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Everything posted by ArcticGong

  1. Love to all leaders that wear their traditional attire like the gulf nation, India and other.
  2. This mofo’s shamelessness gives someone secondhand cringe on his behalf.
  3. A keen observation in the latest lecture by Snyder is that libertarians tend to pivot toward fascism or the far-right route. I’d like to add that many of those types have entitlement issues and feel that they are entitled to their parents’ standard of living-plus more- sometimes with less work. Quite an uncharitable take on my part. Related to this point is that we live in an era where authoritarian countries like China are growing rapidly, and some believe that free countries could copy that formula to revive some old glory. All in all, a very illuminating speech by a lecturer I had never heard of before today.
  4. When dealing with the 47th, you can’t appeal to reason or logic because those mostly insult and confuse him. It is more effective to flatter and inflate his importance.
  5. The quota were negotiated without Ethiopian, Kenyan and Ugandan agreement from the colonial era when Britain negotiated in their name. This is a tangential point from the main topic.
  6. Shitting in the information ecology or public epistemic pool by releasing new content every week xD. Loved that metaphor.
  7. Spotify has many audiobooks recordings for free there, Libravox recordings, in the public domain.
  8. I cant A textbook example of how not to act and speak in that situation. The idiocracy gets more real every day.
  9. I found approximately one in five of the quotes to be relatable and profound.
  10. There is a lot of wisdom in the latest quote about not having strong opinions about stuff. However, it is pretty difficult to disregard current events.
  11. He wants Greenland, Panama Canal, Canada, the oil and adult film actresses. Everyone is for sale in his worldview. He’s simply a thief and 80 million voters tacitly approved his criminality. Good ol conservative values.
  12. Easy answer ,in my opinion, the right hates Trudeau because he is liberal and they feel that he virtue signals. He embraces everything they hate like other cultures and progressive values overall. For example, when he speaks French, the right sees that as a beta appeasement move. Houses have become unaffordable in Canada and some may hate him for those kind of things to. About Rogan, I think he ceded his authority to Musk. He worships him and when Musk started to endorse Trump. basically accelerated Rogans descend into MAGA.
  13. Picking fights with friends while trying to get closer to adversaries.
  14. Ayn Rand has a rape passage in one of her books. I Can’t remember if it is atlas shrugged or fountainhead. I was kind shocked when I encountered that.
  15. I have done too much hate-listening to Whatifalthist, Jordan Peterson, Stefan Molyneux, The Lotus Eaters, Sargon of Akkad, and Joe Rogan to balance my perspective. Some of these were a kind of intellectual role model to me. But, I think it has mostly been a waste of time. I struggle to find one reasonable right-wing talking head who has generally good sense-making ability.
  16. "Either Trump or Sanders" is the interesting take-away from this guy. Also, Trump is a sign of the decline.
  18. Does geography count as a grand narrative? Then I’m a strong proponent of its validity. Because I’ve observed that naturally endowed countries tend to do better than less gifted countries. Not to discount human capital and ideas, but some places are just bound to be more successful. But I’m still a fan of many post-modern concepts.
  19. @Husseinisdoingfine School adversity seems to make people very depressed so you’re definitely not alone. This is evident from many Asian countries were student go ahead and do the thing your thinking of doing. However, you seem to live in America which is a land of many many opportunities so there is definitely room to make a transition to another field. Life is beautiful, but it takes practice to see this while pre-occupied with survival. Hope you get better, take care.
  20. I’d love to see him championing free speech in china.
  21. Now, by coincidence, I’m learning about post modernism in university. And the episodes really filled In many gaps that my lecturers don’t have time or incentive to elaborate on. The episode was really interesting and illuminating.
  22. I feel that you had to be dull-minded while surviving and being responsible for your loved ones. Imagine working in a line where you do simple monotone activity all day. After finishing your mind numbing work you’d have no desire to contemplate the existence of the universe. But, if you’re part a of community that encourages this, you’d have a ready made scaffolding structure to get started and stay on track.
  23. Home ownership, geopolitical tension, the loneliness epidemic and uncertainties about the future.