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Everything posted by levani

  1. @mandyjw @r0ckyreed @Leo Gura so what you guys are saying is I would have to face the fear of the imagination / thought and it would not actually come into reality before my eyes ?
  2. @r0ckyreed it helped for sure but it didn't answer my question in that video that I mentioned she clearly said that these paranormal exorcist things and demons and large insects and shit could actualize into "reality" and that would really traumatise me i think
  3. this fucking thread is awesome hahaha i'm a highly superficial person .... @Keyhole is a girl ??????
  4. @Nahm aphrodesiac tooim
  5. i've read that if you are in the northern hemisphere your bed shouldn't face north when you sleep, in the southern hemisphere - south but what if you are in England ? Which direction should one's bed face also is it the head, the face or the front of the body that shouldn't point in a certain direction ?
  6. "everyone has a doctor in him, we just have to help him in his work. the natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in gtting well... to eat when you are sick, is to feed your sickness, - Hippocrates" i'm on my 34th hour now and i feel alert and quite good overall, not gonna lie my fingers are typing faster, kind of feels like i did a line. benefits i picked up: alertness discipline system cleansing seeking health externally is a waste of time, all health comes from within so this really cleanses you out mentally, physically, etc financially all direct experiences i watched on yt, they seem to be losing 10-20 lbs of weight on average (.. i wonder why) fun fact: 3500 kcal deficit is 1kg of weight lost (on average but correct me if i am wrong) 3500 kcal = 1kg was just wondering what your opinions on it are and if you had any direct experience with this
  7. @Villager Albert not what i'm finding atm muscle i think i lost a lot 1kg = around 3,500 calorie deficit bro, trust it's not calculated like 1g = 9kcal, activity, metabolism, other factors are included @PurpleTree topman@Michal__ i am trying but today was i was hungry so was difficult to take mind of hunger a bit
  8. @Michael569 top @aurum i've done 24-26h fasts before but i am completely trusting my intuition here and seeing how I feel - so far so good people have done 100 day fasts before and were still mega healthy according to some gurus
  9. just started working out, after the first set literally All the colours feel brighter
  10. I am not coming from a depressing point of view, and i understand the importance of being present and actually living whilst i am still alive, however my question is why not engage in hedonistic activities such as playing video games, why/how much more are eudaemonistic activities more pleasurable than hedonistic activities?
  11. can you be deficient in it like other vitamins ? i'm guessing humans don't produce fish oil (ha-ha) but i'm also guessing too much can be bad for you so what's your take on it ?
  12. @neutralempty basically, if your head is facing north you're asking for trouble watch sadghuru's sleep tips top 10 video
  13. @Average Investor do i always be aware - every time i think about food or do I just when I am eating ? like past present future or just whilst eating food ? is awareness basically the same as focus ? "focos on everything about the food whilst eating it" is awareness the same as measuring the food, making mental note of what colour it is and counting how many pieces of rice, etc, asking myself qualitative and quantitative questions about it, how it tastes, ∴ is awareness thinking ∵ i am thinking when I am measuring the food that I put the food in my mouth ?
  14. i've watched the awareness alone is curative video and I do not understand... If i want to stop overeating, do i ... a. observe myself being hungry / wanting to eat bad food b. surrender to eating food and being just aware of it and hoping that would work for me eventually in order to not overeat ? c. trying to change my behaviour by disciplining myself and forcing myself to not eat.
  15. wholefoods sells flouride free toothpaste but it may be a mistake to not use it, my dentist even prescribed me extra flouride toothpaste, only planning to use it for rhe bext few minths until I get off junk food (hopefully)
  16. @Maxman blood tests tell you about you liver and kidney health, get a general check up or a general blood test, they tell you your iron levels and all the other cholesterol and othet stuff my clinic put a rating for each hormone/vitamin if it's too low, optimal or too high.
  17. is awareness basically another way of saying the now ?
  18. @Nahm if there is no thoughts then what is there ? awareness ?
  19. @Nahm if i can't tell the difference between the person and a car then how come there is 2 different words for it, a person and a car one is alive one isn't ... so they are different, so i just told you the difference, no ? ??? @The0Self i look through the eyes of me, the screen is the object, i am the subject
  20. me = me screen = screen pointing = pointing seperation between subject/object = yes two different things = yes so how am i imagining it ?
  21. @Nahm me the subject is pointing towards the movie screen literally ∴ I can distinguish between me and the movie / screen ...... why am i imagining the seperation ? i am here and i am experiencing it ... sorry i'm trying to get it here but it's not coming through (i know you are probably right) i am just unaware
  22. @Nahm why is it obvious that there is one (movie) and not two (person and car), if i am watching the movie there is a person and a car in it then there is a person and a car
  23. @Nahm did you just call me a movie ? lol jk i am still wrapping my mind around it, this is a fat concept to understand but i'll just keep re reading your replies till I kind of get it i suppose