deep understanding of reality but obvious you don't know. It is infinite imagination. Period.
  3. Well yeah they do seem to have awareness and intelligence, like this world just that this world is less lucid, but wouldn't suprise me that in the dream world that it is a world like this one as well with "real" people. Infinity afterall
  4. Or they wanted to merge with the infinite. Don't just think that an enlightened being want to heal his cancer, maybe he didn't. Epigenetics and so forth is big in science today. How you think and feel influence your gene expression. Everything started in imagination, this screen you are watching on began in the mind of someone. But even if you are enlightened you may be prone to disease and so on, and maybe you can heal it yourself by belief or maybe not, but seem to me that to be enlightened is also to recognize the no self, maybe thats why they didn't heal themselves because there is no one to heal
  5. Yes i agree to this, understanding leads to a better life, atleast in my experience.
  6. IF you are GOD or infinite conciousness, you wont dissapear into non existence when you die, you will imagine something new, just listen to all the different NDEs, something is going on, and likewise when i had my GOD Head realization , i laughed and stopped fearing death, if reality is infinite, there is endless of possibilitys, hence death is what you imagine it to be. And ofcourse i cant be certain til i get there my self but from my own research and mystical experiences there is not non existence in this world, that you are alive today and living on this earth, that out of total nothing everything came, that is magic, so death will be magic to probably. Just like life is if we really think about existence.
  7. Well ive had some mystical experiences but im still not 100% sure, on my LSD trip it was so obvious that this is a dream and science is studying dream content and that GOD is infinite imagination, but my sober state tells me somehow that there might just be that everything is material och physical and that consciousness is from the brain and it is by real luck that we are here and we are trying to make sense of it and we dont wanna die thats why our brain hallucinates different mystical experiences, but i dont know how that is even possible because you cant even imagine how it is to see GOD in ur trip but somehow i did and it was the most real thing ever
  8. Everyone is experiencing the truth for them, just different levels. Makes sense if you think about it.
  9. Really don't think he is really denying the awakenings of other teachers as he said himself that it is to an infinite degree so everybody is at different places, no one is better then the other we can all learn and grow from eachother and not deny each others levels. And not claim to be 100% sure to be the highest either
  10. I really don't understand what you are arguing about, everybody is on different levels, there is no highest enlightenment, and the ones who really is big time enlightened is probably not even here because they are formless, and it does seem that everybodys definition about enlightenment is slightly different, but they still got alot of similarities, there is no top and no bottom to it, so learn from each other and work together in this and raise the conciousness for everybody else as well, we are one and it is in infinite diversity even tho it is one infinite "being" it goes in every direction infinitly.