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Everything posted by Adamq8

  1. Yeah he showed us the way too divinity, how we reach theosis. In him we move and have our being
  2. @Striving for more , you should def listen to @Consilience on this topic, he has great advices and has traveled the path so he is experienced so to speak. But also beware that every journey is highly individual and unique, but every journey do also have alot in common. ?
  3. Yeah, heaven and earth will pass away, but my Word will never pass away - Jesus. Talk about profound, especially if you got the eyes to actually see who he really is! There is really not anyone like Jesus in history.
  4. Since God is infinite, the actual embodiment and exploration never ends. God just keeps giving and giving through eternity, forever. Death in my view is actually not the intended purpose of reality or to cease to exist, because if you will cease to exist when you die, the entire reality is utterly meaningless and it is just matter in motion and a random fluke, does reality seem that way to any human if they are honest with themselves and not playing coy as atheists? But we humans love meaning, we are seeking and desiring the infinite and eternal, we are the epitome of creation, to continue to explore and to be co creators with the one who created every thing out of nothingness. We are sons and daughters of God.
  5. Jesus is the creator of the universe together with the Father and Spirit, a rock is not God, isn't that obvious? We are finite creatures, and so is a rock. God became man so that man might become god. You will never be God in essence according to Christians. God is God, you can certainly participate in the divine life but never become God as he is in himself since you are created and are a creature. The universe is not God. God created the universe through his infinite power out of nothing. Jesus is the divine omnipotent mind which the father has begotten through out eternity, Jesus is the Logos incarnated. God is transcendent but also immanent, but creatures is not God and is that not obvious? You are created so you can share the divine life and participate in it, thats the whole plan, thats why Jesus was even here in the first place. Thats theosis, deification. The Father is not potentiality or unmanifested reality either. He is the ACTUAL God, he has always been Life and ACTUAL. You have not been actual forever, but God certainly has. Reality is neither non dual or dual, but both and transcending it. Thats the trinity.
  6. You are limiting God in saying the divine Logos can't incarnate into finite reality which he has made.. He's omnipotent. God is completely capable of assuming any form he so desires, he chose to become a Second Adam to open up the pathway for salvation, since humanity failed time and time again. " I am the way, the truth, the life, no one comes to the father except through me "
  7. Either he was horny or something like that and wanted to reach out, or he has actually grown and is sincere in his apology. Hard to tell sometimes.
  8. Just bias on your part that oneness is better or more divine then manyness.
  9. His apostles ran and hide and was afraid when he was crucified and denied him, but they later sacrificed their life for saying that Jesus is the messiah and that he is bodily resurrected, they got cruficied, thrown to wild animals, beheaded, skinned alive etc. And Paul, he was a persecutor of Christians ordering arrest which lead to the killing of them etc, but he became one of the most important spreaders of the Gospel after Jesus appeared to him after his death. Jesus is the Logos of the Infinite, Jesus is the divine infinite mind becoming flesh for humans. "That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. He came unto his own, and his own received him not. But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth."
  10. Well the issue is that, nobody has come back to life and lived and changed the world as much as Jesus did. You need not believe the story, but if you are truly honest reading the gospels, you will see that Jesus is not an enlightened teacher, he is the Actual God incarnated in the flesh. Just read the Gospel of John. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not."
  11. It is written by prophets inspired by the Holy Spirit so it is the Word of God according to Christians. The bible is one hell of a profound book if you got the eyes and mind to read it. Especially if you read it and then go read the church fathers who were true mystics alot of them. Christianity has the deepest mysticism ive seen yet, the difference is that they dont claim they are God, tho they can live in communion with God and become deified through theosis. If you want something really interesting to read i suggest Gregory Palamas and investigate orthodox christianity which is pretty unknown in the west, but its traditions goes all the way back to Jesus and the apostles.
  12. Perhaps the case is that you are not God.
  13. @Carl-Richard Would be funny seeing that guy going 1vs1 with Jay Dyer, lets see how well he can defend his atheists views.
  14. I have certainly been through that, extremely uncomfortable feelings that usally arises at that moment. Thank God for forgetfulness ?
  15. Haha I feel like donating just because you are funny ? Well it is impossible to verify someone else's experience, and experience can happen where it is realized that omfg i am everyone, they are not real, imagination, and that is extremely liberating but also extremely lonely. But the appearence is still like there is an other, and it is real no matter what, since imagination is reality in that sense. So you are alone but not alone at the same time. But I feel that we move and have our being in God's being, he is so powerful that he can project an " other " and making them alive and work together. This is God's dream.
