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Everything posted by Adamq8

  1. @Gesundheit if i got you right you are implying that a objective physical world is out there, and conciousness might be an illusion or?
  2. @arlin This is it, there is no other then this. This is all you got. The end of the search.
  3. Well i do want it to be more then this but im starting to be sceptical about it, if your brain creates your perceptions then when the brain is gone what can you be concious of?
  4. Congrats Leo ? you deserve it alot. Keep growing and keep going no matter what ?
  5. @Gesundheit thank you for your explanation No i would say that you can't point to conciousness, what is being aware of being aware? You can never point to it cause it is prior to everything somehow, if you take away all senses what is it left then? An awareness of existing, put somehow it can't turn around and point to itself, sometimes i feel like iam just a dot in the head, but what can then be aware of it? It is just a strange endless loop somehow. But i am not sure that consciousness is all that there is, it might as well been from evolution and we live in a finite universe and all will return to the blackness, the entire universe and nothing will remain. But it becomes really questionable after a real deep psychedelic trip, why does it feel like i am GOD? How can i get so profoundly deep insights into what conciousness really is? Or what reality is? Like it was preprogrammed in the mind. That makes you lean towards that consciousness is all that there is and it is infinite, but after a while your back to ego self and the finite feeling comes back, it might be a survival thing cause deep down we know we are finite or it might be that deep down we know we are infinite and we have always been here but it is fucked up to be infinite and never die and be one being in "existence" so we want to experience how it feels to die. Anyway thats where i am at ?
  6. @Gesundheit that conciousness is an illusion, curious to hear
  7. @Hawkins Then go and find the god head yourself m8 and you will get the answers you want or not, you wont know until you are in that state
  8. @Hawkins have your own experience and come back and tell us about it, you wont ever understand it without multiple awakenings. Im also sceptical still about all this and I have had 1 really profound awakening where everything leo and all other people have said about everything became so obvious and true but when the ego is back and weeks pass you are back to normal ordinary reality and then you are back to denial and doubt, it is weird tho that a substance and or meditation/yoga can produce such profound insights so much so that everything you thought you know dissapears and GOD appears instead and insights hit you out of the blue, you can never ever predict those kind of insights. It is like waking up from a dream x100 But more awakenings is required to get some sense out of this, not just 1 or 2 awakenings. I think you need alot to understand it better.
  9. @Hawkins and I do think that the GOD HEAD is the "highest" form of conciousness where it is obvious that it knows all and can create whatever it wants, but it is an infinite fractal somehow so conciousness goes through alot of levels, thats why channelers can channel information like that but the GOD head is on a whole other level, it is the level where everything manifests and spiral down from for infinity, i get the feeling that humans is not that high in conciousness evolution tho we have the Potential for it.
  10. @Hawkins When you have an awakening experience you realize that everything is imagination, atleast for me, and that you are from 1 source like everybody else, but when the awakening happens it was for me to realize that i am the only being that ever existed and that being is prior to every concepts, even life death existence and no existence, it is really a paradox and weird but aliens and scientific theory is something you can see is just imagination, tho im not saying that it makes it less real or not true, there is probably life on other planets. When you become conscious enough you realize that your whole life is imagination and science and earth along with that and pure being remains. But when the ego came back i understod why it is there in the first place, so that you can have an experience of living a life in a world in a universe with other life forms. But this is just my experience. Could be different for you
  11. @Hawkins my experience of this is that when you become that concious you dont care about that kind of questions at all, but hey maybe thats just me
  12. @Bulgarianspirit yeah i would agree and psychs really show you that all is illusory around you
  13. @Inliytened1 agreed and I have experienced also, it is in that moment really obvious, like the most obvious thing ever, like waking from a dream
  14. @Moksha but i get the feeling that you have not had alot of mystical experiences perhaps? Cause it can also solve the doubts and paradigm shifts aswell, we are on the path together and it is good to share ideas, but direct experience is KING
  15. @Moksha but when the time comes when im lying on my death bed and it just end with sleep forever im fine with that cause then you won't be able to know anything anyways, but after a while on this path it just feels like a good thing to be scared about to be grounded to this reality and believe in the story, but when you shift consciousness it becomes clear that everything is a story and a " game" but it remains to be seen in the end
  16. @Moksha i understand your point and it is a valid argument, i have also felt that way and thought that way and can still doubt things aswell, like the brain and when we die we are dead and it will be like deep sleep forever, the thing is tho that after enough "GOD conciousness" moments you know in your being what you are, conciousness is like planes, degrees and levels, when the insight hits like a mofo and your whole being just shifts so extremely and so out of the blue that u go WHAT?? HOW IS THIS TRUE? Then the brain story and whole life, everything dissapears but one thing remains , that you can't point to your self cause everything is projected outside of you, but instead you get this insane insights into what being really is , i understand that the brain and physical world is extremely believeable and makes sense if that is the case, but in those moments you know that you are the real and one and only GOD, it is to insane to be true but god damn it is ? cause you can morph and create whatever you imagine, then if you would cut open a skull you might see a kangaroo inside there instead ? physical reality is something imagined and created and you still want this reality cause it is perfect reality in that way , it is solid and slow, hence why it feels so real and solid and appearances and feelings and stuff does not change so rapidly, there is no reality outside of you. How is anything even possible? How is experience possible? And why would a substance /meditation/yoga and near death experience produce such radical insight that you are GOD and you know who you really are without even asking? Like waking up from your dream, the higher you go in "conciousness" the more formless it becomes and can manifest instantly, it is like a fractal, levels upon levels, physical is conciousness crystalized somehow
  17. @Moksha form and formless are identical. Makes no difference just different experiences, duality, but at the highest level there is one Mind who projects everything, and our subconcious mind is tapping into the infinite potential field , your brain will never end it just keeps growing and growing
  18. @Moksha how do you imagine death to be? This is conciousness acting physical thus becoming brain, our brain has infinite capacity for evolution from where we are now, but you got your meta physical brain as well IE conciousness cause reality is a Mind, it just fractals off.
  19. But i would say that the brain is imagination what you are is not a brain, a Pink squishy substance that is all there is and creating our reality and perceptions. With deep awakening it becomes clear that the brain is a hallucination within conciousness.
  20. @Moksha Conciousness maps reality and IS reality thats the insight i got from my direct experience. i was also on your side of the coin before i had the most profound experience ever, and yes it was on psychedelics, but it became so obvious that being is all there is, and all you know of this reality just dissapeared, all concepts, and even spirituality and all else was imaginary, my parents was imaginary, everything was imaginary , being is all there is , atleast of what is TRUE. And being is conciousness, conciousness is shape shifting and in my experience prior to all perceptions and appearences and you got insights into what you really are, and this "knowingness" was always there just clouded. I think the "brain" is just an appearence of conciousness and conciousness is formless, it became obvious that all the solid reality and form and concepts is to keep you feeling this is solid reality, but newsflash it is not. but perhaps it was just the brain doing it