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Everything posted by Morten

  1. Everything he says can be applied to self-actualization work
  2. @IndependantKouhai I agree with you 100%. @Siim Land Your video is great and I congratulate you on reading 300 books in a year! Speed reading is amazing and very helpful for books on productivity, popular psychology, novels, autobiographies, history books and so on, basicly on books written in plain words, without allegories and between the lines stuff. Some books require your full attention and even coming back and re reading them in order to grasp what is trully written there. Some books are written that you can read them on different levels of consciousness, in different periods of your life and gain completely different understending. You can speed read two books a day, for example you can read Tao Te Ching and let's say Meditations and you can say you read them, but have you trully read them and grasped totally what is written in them?
  3. I loved the series and I have definetely watched it with different eyes than I would have if I had not been doing inner-work. I love the analogy that Anthony Hopkins made about humans and peacocks. He stated that peacocks, think that they are the most beautiful and perfect creatures and then they eat feices complete unaware of everything else. Sadhguru also mentioned the story of peacock eating BS in his book "Inner Engineering: A Yogi's Guide to Joy" with the moral of the story: Bs can take you only so far. There is so much room more for us to discover and accept... Also I would recommend series to everyone
  4. I bought his 67 steps program when it was first launched, it was 5$ back then. His videos were good and they got me out of the rut. He is the one person who got me to work more on myself. I am an avid reader so his ideas about importance of reading books and a lot of suggestions for good books resonated with me. That was 2 years ago. In the meantime he has completely changed his approach and things he does. He is even contradicting himself in many instances: 1) Often quotes Daniel Kahneman saying that if your income in US is over $75 000 more money doesn't increase your happiness. He also says work as much as you can like 18 hours a day or something and then he sells programs that can make you $100 000 a month. So if you fulfill money's role in creating happiness in one months why would you work remaining 11 months? In that case work doesn't contribute to your hapiness. 2) He often talks about how investing in cars is not good since those are the goods that rust, rot and depreciate and then he flaunts cars all over his videos. Because people are materialistic and equate cars with sucess and happiness. 3) He often says that you should build your skills for a long time and work on them constantly, Mastery concept, including to become rich and all and then he offers you get rich quick shortcuts. He has that typical American thing, Mother Theresa good, read what she did so you become good too and improve the quality of your life. Also he is against meditation since Confucius "meditated" a whole day and said after that something like Answers are not within us, they are outside, in books (I am paraphrasying). Bottom line, I will always be grateful for start he gave me
  5. Why "logic" and why not "lightbulb"? He seems to use only word "logic" without a definition of it. So why did he choose that word? Also he sounds too angry and bitter. Which real sage sounded like that? Can you imagine someone following Gandhi if he presented his ideas by fighting with everyone? Shouldn't he just express his way and let people follow him if they like? No need for calling other people on "debates" that will accomplish nothng. Lastlly he used his girlfriend and comment that "Click" will get you laid or as he put it "turn you into a pussy magnet". So basically your goal is to become 100 times smarter so you can have more sex? Isn't that short sighted? From his career, my impression is that he is a very competitive person that needs new goals and quests to fulfill. Currently he is doing this but who knows how soon he could change his mind and pursue something else.
  6. The book is very powerful, doubt that movie can capture it well. It is a novel so it is a quick read, however be careful not to skim over, there are really powerful stuff there.
  7. Must read for all men. Mindset for acing everything you do in your life (relationships, business, etc.)
  8. I have just read the book and loved it very much, will return to it in the future for more insight. For now, my favorite quote is: "Old urges will continue to arise perhaps for years urges do not matter, actions do."
  9. This book is absolutely amazing! I have felt like someone is speaking directly to me. Besides amazing descriptions of Nice Guy behaviours there are many "breaking free activities" that challenge us Nice Guys to change. One of the most important things is reaching to others for help. One way to do that is to create groups of Nice Guys who will help each other on the path to improve their lives and lives of those around them. I would like us to start that group. We can do it here on this forum, or if we can form some other online group
  10. Are there any songs you like to hear that fit into this category? Typical example of this is group "The Smiths". Their music is so beautiful and cheerful, but Morrissey's lyrics are so hard and depressing. I very much like to listen to them and since english is not my native language I found myself singing along with the lyrics but never really pay much attention to it. Do you think that in a way by doing this we are entering negative affirmations/beliefs into our subconsciousness? I would really love to hear your opinon on this.
  11. @Nomad Thank you for clearing things for me, now I can enjoy my favorite songs even more Feel free to post books that you find inspiring!
  12. @Nomad Thank you for clearing things for me, now I can enjoy my favorite songs even more Feel free to post books that you find inspiring!
  13. Thank You for your response. I very much agree with everything you said. The question that still remains is, although you are not actively beleiveng the lyrics you are still imprinting them in your brain by singing along with the music. So what do you think how much does that subconsciously impacts you?
  14. You can check this book It is written by a long time gamer. It explains how you can make RPG game out of your life and achieve many valuable goals.
  15. Belgrade, Serbia Greetings
  16. My favorite Autobiography