Ima Freeman

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Everything posted by Ima Freeman

  1. My diet is almost exclusively organic. I eat mainly sardines (I know fish contains mercury), beef, eggs, tofu, fruit, peppers, millet, nuts, seeds. Gluten and dairy I almost never eat since doing a exclusion diet and found out I do not react really well to them. I have little problems with digestion animal protein. From too much cooked vegetables I get bloated. My sleep is fine. Sometimes I sleep too long (10+ hours). I'm quite sedentary at the moment. But lifting weights or cardio didn't change much in the past. Jogging does have some good effects, so I do it occasionally. My main vise is an addiction to alcohol, which I consume regularly. But it did not make much difference in the past, if I drank daily or I did not for months. Eventually I want to stop, but my main mental health problems ADHD, anxiety and restlessness are much more bearable with it. The alternative, subscriptions benzos are not an option I want to take, because I find alcohol healthier and benzo withdrawal sounds awful. Btw, I'm seeing improvements from the protocol. It is not that I only suffer and nothing happens. For example insomnia episodes subsided and social anxiety is far better. I do other health protocols too besides ACC, like some for gut health or parasite cleansing. But I'm still eying other heavy metal detox protocols at the moment, because the pace is sooo slow and side effects still hard.
  2. I used the core 4 from the start almost constantly even in breaks. To combat symptoms and to support my body I tried countless supplements already. Adrenal Cortex, 5-HTP, high dose vitamin C, lecithin, milk thistle and some antimicrobial herbs for dysbiosis where the only ones which produced noticable effects. My symptoms are so prominent and up and down that it is hard to figure out what helps, what doesn't and what makes matters worse I started with support from the FB group. After I left FB for good I went to this forum -
  3. My plan was to chelate lead after I detoxed mercury. I believe I changed my minimum round length after I read your recommendation on this forum Often times I had to struggle big time to even come to Cutler's recommended 64 hours. The reason for not using both chelators combined is, that I suspect that doses under 5mg produce two low of a concentration in the blood to effectively do the protocol
  4. I was extremely anxious about having amalgam specks left after removal, so I checked two times with bitewing x-rays. One time they were checked by a qualified dentist in the ACC FB group who said everything was fine. I did couple of breaks already, two weeks here one month there. Sometimes I feel a bit better, like the last break I did, sometimes symptoms persist.
  5. I started one month post amalgam removal with 15mg DMPS which was too much for me. That was in summer 2020. I thought that would be a conservative starting dose. After a few rounds it came down to 5mg. It was more manageable, but I still had many side effects, mainly mental ones. Today I think, I should have gone even further down to 3mg maybe. Three months in I started ALA and half a year after starting I used 7mg (5mg ALA, 2mg DMPS). But then last year's summer I had a regression and slowly reduced dose to 1mg ALA. Even that was hardly bearable for me. I jumped back to 5mg without many problems and stayed there until this spring when I went up to 7mg again. This dose I managed relatively good until this summer my symptoms got worse again.
  6. Beautiful list But every time I read God-Realization epiphanies like that, I think of rape, torture, mental dispair, suicide, dying a long and painful death, etc. These things should be part of absolute goodness too. If so, is it impossible to get god-realized, if you have an aversion to these painful things?
  7. @Leo Gura It seems like your personality changed dramatically over the years, unless you weren't authentic at all in your past videos. I'm pleased with your decision with cutting back swearing and using a more conscious language. For me profanity is a sign of underlying tension, that gets expressed with a aggressive, hostile language (profanity). A sign that someone isn't centered and serene - therefore not a language a "spiritual master" would use.
  8. I use a timeswitch, which sets off a lamp on my nightstand. Most of the times it wakes my up slowly and I turn of my alarm clock before it gets triggered 15 minutes later. Even if I did not wake up before, I am in a more wakeful state when the alarm goes off. That's my experience, but you mean a different thing, a lamp that uses a special kind of light wavelength too I guess.
