Ima Freeman

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Everything posted by Ima Freeman

  1. Somewhat true, but still faulty. Gaza is not a nation state with a long historic past and stable government. It's more like an open-air prison with an fundamentalist armed gang who took over order.
  2. @shree The first but not only thing you could do now is taking antioxidants like Vitamin C and Vitamin E. Don't safe on the dosage.
  3. Considering her to have been head of the christian democracy party and him being of the social democratic party that should not be too surprising.
  4. @Grateful Dead You are a Bavarian? Haha, would have never guessed that
  5. In a sense, democracy is populism. In our modern times, the parties are competing for the most votes. And what are the means trough which they do that? With charismatic candidates. There are despots though, and not all parties are using drama and fear in the same unethical way.
  6. Oh my I have a very similar experience right now. Weird cardiovascular symptoms, like pressure in my rib cage, numbness in my left arm, unfamiliar intrusive feeling of the heart bear, vertigo. All in combination with anxiety and slight panic attacks. I was visiting a hospital three times already. ECG and blood testing reveal "perfect" results as the doctors said. In between I was sick with the flu which perpetuated the symptoms. But the symptoms came as part of heavy metal detox side effects. I had atlas correction therapy too almost two months back and the therapist said that corrections can have temporal worsenings. What did you do just before these symptoms arrived originally? Where you moving, did you change diet, did you take drugs, etc? Btw, you are not alone with this.
  7. Recently, I had a health related issue in which I had waves of anxiety and slight panic, coupled with what seemed like symptoms of an heart muscle inflammation roughly six hours in a row. Medical testing refuted the inflammation concern. But what I struggled with the most, was the acceptance of death. My mind opened the question. if I could now, if it so be, accept an sudden death by heart stop. This was, not too surprisingly, a tough question. Especially because I was in the emotion of anxiety too. There was the somehow irrational fear, that I could tip the balance in favor of death by accepting it. How do you come to an acceptance of death, even in severe situations? Is it only a question of courage? Are insights necessary? Is the ego in the way?
  8. Death may be non-existence, then deep sleep and unconsciousness have the same quality. Or a new creature gets born after the continuity of this life. After all, a new day follows the emptiness of sleep. This experience right here got born, so what is stopping a new one being born after this? Btw, it makes me happy to accept death
  9. While listening to my favorite music I find it ecstatic at times.
  10. I don't understand death=infinite life Because infinite life for me is creation
  11. Sorry to hear that. How are you know? Is your condition stable? Impermanence is ruthless. Life is ruthless.
  12. Depending on your age and fitness. If your old and dead tired, you could even feel relieved. Who knows.
  13. I may need a lot more insights to see what I am. But the things to be accepted are precisely the ones that you are conscious of to happen anyway.
  14. Interesting story. I can intuit that after seeing a situation will doubtlessly end in death (of the body) resistance vanishes.
  15. Yeah, as I said. I don't mean idealism btw. If the body is clean, the mind will follow.
  16. First of all, detox body. Be thankful. Take nothing for granted. See self-loathing, resentment and anger as you spoiling your own life experience. In fact take responsibility for how you color your own state. See how everybody is struggling. ...
  17. Wow, sound like a crazy time down there Are traveling alone or with friends, a guide, ...