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Everything posted by ArcticGong

  1. Let’s be frank. Between guns and young people safety, guns is the priority.
  2. Being a student seems to be dangerous in America.
  3. I agree with this. I remember dudes from school or even some who were older, that liked to brag about their sexual experience. And the all ass play won the most bragging rights. “I fu**ed her in the a** etc”.
  4. I have listened to JP for years. I like his stuff. However, he obviously has bias against the leftist ideas. He often talks about crimes committed by people with leftist tendencies but gloss over right Leaning governments crimes. Thanks for explaining that quote about revenge against gods, Leo.
  5. Indian diaspora in America are the highest income earners of all ethnicity. If they could do the same things in India, that would help, I guess. Indian are successful in east Africa to. Hopefully you’re country improves.
  6. The green outlook on Iraq seems more fair nuanced. Maybe a bit naive .Rather that. The opposite to openly lie about “weapons of mass destruction” as a pretence to take the oil, as the Donald and his blue and orange supporters wanted to do.
  7. One doesn’t have to give up the entire religion. Just accept core value in the host nations, such as freedom of speech. Most aspects of religious aspect are acceptable, but some will never be like polygamy.
  8. Especially where two red lines intersect. Burning books is legal under freedom of speech in many democratic first world countries ,while burning a Quran is a no go for Islamic people. On the Swedish side doesn’t anyone like what Rasmus Paludan did. However, banning burning a holy book is consider an infringement on freedom of speech. In other cases are many host countries flexible to immigrants customs, when it comes to encourage cultural expression like languages, festival, freedom of religion and dietary preferences, which is often overlooked by those receiving these privileges. Problems often arises where to core values are pitted against each other. Good point.
  9. 100 police were injured by stone pelters. Two political parties are arguing for expanding police authority. One minister suggested that shouting rioters as a acceptable response for stone pelting. the cultural divide is huge between sections of the society. One side has to yield in this struggle. I don’t see that neither side ready to do that. Those riots were a reality check for many.
  10. In light of the crazy riots during the Easter weekend, will we see right wing sentiments grow here in Sweden, unfortunately.
  11. I'm grateful for Leo. He has helped me a lot, in many domains in life. Love sent to Leo. Gratitude is something other teachers that I'm listening to have stressed as an important practice. I'm grateful for all the beauty that I mostly overlook on a daily basis is becoming more noticeable by my conscious experience.
  12. If humanity is able to solve the energy deficit, then we’re headed for a beautiful future. Otherwise, the future seems pretty bleak.
  13. One perk regarding being from a developing country and living in a first-world country is your passport, meaning that you're an eligible candidate for marriage. I know plenty of guys, mostly southeastern Europeans who bring in a lady from their home country. Their parents basically arrange someone for them. Who could criticize them? Survival challenges are no joke. Their marriage is not optimal and has plenty of challenges. Although, their relationships don't seem to have a lower success rate than any other relationships, based on personal observations. The whole dating game is tiring, texting, social media, acting hard to get and spinning multiple plates, meaning, to have contact with many women to avoid looking desperate. The game takes its toll emotionally and one better have an exit strategy or end up old and alone.
  14. I listened till 1.47h and then I turned off, it was a painful “dialog”.
  15. JP definitely used something, some uppers maybe. He interrupted and never allowed Joe to speak a complete sentence.
  16. ???
  17. Imagine that both Islam and USA can be bad simultaneously. In other words, why does one party's badness have to involve another party? Yes, media and serious academics are engaged in significant Islam bashing, thus influencing many lazy minds in taking a stance against Islam. However, there is some victim mentality going on with your responses; that the USA is heavily responsible for the global perception of Islam. That's just not the case. Muslims disagree amongst muslims and with non muslims independently from what's going on in US foreign policy.
  18. very relatable, R.I.P Tom.
  19. Marriage has the function of slowing down players with economic sanctions and ensuring commitment financially. Players are the big loser in a regulated dating and mating market.
  20. Rwandan leader closes Churches and Masjid(Mosque) across the country. All religious leaders are required to have a theology degree before practice.
  21. Tom Torero was the Godfather of frame.
  22. I agree. In American movies were the character are religious they often pray before dinner in a sense of gratitude. I always like the idea of being grateful before dinner.
  23. Black people can be racist too, or tribalistic more specifically, which one would consider below racism. If you following current events, you have maybe noticed that there's a war going on in Ethiopia between ethnic groups. I'm from Africa and there you would notice that the corruption fueled by tribalism retards society more than racism. That's a personal reflection, so yes blacks can be racists too.
  24. @Thestarguitarist14 I'm black also, but don't live in America. I like Leo's stuff, I've been watching for years. That incident bothered me too. However, I wondered why such a thing would piss me off that much. I was irritated for half a week. Feel free to do a psychological analysis.