  16. Welcome to the forum, glad to have you ? I truly believe that there is negativ psychic entites out there in the realm of mind. These are called demons, would actually recommend you search after a serious priest who deals with these kind of problems, like a spiritual father. Also, I firstly would say this, that perhaps you misjudged the God thing, that God truly is other and you need to truly open yourself up, like a confession, and ask for forgiveness. And notice, if there is resistence against this, you should truly investigate why, the devil hates God and wants you in complete ignorance and darkness and not in God's infinite Light. Take the role as a servant and come to God naked, understand that God is God, leave his works to his works but trust in the Lord. I truly believe that , that approach would help you alot, since you know that God is real and exists, then invinite him in fully and live in his being and he will protect you against the evil forces. Since he is the Infinite, he allows evil but remember he can figuratively snap his fingers and destroy the demons in an instant. Or you could practice extrem mindfulness and learn to recognize even more than you do now, I must say that it truly shows that you are really self aware, but sometimes it is hard to get a grasp on our minds, it is a deciever, but its truest nature is pure and made in the image of God, God's spirit keeps you alive and safe no matter external cutcumstances. Spirit/mind/intellect All of those, is from God, without that, there is no life. Also read the Philokalia, they speak about these topics from different spiritual Masters on the struggle against passions and what not.
  17. @Gesundheit2 I think that you are putting forth a valid objection and a valid paradigm of " religious dogmatics". The funny thing is that ive experienced God as well but afterwards i have also dived deep into christian theology, and seriously, it is not as " dogmatic" and " fanatic" as many tend to believe, sure there are crazy evangelists who is a bit too much, but there are also PROFOUND wisdom behind the theology. Orthodox christianity is surely spirituality and do experience God. @Brivido You can certainly provide real philosophical arguments for God's existence which is really good, sure atheists and people of that ilk can dismiss the presuppositions, but honestly, knowledge and proofs and truth is an illusion in an atheist worldview if you are consistent. The Christian worldview is using ALOT the concept of Logos, which is logic, rationality, order, etc, and if we go out in nature there is intelligibility. God is infinite and the creator of us, creatures, God has created us, but we are not God in that we become his essence, or his personal experience, we can participate in what Orthodox Christianity calls theosis, we become gods, but not God. That is the purpose of creation, to commune with God and participate in his goal for creation, it is ultimately Jesus who has the authority of the Father, since he is God incarnate. Just imagine that this is actually true, imagine that there is the Infinite Trinity, which the Son/Logos incarnated in his own creation to show us salvation to use a Christian word. I am saying that, the depths of the Christian tradition is not to be dismissed with a hand wave. Orthodox theology incorporates both Non duality and Duality and transcends even those two points of view. Father - Son - Holy spirit. Neither total monism and neither total duality, but both. Oneness and multiplicity. If you follow monism to its ultimate conclusion, yeah then solipsism is the last stop tbh.
  18. Nice post and a serious philosophy, I tend to view infinity as in, unlimited, as in, a point of "view" , for example, imagine God, an Infinite Mind, which means that it is unlimited in configurations of reality, that Mind also set the rules of logic, or more or less that this Mind is logical, as an attribute. The concept of infinite possibilitys is intriguing but I believe that it is false, certainly our minds can concieve that reality might function that way, but reality is consistent, following logic and reason in many ways, it is like thinking thoughts after Gods thought, we RECOGNIZE, every scientist goes out with the assumption that reality is intelligble, that we can gain knowledge about reality by studying it, in the beginning that kind of mindset arose from a Christian perspective on reality, since God is the creator and is the law giver and the designer of the universe, us as creations, " made in the image of God" can understand and use nature to our advantage. We are blessed with free will, which is a disputed question if it even exists, but I would say that it does in fact exist, Will exists. It is sorta like, infinity canceled itself out making a Mind for reality almost, and this Mind is outside of time and can enter into creation by limiting himself, and making himself known both through nature and through revelation. This is God which has a unlimited Mind but is still not non sensical in its operation, sure it can be that, but it chooses not to be like that, instead it creates an ridiculous balance in nature between chaos and order, it is the Logos of the Father which orders reality in to "being". I really think that a divine Mind is responsible, the question is just how different this Mind is to its creatures, I see infinity as in infinite possibilitys as a possibility but it is not actual, instead this Mind thinks reality into being and structure out of nothing. This Mind is ACTUAL, and is actualizing potential, since it is limitless it is infinite possibilitys within this Mind but yet it transcends infinity and has it within itself, imagine that Being, which creates the universe, but the universe can't contain it, because it is creating everything and no creature can grasp the creator
  19. Do you even have a clue about the Christian faith and what God is to them? Cause in your post it does not seem like it at all but I could be wrong. God's essence is completely incomprehensible, but God is Infinite, both in intelligence, power, love. He is the creator of the universe and substrate for knowledge, reason, logic. This God is alive, personal. He knows himself fully. In his Mind he contains everything and through his Mind he creates the universe and the laws that govern the universe. Polytheism is not at all alike monotheism, this God of the Christians brought creation out of nothing, he has no opposite and dont have to subdue matter through violence since he is the creator of it.
  20. Great line of reasoning, I believe that we certainly can participate in God, in theosis, we become like God but not in his essence, God is God, we are still finite and limited in that way, I would say that God brought this universe out of nothing and he is completly transcendent but also immanent, closer then close, he wants to have a relationship with us.
  21. How do you account for order and structure and intelligibility in your worldview?
  22. St Symeon the new theologian Vladimir lossky Fr. Seraphim rose Meister Eckhart Dionysius the areopagite Gregory of nyssa Dumutru staniloae Gregory palamas Sri aurobindo St Augustine