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About Hellooo

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  1. If you had a choice, would you have children or would you adopt? And why?
  2. Tell me all things that you discovered in life and you had no idea was possible.
  3. What to do when you have to pick one major, but you’re interested in so many majors, but you still have to choose only one. I just find it extremely difficult to make a choice between studying so many cool stuff So the question is whether i have to randomly pick a major or whether I have to take into account certain specific criteria before I make that choice ? I just don’t want to regret my choice So if you’ve been there before and you have some advice for me , that would be extremely helpful.
  4. Yes but when you are confronted to shocks what are you supposed to do? I just don’t know what is the best way ( and the healthiest for your mind ) to deal with this “shock”
  5. Currently I am underweight and I need 22 pounds ( at least ) to achieve normal weight, if you have some tips to gain healthy weight, please share them here
  6. I have a problem When I am faced with a situation that is mentally difficult I don’t know what to do . On one hand, i want to think positively to eliminate this negative , strong feeling, and i’ve tried this before and i find that by applying this “non victim” mindset i feel much better( at least better than the method of soaking into those feelings ) On the other hand, I remember what Leo said about dealing with these difficult feelings and that we should confront them directly and feel them deeply, but by applying that, I find myself drowning in negative thoughts and I can’t even tell you how it’s painful, and I end up depressed and anxious for a very long time I now want to know if the problem comes from me and I didn’t understood the message of Leo because honestly this method really doesn’t work for me but even more I don’t know why I do it, like I allow myself to feel bad , very bad ,and to deepen in these feelings and this negativity but I don’t know why I do it , I still haven’t understood the reason why we have to do this But on the other hand when I try to program my mind on the fact that I am responsible for everything, everything changes instantly and my perspective on things changes 100%
  7. lately I was in a situation where I had to take advice from other people , and I realized that each person was giving me an advice based on their ideologies and belief system, and I have since wondered, if you really need to take advice from other people or never do it , I’d like to hear your thoughts on that.
  8. I have always had this feeling of having untapped potential, and not using my potential influences my life on daily basis. If you have any tips for knowing this thing where you have a huge potential, let me know