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Everything posted by Adamq8

  1. @electroBeam alright gonna check into that, but i srsly doubt that it can produce the same state at psychedelics, tho im not saying that meditation does not produce a different state of conciousness, but in my experience psychedelics beats meditation for producing GOD conciousness, the absolute source of existence. Im combining them both and I do enjoy meditation everyday and am serious about it, psychedelics tho is a destroyer of ur life when you really see the true self..
  2. You will never reach that kind of experience without psychedelics it is fucking insane
  3. @Member sort of how it felt yesterday, i had the option to leave all of this behind and become 100% GOD but it was to scary ?
  4. @seeking_brilliance thank you! Will start practicing this on a daily basis and see how the results get ? how is ur progress?
  5. @seeking_brilliance Sometimes iam seeing pictures but not always tho, sometimes the images are really vivid. But can probably develop more skills on it
  6. @Bulgarianspirit haha i have read that trip report and let me tell you that was almost identical to my trip, same feeling same message and so forth
  7. @Bulgarianspirit haha yeah im gonna get immersed in this world and get back to sleep again somehow atleast until i am ready to face the godhead again?
  8. @seeking_brilliance yeah on some level but not much at all but im def interested in this now after my awakening, do you have any advice on how to begin?
  9. Then what should i do Leo? Keep tripping and exploring consciousness? Yeah ego was terrified.. i sensed that i can create everything that i want but it felt like i broke the game when i understod that its all me
  10. @Bulgarianspirit it is so utterly absurd that this is actually true i can't fucking believe it! It is so weird but at the same time creation is really beautiful and we will always keep on creating and getting lost into it forever cause time and all stuff do not exist. Thanks for your sharing on everything. It is absurd. Cant even begin to understand it
  11. @Bulgarianspirit thanks brother. Well at the absolute level there is only me but somehow i create conciousness in others as well but if i get conscious enough all will dissapear, mahasamadhi was so close yesterday that i almost got sucked into a black hole and then i would have peeled off every memory and all of this world would dissapear but i got my self to cool down and im still here and im going to enjoy this life as much as i can, it is an endless loop wich will go on forever but after a while you forget that u are GOD. Btw all humans the universe and soliditity is utterly and completely imaginary ? i dont fucking understand how this is even possible.
  12. Existential terror, did a 200 mcg LSD trip yesterday, and I was so close to losing this whole reality , i came to realized that my whole life had been something ive been imagining, even the most important people in my life is completely imaginary and my creation. Im all alone for infinity. Got no reason at all to exist but somehow it still does. Imagine you had a girlfriend for 12 months now who lives with you, who is Kinda interested in spitituality. But when you started tripping she is GOD awaiting for you to wake up, it was like a switch went off, and she told me it always been like this forever and this is creation, Leo and all of you and this forum is something i created to distract me from my true nature, and after a while i realized that she was my imagination aswell...
  13. Dude, you live in a world where money is needed to have a decent life. And to pay to his cause is probably a service to humanity cause of things he can do with it. It is ur own bias that clearly you are projection out.
  14. @sholomar The mind illuminated, is something i can recommend ? but honestly the best thing right now may be a psychedelic trip cause it will make you question science, ive always been intrested in science but when i did 200 mcg LSD on my last trip i got a vision of scientists studying this world when it was sooooo obvious that is a hallucination that i rolled on the floor laughing ?
  15. Well your subconcious is GOD, not the brain subconcious but your real subconcious ?
  16. @Vittorio thanks alot for the recommandation! Will check the books out! As you say, i should start writing a dream journal of some sort! And try to interpret the dreams, dreams is amazing but sometimes they are scary too ?
  17. They ofcourse can become concious of GOD, everybody can. And in my experience psychedelics do show what it is, tho you can't hold on to the whole experience hence a spiritual practice foundation is crucial.
  18. If really is infinite and we create our own reality in a way, then every paradigm/theory could in theory be all correct.