Megan Alecia

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Everything posted by Megan Alecia

  1. Id fuck someone rob a 7 11 or something and steal a car drive to the mountains and off a cliff..... The end Just like this:
  2. When someone makes you feel insecure, sit with the emotion instead of planning your move
  3. Gotta say just the presence of people here keep me from going insane. (Or is it the other way around? :D)
  4. Carljungdepthpsychology (wordpress) Terms like holon/monad/noosphere...interesting frameworks of thought/discoveries I don't know what those are called... not entirely science but more like in the vein of spiral dynamics
  5. There's a quote by goethe (I think?) which says happiest is he who can relate the beginning of his life to the end of it. I think that this as a matter of fact goes beyond just simply a 'man' but society, or even the world in general. Real quote: "The happiest man is one who can link the end of his life with its beginning."
  6. It's peopling, to quote Alan Watts....
  7. Terence is too fucking great, I feel like nobody should be allowed to talk about him unless they've reached the amount of books this amazing man read.
  8. Mind is mind Any emotional reaction to a bland concept like space is delusion
  9. @Leo Gura I remember your videos, you used to say that we actually have it much easier now.
  10. In the first or something page of the tao te ching nondualistic elements were separated, but it was then explained that these things cannot function properly without the other.
  11. Magic is the balance of intuition and truth. To my mind you can only really coax magic into existence once you've already truly explored yourself.
  12. @onacloudynight learn it through distinction, as Leo taught.
  13. Jung had a great mind, some of his quotes are all time classics to me. "Who looks outside dreams, who looks inside awakes." Genius.
  14. @Yahya Apparently you don't know what Rick rolling is... In 2021.
  15. This is some old testament shit Jk!
  16. watch Robert greenes videos or find copies of his books, he actually calls peoples animals and got a whole lot of truth about regular people. gurdjieff's seven levels of being is good too, there's a quick video of that on youtube. basically in order to find love man has to really live and learn. which means renouncing comfort too sometimes...
  17. Synchronicity lol just downloaded a pretty great copy of that book. I like the terms they use so far, not dry yet totally fascinating imo.
  18. Because when you take magic mushrooms, they work.
  19. A lot of people love Eckhart Tolle
  20. @flowboy Nothing against leo but this is appealing to power. Classic logical fallacy
  21. To be on the path to oneness To be a part of the search for the miraculous To be a part of the universal mandala To experience things
  22. Thought dogma isn't allowed here
  23. This show is great at portraying adversity, hope, faith, things like that. Although this trailer actually spoils a lot haha.
  24. Following your intuition to detect beauty and using reason to organize it.