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Everything posted by WritingHands

  1. reminds me of the angry kid talk from Daria episode
  2. I'm obsessed with sex working cosplayers
  3. Same, also have agoraphobia and I was called weak many times
  4. Mines worse I don't leave the house (agoraphobia, I only can leave house with someone forth and back home) and people used to laugh at me when I used to go out. Also misanthropic and cynical
  5. Some blackpillers are considered to be fakecels or standardcels, but some of them are instilled within the blackpill spehere due to circumstances. Hell even a truecel like myself was suspected a fakecel due to having it with a drunk girl so I nearly got ban appeals on .is. Also have over 10000 hours on rule34 (addict since 2012) which made me into alt things and due to that i got banned on .is, they can't tolerate anything related to it, like even being into trans women which is still straight thing to me, got ban baited by a post and banned.
  6. Twitter Also I've been even encountering CP randomly on porn sites and reverse image searches with cryptic names to avoid being found fast. (I didn't watch them because thumbnails alone were rage setting for me and I close them instantly.) They set lots trauma me making me chronically passive agressive and cynical.
  7. This all sounds like blackpill 101. Most of those videos contents were already discussed on .is site.
  8. Over for me because he was working on himself at least or he had the opportunities back then it was more sane out there and less twisted. Leos genetics are pretty decent and he's freaking tall.I have no energy to invest into myself nor I am mentally wired to be able to make it enjoyable. Also I have agoraphobia which is like, worse than cancer because I get panic attacks of going far away from home due to losing track or not being able to find a way back. You barely live with this it's not physical but it makes you physically sick aswell
  9. Relatable but being a virgin is better than losing it to someone u really dont like at all (which is my case). It's truly blackpilled out there and this guy proves it https://youtu.be/1rMZxAD-4D8
  10. True I go on days starving, watching hentai and allat This tbh
  11. sounds like my life. seems like i experienced spiritual death instead of ego death
  12. lol based coomer pfp
  13. Lol no, the logic and AI are parts of consciousness, our computers and tech are made out of consciousness and they run it. The impact of those things, (on humans or on human values) is what actually plays a significant role at stage coral.
  14. As far as i know, stage coral is AI. Stage coral is stage 9 which is series of the "Me" only which are 1,3,5,7. It's very similar to stage red. It also signifies the "great unknown" or "the apocalypse" i suppose? I think it happened after 2020
  15. Materialism should be our primary concern now, since it takes thousand liters of water just to produce pair of jeans. i've been recently trying to come up with ideas that would reduce production needs, like a design projector for t shirts that allows you to render thousand of designs from a platform via bluetooth for one shirt without the need of ordering another one just to print a bunch of text or some meme on it. That alone doesn't seem to be sufficient enough to reduce the consumption. Upcycling has to be the norm for everything that already pre-existent. My guess for the next major event is war over water. I guess some of you may already heard about this stuff. I'll just leave this here as reminder that we need to discuss this sooner.
  16. By that way it's also going to be continuing feeding our materialistic needs which means even seas are going to be gone at this rate. The population increases and so is demand. The point is to change trajectory of needs and transcending them or at least find a much more self conducting and sustainable process of creating material.