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Everything posted by ArcticGong

  1. Your right, but funny things is that when Scandinavian people immigrated to North America, most people concentrated on places that has similar weather.
  2. Here in Sweden there is two type of Swedish people, summer swedes and winter swedes. In the summer are people generally happier, because many are off from work. I kind of oversimplified it, but there’s something to it.
  3. God please provide me with strength to carry what is in my ability, (visualisation), God provide me with stillness over that which I can’t alter,(visualisation) and provide me with the wisdom to differentiate. Im happy to add prayers to my routine.
  4. Marriage seems to be the right move if one has children with the person. Otherwise if your looking for companionship, then I don’t see any point to getting married. Marriage gives security to your airs and a fair compensation for your wife for carrying your children and breastfeeding them. Marriage is a reasonable survival construct for the mating market, not the dating.
  5. My opinion is that such a large organization needs some central authority. I know it's blasphemies to suggest, however, if Russia is acting out in the world, people usually blame Putin. If people have any trouble with western liberal values, the European government and media get blamed. If US intervenes in some foreign land, the US government, alternatively the army or business sectors such as the oil and gas industry gets pinned with the blame. If Muslims act out, a unison chorus of people says; it has nothing to do with Islam. It's mostly a human problem to be completely fair. Everyone wants to attach themselves to the glory of their culture but dismisses any problems that slightly relate to that culture/institution.
  6. RIP Tom. I have listened to Tom. He helped people. He did dogdy stuff . Him dying makes me want to retreat to stage blue. His mostly stage orange and red advice comes with consequences.
  7. I feel that kind of reactive to my environment perception of me. If people are cool with me I’m cool. I feel trapped in people perception of me and want to become braver to rely on my own perception and intuition. Otherwise I feel that I got somewhat of a clue on what’s going on in life, which is where I derive some happiness from.
  8. One has to give Joe some credit for being early on controversial topics as psychedelics. Covid is kind of related to the topic of health, so he acting as an authority is an overreach on his part.
  9. How many viewers, listeners or subscribers doesn’t equals truth telling. If CNN looses viewership doesn’t it necessarily mean that their journalism is faulty. Journalism shouldn’t be a popularity contest.
  10. I agree that the Pope is having a reaction against orange values. I haven't seen the full transcript of his statement but the fact is much more nuanced than that. The Pope also said that it's a great disservice for the nation not to have children, loosely paraphrasing. The Pope could nuance his statement by adding that, children used to add value to families in agrarian times by working the fields. But of course, his agenda is like most other religious leaders, to grow his cause.
  11. What would motivate the Pope to say something like this. I think its a bunch of things but id like to hear this forums view?
  12. Trump; scammed his way throughout life without providing any value from humanity. Musk; started and and managed multiple companies that provides value for people, industry and provided a lot of jobs.
  13. China hasn’t not bombed any country yet. China trades with countries and that involves engaging in some Shady survival practices . All countries have done that, and many are currently doing that.
  14. Joe criticise mainstream media a lot. I understand that people have grevience with media, but fox is actually not considered media in countries outside of the US. Joe has great guest but he not a good host.
  15. Some perspective to how right wing a guy like Rogan appears to an American who's left it and observe it from a distance.
  16. What is the threshold of what is considered as a big city?
  17. Self-actualization or a tight-knit tribe? I understand that real life doesn't pose this dichotomy, meaning that you can have self-actualization and a tribe-like family. I see that most of our societal problems stem from our lack of connectedness to either meaning i.e self-actualization, or a lack of tribe, belonging to something. I understand that tribalism can become a problem in society too, however, belonging is a deep human need. Another example of togetherness is What are your thoughts on this?
  18. Russel makes a fair point on this one.
  19. @krapka my pleasure.
  20. traveling vlogs are life<3
  21. Just imagine the spiral view on all these groups of people. A stage green hippie would consider a Vietnam vet a murderer, while a stage blue person considers that person a hero. A stage orange film director who uses his position for sex would be considered a rapist by stage green and blue people, even though it would be legal under the law. And Mandela is considered a terrorist by blue English MPs pre- 1991, and after he is considered a hero post-1994. Maybe I'm too relativistic, but all of these labels are sometimes fluid.
  22. I agree. I'm lucky to be brought up in a country with a lot of opportunities and a genuine pursuit of fairness. However, some developed countries are all slogans and rights for me, and not so much attention on everyone else's rights, historically speaking.
  23. Why does some society spawn more crazy than others is my follow-up question? I don't want to abuse stats, but, why does 4% of the world keep an unproportionate high prison population, 25% of the inmates of the world. Another important factor to consider is who does the labeling? For example, Nelson Mandela was considered a terrorist, today, however, many consider him a freedom fighter who ended an unjust system. And rape is also a term that has changed its definition. There used to be a time when rapists were given lighter sentences because their victims were dressed provocatively. I think we should keep improving our families, schools, and courts. Acknowledge our weaknesses, such as our bias, and improve our strengths, such as thriftiness. Our democratic society is good in many aspects, but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't strive for improvement.
  24. I like Paul Kagame, the president of Rwanda. One can’t deny he’s almost a dictator, but his country is doing well, on a African context. Rwanda stage of development and past trauma isn’t ready for democracy, I’d estimate. I wonder however what would happen if Russia or Turkey would go full democracy? Would those society transition into it seamlessly, or would parts of there country break down and arouse a regressive response from the populace.