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Everything posted by levani

  1. @Danioover9000 yes bro frank yang said the same but befote your post and frank yang's video i found this to be minsteeously true "don't do cardio" - it's just a sales pitch cardio is META and i'm running every day/night now
  2. @Eren Eeager well ? was it the topic you made earlier where you faced god / suffering ?
  3. #7 easier to be in the moment still lots of thoughts saw some weird shapes in my closed eye lids state, when they arose the thoughts fucked off more than normally still unsure about how awareness itself isn't a thought
  4. @Natasha the thing is when i was fasting I literally automatically woke up after 2-2.5 hours of sleep mad recovered and had my usual 20-30m nap during the day and i felt like a daisy.. and a half @Village true bro
  5. so many people say 7/8 hours but bulletproof says 6.5h is optimal if above 16 years or age, they also say sleeping 5 hours is healthier than 8 hours and sleeping longer than 8 is damaging i'm 6'3, around 90-100kg / if that makes a difference
  6. #6 20 mins was harder to focus on the spare between thoughts today fear arose once and i opened my eyes (gave in) one song i like got stuck in my head for half the meditation found a comfortable position to meditate in - back against wall and cross legged
  7. @Red-White-Light i respect that, you just made it sound like he was the only one like a king of all teachers or something, like a cult ?
  8. #5 20m today, lots of thoughts, not sure how to make them less frequent, i guess by being aware between the thoughts trying to feel my sensations as much as possible the silent frequency ear buzzing sound is quite easy to focus on I guess so i kept my attention / awareness there 1 fear arose one time in the right ear as if something wanted to whisper in my ear or some weird demon shit so i gave in once and opened my eyes but kept going after that i will now do 5 minutes of concentration; pressure between fingers
  9. so as far as I understand concentration is basically focusing on one sensation at a time for X amount of minutes meditation is about letting go and staying present and being aware, right ? But if you have a meditation object is it the same thing ? for example I know when you are meditating you can observe your thoughts and be aware of them in the present moment but when you are concentrating you are trying to not observe anything and just concentrate on one sensation BUT you still have a meditation object when meditating so what's the point of having a meditation object if you're not concentrating but meditating ? don't you try to bring back awareness/concentration to the meditation object ?
  10. @Kalki Avatar Game theory: A) be around a shaman who has access to all Jhanas and losten to gurus B) just listen to gurus having someone like @nymphofthenet who has access to all jhanas can speed me up loke crazy
  11. @Striving for more bro i know people rant against sadghuru but youtube: sadghuru sleep and watch a few videos on it also just experiment with your sleep it doesn't have to be monophadic, you can have 6 x 20 minite sleeps during 24h and feel better than 1 x 8h sleep there is biphasic sleep, triphasic, etc etc google: different sleep cycles and go from there also i'd ask michael, he's into health i think
  12. @Red-White-Light bro, ofcourse not, you're super closed minded and opinionated and you're sucking up to Leo too much. A spiritual teacher in my real life, a reputable one, one which may even hve more xp, awareness and knowledge than Leo could point out basic mistakes and supercharge / speed me up with some good stuff @Kalki Avatar topman, thank you brother
  13. @Striving for more also sleep is not about quantity it's about knowledge, psychology, quality and a lot of other things i fucked with sleep for a few years but i can only speak for myself, everyone is different
  14. @Michael569 his group sample is not 7 billion people @Striving for more i feel absolutely shit if i sleep for more than 5.5 hours (even if i want to sleep more) now a days i think i'm quite happy with 3-3.5 but this isn't a dick measuring contest, everyone's different genetically and whatever else
  15. @King Merk trust me daddy i understand, looking at the river vs getting in the river thinking about sex vs having it i understand, but i ain't entering shit with an unhealthy mind
  16. I have never tried psychedelics. I have overdosed immensely on MDMA one time in Fabric in London (nightclub). but I know some of you do and some of you don't consider it a psychedelic, it's kind of like a psychedelic. My question to you is - do your thoughts and feelings and inner imaginations reflect in the real world or wherever you are during your higher state of consciousness whilst you're on psychedelics ? what is my long-term fears, even though I know they are not real in my every day to day "real" life are demons and exorcism (the exorcism of emily rose) kind if shit, so the questions are would that reflect in real life whilst I'm on psychedelics if I have the thought come up in my head and question 2 is if the answer is yes how do I handle it whilst being on the psychedelic trip - is there something like an adrenaline shot to get out of it or ?
  17. i think understanding comes in 3 different ways intellectual experience realisation i think awakening may have something to do more with the last one as it's the final level of understanding i myself have never had an awakening (i think)
  18. bro, best poem i ever read #srs so fucking nice
  19. Are you saying you fear a thought............about something...? Even in the recognition there isn’t that something...just the thought...? i FEAR (don't laugh) that this INTERNAL THOUGHT may come into EXTERNAL (current: in that moment) reality, just like in the Emily Rose exorcism movie she was just there sleeping and she was possessed how do I know the same thing won't happened to me when i read some people's meditation write ups/journals they say this shit happens. Some people even see large insects - I've heard this on many platforms. I am shit scared of them you know ? I am asking how to avoid it or how to face it because I want someone experienced who may have been in that situation or may have enough experience of meditation to know how to deal with the situation if it arises, I know it most likely will not arise but you can never be too safe or at least that's what my ego thinks i knew you were gonna say that haha j meant physically posture wise hahahahahaha anyway it's fine
  20. @Nahm it is in my direct experience that the fear is a thought ... if it wasn't in my direct experience i wouldn't fear it mahmut this is very good, i rate this i didn't laugh about it yet but infeel neutral about it now kind off https://youtu.be/UXEf8QkhIQ0 <- todays meditation fast forwarded in 40 secs if u wanna point out some mistakes or somethibt i'd greatly appreciate that broski thank you once again
  21. #4 another 20m today felt like my head was twisting side ways on the front x axis even though it wasn't (i filmed) irrational fears demons/darkness are slowly starting to fuck off, in fact they haven't been that scary lately awareness more and more present and thoughts are kind of less frequent i guess https://youtu.be/UXEf8QkhIQ0
  22. @Nahm how does one address the thought/belief of this fear ? how do i not hold tight ? i don't understand this analogy i feel you okay okay but this is good to know that's why i asked in the first place you know ?
  23. @Striving for more it's all horse bro, fake science it's not possible that a healthy human being sleeps for 1/3 of his life even sadghuru said something like this i think if i rememver correctly