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Everything posted by Morten

  1. I think this video fits nicely with this subject, to confront default position of "this we see is reallity"
  2. What would happen if I cut off your head? Real you would not die but simply move to another just born human being while jse would cease to exist? What would happen with me when Lai founds out? How much of what jse has experienced/learned/etc. would appear in his new incarnation? If jse has achieved let's say 10 out od 10 000 on englithment scale, would new body start from 0, or would it start from let's say 5 and have some sort of tendencies towards seeking enlightment since in previous life it showed interest in int?
  3. One big HAPPY BIRTHDAY and even bigger THANK YOU!
  4. I want to thank Socrates for his posts in this topic. I do not agree with his point of view and it has created a very strong negative emotions in me. That gave me the chance to inquire about those emotions and now I feel like understand better how they are triggered, which parts of my body get tensed when certain emotion is felt etc. I managed to do 4 step process and turnaround thought by Byron Katie. Also it showed me that although I have made big progress in my personal development and ego work, there is soooooooooooooooooo much more to be done. Once again, thank you
  5. I have experienced the exact same thing! I feel like there really is nothing for a brief moment but then I ask myself is it because my brain does not have enough oxygen? It always occurs before I take additional breath. Thank you for asking and would also like to hear more about this
  6. Many advices are counter-intuitive and are solid advices that helps us grow. On the other hand, there is advice of listen to your intuition, get in touch with your intuition. English is not my first language. Does "counter-intuitive" in this sense means "oposite of what intuition is telling"? When people say counter-intuitive do they speak about society-influenced notion of intuition? Should we start differentiating between intuition influenced by society's teachings and Intuition that is unique to every human?
  7. Sure, all of us are self-destructive when we are unaware. Example in this moment, I am sitting and working on my computer, completely slouched. Until I read your post, I was completely unaware of the way I sit. Now I brought awareness to it and straightened my back. It is just the matter of time until I go back to slouching, unaware behaviour,
  8. @FindingPeace I have read and re-read this quote with so much resistance in me. Thank you.
  9. Political debates Religious debates Gossip Not being able to connect with people over petty things ( For example, the conversation in a group would start to die down and suddenly someone would say, the thing that makes me go berserk is when I am driving and then I hit red light after red light. All other people would be like yeah, me too! and would continue sharing their stories of rage they felt when red light would appear while they were driving and I would just sit there and wonder, how such a simple thing can be such powerful emotional trigger)
  10. I have just read Osho's thought on Hierarchy. He basically says that there is no hierarchy in nature. That hierarchy is the product of Ego. There is no hierarchy among plants, birds or animals. My question is: What is then the concept of "alpha male" among some animals? For example among horses. Does some sort of hierarchy exists among the animals or it is only a construct made by humans/scientists (Ego) to illustrate some belief? Is it a paradigm constructed to confirm one's view of relationships in nature?
  11. Can't really point it out to any specific video. You will have to do your own research
  12. You are welcome! You can check stand up shows from Louis C.K, Eddie Murphy, Dave Chapelle, Ricky Gervais, etc. YouTube is filled with them
  13. I watched some of your older book reviews and you are definetely moving forward and doing better and better! I like it how now you have a table with all 5 points clearly visible during entire video, so it is a great help for people like me who tend to forget things quickly unless repeated several times. Also I like the fact that you constantly state ideas that you found in other books that resemble ideas from the book you cover in video. That shows deeper understanding on your side and it is rare in comparison to other videos However I find your presentation still to mechanical, not natural enough. It seems to me you are struggling, that is something you should work on. Since many book review clips are animated you will have to have much better presentation in order to compete with them. There was an awesome opportunity for a humor when you forgot what you meant to say. perhaps you should watch some stand up comedians on how to be more relaxed and how to trun your "missteps" into laughing moments. Hope this makes sense. In the end wish to say keep up the good work!
  14. @Simon Håkansson You either win or you learn. Adopt that mindset and it will help you a lot. That has done it for me. Also there are a lot of great advices in this thread about letting the feeling sink in and experiencing it completely.
  15. @Shin Perfect description! Many of their advice can assist you to relax around them and when you are relaxed conversation flows naturally, like with your buddies. "Shit tests" are completely ignored and passed when you are relaxed. For example, take into the account difference between chatting with a girl online or via text messages and chatting in person. I personally can chat over internet a lot, relax them, make them laugh and get them to a date. However in person it is a completely different situation. Perhaps it has to do with their projected image of me. Just to clarify, they could see my picture George Santayana said, paraphrasing, that we are not in love with the person but in our projection of the person
  16. We are one but we are not the same
  17. Perhaps we are all narcissistic in the roles we play
  18. @Nahm Fucking Hostile to make my day, thank you Did anyone define what is considered heavy metal for this discussion?
  19. @Phil I think you are right. He got an "insight" and started to better understand women "Insigt" is like an "A-ha" moment, after that everything becomes much clearer to you. We are all looking for those "A-ha" moments in every aspect of our life. It is a deep understanding of a particular matter which has a very satisfying effect
  20. @Phil English is not my first languge so I do not concentrace much on the lyrics. Today when I payed more attention first thing that popped in my mind is that song speaks about getting an "insight". Just realized I forgot to set link for Monte Cristo movie in last post, so here it is
  21. @ajasatya Now that is a supremely good album! @Phil M M M M Maaaaaaaadness This version of The Count of Monte Cristo always inspires me. This version of the movie places great value on personal development which is potrayed in student - teacher relationship between Edmond and Abbe Faria
  22. @Dodoster Something very much along those lines @Azrael @WaveInTheOcean @DJ Thanks
  23. My prefered meditation practice is Mindfulness where I concentrate on my breathing, particularly on the stomach movements when breathing in and breathing out. I feel it nicely during meditation and then suddenly thoughts start to appear. My main thoughts are about what could I ask on this forum or what could I add. When those thoughts arise I still feel my stomach moving and concentrate on it. So it is like I think at the same time while I concentrate on the breathing. After a while thoughts take over and I stop concentrating on the breathing and then after some time passes I focus back on the breathing. Does anyone else have this type of issue when meditating? Namely the question is: Is it possible to concentrate on one thing (breathing and stomach movements) and be aware of thoughts coming in at the same time? Is it like some kind of struggle for awareness between Ego and whatever I am? Thanks