Megan Alecia

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Everything posted by Megan Alecia

  1. There is conflict.
  2. @Someone here The thing is the now doesnt exist. Once you feel the ecstasy or synchronicity of the now there's no pain left... because you go with it, in the words of Alan Watts. There's no resistance left (which is a human construct). And what is resistance? Resistance is war, looting, protests, battles, domination, extinction.
  3. Your problem will be over only if you can make up a decision between two opposing sides. Law of the universe right here.
  4. Happiness is being in the now.
  5. Honestly I just watch tv for the sake of it. They just inspire me and get me fired up for life. If you're living with people who aren't totally pleasant they are really heaven sent lol.
  6. I make creative things Learning is also awesome. Even if the cost is being hurt/hurt FIRST.
  7. Explore them because they are thoughts from your unconscious.
  8. @JosephKnecht with you? Jk. Lol
  9. Leo's either in samadhi or orgasm state the joys of Jk!
  10. Theyre pretty good. Got a nice mystical vibe to them.
  11. @James123 yea the closest thing to awareness really. I've tried this before. The observer thing is a closest thing to enlightenment one can get, apart from psychedelics (for me). Watching your emotions as they come can be quite astonishing.
  12. Who knows. I don't think the ego can comprehend it.
  13. @Tim R egotism makes lunatics, which is like most people online. things like spirituality and philosophy/science require a bit more humbleness and the thing not being about "you", which makes this forum a sd stage up the others so to speak
  14. Guys who are horny right away can be disgusting.... Or painfully hot. Depends.
  15. "awareness alone is curative" write down your trauma/or at least gather it in your head shed "the light of awareness", to quote eckhart, to it surrender to it when it comes, like fully accept it
  16. Read Anais Nin's quotes, she's got some good insights about how women are. you could also listen to female music.
  17. @QandC the best way to defeat idiots by far is not to become one some learn this the hard way....
  18. @Breakingthewall There's meaning within our realm of understanding- meaning the two of is commnicating. Don't distract people with turquoise stuff this early.
  19. If life's meaningless that girl wouldn't be dyeing her hair. Just the fact that we have a word for it- dyeing. Different with dying also. Of course there's meaning.
  20. @Nate0068 find what brings you joy. Get to know yourself- journal a lot, go outside, write down your thoughts. The Enneagram is a good resource- lots of self knowledge to be there found on that one. Something that gives you meaning. As for love, it's something that a lot of YouTube gurus and coaches talk about.
  21. @Loving Radiance Yes. "What you resist, persists."