  9. @ThePoint It seems you have physical issues, like others pointed out before. Because you seem to be unable to be excited, which is connected with neurotransmitters and hormones Try to find sources that could affect your brain or hormonal health like heavy metals (amalgams, tap water), infections and dysbiosis (viruses, bacteria, intestinal worms, candida), low adrenal or thyroid function (has some cause thought), past antibiotic use, EMFs
  10. @Blackhawk Concerning radioactivity, I live far away from any possible nuclear target in a neutral country. The nuclear winter would be a pain in the ass though
  11. @Blackhawk Living in an post-WW3 wasteland actually sounds interesting to me. People have to come together building communes and farming their own food to survive.
  12. Many people have depression or chronic fatigue these days, coffee is often times self-medication
  13. Tip: If ALA is too harsh on your psyche, chelate with DMPS for a while and try to increase it's dose. I believe DMPS detoxes gentler through an equilibrium mechanism between the cells and extracellular space. Toxic people seem to have is a boged down liver, so it is wiser to reduce body burden first, without overwhelming the liver, because if the liver can't process a toxic load it sends it back into the blood stream.
  14. Can we put this one into the Stage Purple Examples Mega-Thread?
  15. I don't know how people doing candy flips handle the comedown of the MDMA while they are still tripping. If you don't like MDMA on its own, I would leave it. Like alcohol it is not healthy for your body. For me, MDMA was a blast for the first couple hours, after that I felt most often depressed. I guess it works good for some trauma healing or for deepening a relationship with your gf/bf.
  16. Got the money back through PayPal. I created my own account now and bought it with that. For anyone wanting to purchase the course: A PayPal account is required If the PayPal account's email address is different to the one of your a account, a new account gets created Write down your login data immediately before you leave the page, as you won't get it through the "Forgot your password?" if you never logged yourself in The support is non-existent, neither a technical support person nor Leo ever reacted to my requests. I'm still looking forward to finally do the course
  17. Hello, After writing the technical support via mail and contact formula and writing Leo directly I now try it through a forum post. I recently bought the Life Purpose Course. Therefore I logged into my my account. Because I didn't want to open an Paypal account, which I had to do for the purchase, I asked a family member to purchase it through her's. The first problem is, that a new account was created for her email address with access to the course, rather than mine Secondly, I did not write down the new log-in data. Even though I tried to select 'Forgot your password?' the password is not being send to my family member's email address Leo, I wrote you a pm with all the relevant data, please fuse the two accounts, so I have access through the one I was logged into when purchasing. Thanks in advance
  18. You have to see for yourself If you want to correct your mental problems, long term strategies like group psycho-therapy are better Start with low doses if you have anxiety issues And be careful not to take them too often, because you can run into addiction issues
  19. Do you want to try it?
  20. Tried HHC recently. Me and a friend went to a cannabis shop, because he wanted to buy some HHC edibles for a friend of his. THC is illegal where I live, but HHC isn't. It is present in the plant, but in to little of an amount, so it gets extracted. My friend told me that its less potent than THC and it's effect only lasts for one hour. Took one drag from a vape stick in the shop. I had a dissociative type of trip for a couple of hours and almost panicked. I was still notably effected half a day later the next morning. Definitely be careful with new cannabinoids. If you get paranoid with THC, better stay away from them until there's more knowledge about their effects.
  21. It is now almost a month since I first reached out to the technical support. Then, I messaged you directly, Leo, as well as through this forum post. There was not a single reply. I will cancel the order very soon, as I believe that it is only possible for the first month after the purchase.
  22. @Leo Gura Leo, I don't like to be annoying like that. Could you please transmit my request to your technical support, so something will be done about it? Is it at least possible to get the order cancelled by the buyer (my mother), to get back the money. Right now I lost 250$ for nothing Please Leo, reply
  23. drugs (especially alcohol, MDMA and shrooms) and music Feeling the sun on my skin surfing the web running
  24. Thank you for your wishes Unfortunately I drank the last two nights. At least I socialized a little yesterday, as I visited a bar. Normally I only drink alone. I do not have strong cravings anymore, as I put effort into distancing myself from the habbit. But it still overcomes me sometimes.