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Everything posted by Adamq8

  1. @Bulgarianspirit haha this trip report is so fucked up ? i can relate as well to this..
  2. It is from my point of view the truth. Atleast a bit of the Truth. But yeah in the ultimate level you are all alone and you are neither living or are dead, I know it doesen't make sense at all but it is the best way i can describe it.
  3. @Drake72 Consciousness is god, the creator and the created is the same thing, it is YOU. I would recommend doing meditation everyday and be serious about it, look up the Jhanas and read about the book the Mind illuminated, and read the book : Discovery of the presence of GOD. Try to be present as much as possible every second of the day, practive love and forgiveness, and do psychedelics from time to time. And have faith in the process and surely after a while your conciousness will increase
  4. @Drake72 I see and it is OK to question everything and I know that alot of it doesen't make sense at all, to be honest when I experienced this i also knew why limitation is here, even tho i got alot more to explore, but thus far i felt that GOD is all alone and it want to feel togetherness with others thats why it is limited, and this limitation is actually perfect as it is. Even tho sometimes life can feel shitty.
  5. @Drake72 i har sufficent awakenings into GOD, and it did happen without me even trying to find it , and if you think that you can be in GOD mode all the time then you are GONE, this life goes out the window, what you also recognize is that everything is states of conciousness and everything is imagination, that is GOD, you are GOD now aswell tho in a limited form. It is really radical, the most radical thing ever.
  6. @Drake72 dude you are stuck in mental masturbation! You are GOD to, everything you see is GOD , everything and everyone is Divine, and when you are enlightened you live from that state. Leo has offered knowledge many years about this and how to reach it. What are you even talking about? This is not a belief that you should take on, when you experience it YOU KNOW deep inside. And apparantly you have not had a experience of such then maybe all of us who claim to have had awakening experiences are deluded ? you don't know that, but Leo is not the first person to have talked about this stuff. It is universal, even tho it is extremely rare, you are obviously doubting which i can relate to , this journey is alot of doubting and delusion as well, but when the insight hits you it hits you harder then anything you ever experienced in your life.
  7. @actualizing25 then you have to trust the process and have faith and investigate reality and work on being present, and eventually you would get breakthroughs. On my second LSD trip i got a MAJOR breakthrough and smaller ones when meditating, tho i recommend psychedelics if you feeling stuck.
  8. @actualizing25 @actualizing25 @Drake72 sorry for the multiple tags cant erase them, If you read between the lines of what leo is saying is that you won't reach enlightenment with psychedelics or meditation without putting in the effort and seeking for it, like drake said that if enlightenment is real then it will come to him just like that, and it does not really work that way, some are spiritual gifted and may reach it without effort, but you have to lay the foundation for it, it is really rare that you become enlightened without any effort what so ever. Leo you can correct me if the interpretation are wrong.
  9. I think you can distinguish it from the intensity of the insight somehow, my deepest insights as of yet has almost hit me in my face and I got shocked, other insights can be like ahaa moments, I do feel that when a insight of truth hits you it vibrates at a much higher rate then a smaller insight.
  10. @Drake72 i dont even know what you are asking about , enlightenment is real as well as GOD, read up on enlightenment and get a theoretical foundation and then do meditation and contemplation and psychedelics and then integrate the trip insights and just try to BE in the Present without mental masturbation and thoughts about everything, get to know how the ego works and see past it.
  11. @333 beautiful explanation and the picture was really good ? it almost like a fail safe so you can keep on living your individual life and not being 100% concious of that you are only talking to yourself, feels like life would end if that was something you were 100 % concious of ?
  12. Haha yeah when I became conscious of this, that all is in imagination it was a total mindfuck
  13. Really cool video i saw it a couple of days ago! Really awesome ?
  14. Yeah I would say that they are still experiencing beingness, feels like they would be able to self inquire pretty easily on the question " What am I"
  15. @Bulgarianspirit can confirm this aswell, in higher states of consciousness it becomes so OBVIOUS why we believe in death, to keep the world and experience feeling real and that people and your self are real entities ? and I also got the feeling that it is better this way, GOD mode kinda breaks the game ?
  16. Im reading it now! Interesting so far! Thanks for recommendation ?
  17. Yeah Leo changed my life too, and ofcourse people will always critique other people out of ignorance mostly. Keep doing what you are doing Leo. You are probing deep into reality where not alot of people have traveled which is a path where ridicule and ignorance will follow you. But you are showing the path and I my self can confirm alot of what you are talking about, far from 100% awakened but ive had some deep insights and experiences. Glad I found your channel even tho it will end in the Character Adam ceasing to exist ??
  18. I agree and it often leads to argument or i am right and you are wrong attitude which in my opinion is worthless and will not improve your life or get you results on this path. Ofcourse the awakenings go deeper and deeper and will probably be like that always but also they are somehow in the same kind of category, atleast mine has been. It is a nice forum and there are alot of good people and people giving good advice aswell but sometimes it feels good to read another persons awakening even tho it can delude you if you are not careful, like to take what people say into a belief
  19. @electroBeam Ah i see, well i would recommend alot of meditation and letting go practice, from thoughts, and train awareness on thoughts but distance your self from it as it arises, after a while you can notice your triggers in the body and mind, what thought trigger what feeling and so forth, feels like you got tricked by a long train of thought and then you forgot and it kept building and manifesting as a physical illness but it was all in the mind, been there done that, it is easy to get carried away and then forgot it began as a thought