Ima Freeman

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Everything posted by Ima Freeman

  1. @Javfly33 Maybe you have adrenal fatigue masking as coffee addiction
  2. This eurocentric group think is going on in this forum too
  3. In my opinion, the more stable you are, the more adult you are.
  4. @hello1234 You already made a thread about this topic. Stop spamming!
  5. Explaine Sweden to me Don't you think that Russia has no military-industrial-complex and deep state. Putin might be a powerful guy, but he is only that, one guy. Maybe he doesn't even want to do this 100%, but is advised to do.
  6. I like your way of thinking. You seem curious and willing to appreciate reality. But be aware that everything has consequences. Watching people suffer will have consequences on your mind. The images will stick on your mind and maybe will come up in inappropriate times. Your emotions might get disturbed.
  7. I wonder how long the study went. Only shortly after antibiotics? The other thing is that I don't thing they chelated the rats.
  8. Depends on where you are right now I don't want this forum to become some kickstarter for armed conflict It's not up to me, but to Leo and the Mods
  9. @Something Funny Money wont to much at this point Btw I have no country
  10. This. If you want to detox heavy metals you should be aware that the next two years you may not be able to live your life as you did before. If you have a dump phase that is particularly bad, than pickup will be the least of your concerns. You can literaly go suicidal while chelating heavy metals.
  11. @mivafofa @BipolarGrowth I was diagnosed with ADHD as a child. But I suspect mild Aspergers syndrome describes my condition better. ADHD, bipolar disorder, Aspergers, etc. are just models used to characterize deficencies and aberration to a properly working mind. Thats it, they are human made models. Don't confuse the maps for the territory. Of course these aberrations can result in gifts, but there still are a lot of deficencies. Having a agitated mind, racing thoughs, bodily restlessness, being unable to communicate with others and thus having social anxiety, being impulsive and manic and doing reckless things,... Identifying with some limited models and finding some definitions that lead to you not investigating the cause of your deficencies can stunt your future growth significantly. If drugs are alleviating these symptoms, that should give a valuable clue. How do drugs act? On a chemical basis. - So, what factors can mess with your (neuro-)chemistry? - What are possible causes of a impaired (neuro-)chemistry? - Where did you came in contact with these possible causes in your history? - What can be done to remove/alleviate/heal from these causes? Thinking outside the box will help you answer these questions.
  12. @SQAAD I don't even want to watch such things while being sober. But I think I know what you mean. These gore videos are part of reality. So why shy away from seeing them? They are so uncommon to see that they stick to your mind. A healthy person will be moved by seeing another person getting hurt.
  13. The whole thing should inspire people to emancipate themselfes from the goverment/institutions as much as possible.
  14. Before you chelate you should have good gut health (min 1 bowel movement a day). Checking your liver and kidney function is advised as well. Of course these organs get impaired by toxicity, but preparing them is still a good idea/neccessary.
  15. @Leo Gura @mmKay OSR was indended as a supplement, like ALA. But then the Big Pharma-Health Agency-Complex apperently banned it as such. Now it is in clinical trials to be marketed as a pharmaceutical. Good information on it, from a translated German health blog: Interview with Boyd Haley, CEO of EmeraMed:
  16. Documentary from 1971 about the Minamata Disease (english subs) Minamata disease was first discovered in Minamata city in Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan, in 1956. It was caused by the release of methyl-mercury in the industrial wastewater from the Chisso Corporation’s chemical factory, which continued from 1932 to 1968. Methyl-mercury bioaccumulated in shellfish and fish in Minamata Bay and the Shiranui Sea, which when eaten by the local populace resulted in mercury poisoning. While cat, dog, pig, and human deaths continued over more than 30 years, the government and company did little to prevent the pollution.
  17. @OBEler Toxic people often times have parasite overgrowth. The immune system gets suppressed and the gut damaged by toxins. I would recommend everybody to parasite cleanse with mimosa pudica seed, goldenseal, garlic, vermouth, clove,... before doing any detox. This will help to heal the gut and will relieve a big burden from the liver/kidneys. These remedies help with general dysbiosis too, btw. While cleansing I got extremely irritated. One should be prepared for this. Concerning the heavy metals, I can tell from my own experience that it was the main reason for almost all my health issues, especially depression, anxiety and ADHD. Right now I'm still in the dump phase, which is a phase of intense detox which your body does on it's own. This will propably happen to everyone who had amalgams, because, from them, the body stores alot of mercury in the brain (mostly fat) to defend itself from the toxicity. *detox geek off*
  18. Lately, I got into political activism. My main goal is to develope higher consciousness, health and happiness, but outer happenings can impact that endevour in a harmful way - especially in this unstable times. Often I get the anxiety that things will turn bad if I don't do anything about them. Things have to change into a way that benefits the common people - not what harms them. On the other hand the involvement into it distracts me from self actualization. Protests consume timeand energy, group think is everywhere and there were two times I almost attacked riot police (I know that's problematic). What is your attitute towards political activism and protesting? Should I just use time for my development and the development of the people in my periphery? Is protesting a waste of time, if you want to change things with it?
  19. Russia/China - Nato are already at war with each other. It is a informational, economic and cyberwar. Maybe even biological concerning the mysterious origins of COVID. But that is just my wild speculation.
  20. @Batman Maybe Sadhguru is aware about what taking extremely potent psychedelics would do to the average human. Just think about what harm a public acknowledgment would do - or maybe it wouldn't. He also warned about legalizing weed because it could open the door for legalizing cocaine - his words, check for yourself. I can say for myself that I took DMT in a time where I also did meth, heroin, ketamine, benzos, cocaine
  21. I see, protests as a political marketing tool I'm European by the way The US are a different beast
  22. I see... I guess I have to cope with my aggression in a more constructive way, otherwise I can get into big trouble