Ima Freeman

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Everything posted by Ima Freeman

  1. This is a great example of how misinformation works, by telling half truths. In fact Hitler was vegetarian, not vegan. Sounds totally unimportant Now imagine the same little differences in political discussions...
  2. Btw, I don't have lack of energy anymore Now I have a good amount of it, but being nervous, neurotic, unfocused, unclear It's better though. With energy you can at least work on yourself a lot
  3. I do not want to discuss what the culprit is. This is a very complex matter that I'm working on for years and will take some time, if ever it will be solved. This is about how to live as well as possible and to progress through life, while having a low level of physical drive/energy... Having little motivation, no enthusiasm at all, only feeding on hope Having little mental energy for imagination, planning, seeing a big picture Being undecided, having poor judgement Not being light on your feet, being sluggish So I'm speaking about times where you have to endure something like that without.. getting addicted to caffeine getting stuck to Youtube or social media for stimulation feeling under pressure not to get hopeless getting lazy and doing everything the easy way (fast food, watching shows)
  4. Just gold... Health is such a mysterious thing
  5. Thank you, that are valuable recommendations
  6. Relaxation definitely helps. I do shavayatra, basically a yogic form of muscle relaxation and feel a lot better afterwards
  7. Must Watch I think LSD as a chemical weapon was too in Us army stockpiles back in the day
  8. My experience with psychedelics was always that the feel "healthy". The invigorate my body and cause the life inside me to strengthen. It's especially interesting because psychoactive compounds, "drugs" generally are regarded as subtracting from health, causing bodily harm. Alcohol clearly dose that, stimulants, opiates. Even though the cause a pleasant stimulus, this stimulus runs into discomfort, pain, disatisfaction. After taking psychedelics on the other hand, I feel more alive, satisfied, peaceful, stronger. They are a general medicine in a way. In my experience the reorder the life in the direction of holiness, of perfection. I'm especially referring to light dose of psilocybin mushrooms and LSD The only way in which I would consider them to be unhealthy is, if the stimulus is to strong for the foundation to withstand, causing stress in form of anxiety, panic, strengthening psychotic thought patterns.
  9. I do feel more at peace and satisfied, so my desires aren't that important anymore. But I guess I did not take high enough of doses yet to have disolution of ego / ego backlash yet
  10. I get bruxism too on LSD. That's an indicator that it releases alot of stimulating neurotransmitters. Happens on amphetamines too.
  11. Same for me. They show me uncomfortable aspects of my identity.
  12. How ironic
  13. Reality can be seen as a machine. And a machine needs fuel. In the pursuit of higher consciousness, different things are tried, like concentration, meditation, contemplation, being disciplined in an effort to untangle from habits, etc. But what factor determines the degree of growth the most? The amount of energy one has is critical. As someone who struggles with being asleep in an upright posture while meditating or starring blankly at ones contemplation journal most of the time I get aware of this a lot. I think most peoples success hinges on proper energy cultivation. Of course the amount of energy is not everything. High intensity can lead to derailments like anxiety, delusions etc. The ways the energy is structured and it's direction is also important. What are your thoughts? Any methods on how to cultivate energy that can serve for spiritual growth?
  14. Yeah, anxiety is potential energy blocked of it's way to get transmitted. That's seems to be why many "depressed" people also have "anxiety disorder"
  15. Thank you for the lengthy reply Yoga Nidra sounds interesting. It's kind of what I meant by the direction the energy flows.
  16. It's not that easy. Many people have chronic illness these days, with which the basics alone do not help anymore. I can attest to this. Heavy metals and especially chronic viruses and bacterial infections can drain a lot of energy. And even if you have generally enough energy, it can run in unhealthy directions or be stagnant and not accessible for personal growth or consciousness work.
  17. Thank you. This questions will help me a lot
  18. @mmKay I removedtwo little amalgam fillings four years ago by a dentist doing a fairly secure method, not the safest, but quite good. After all I checked for specks three times. Two times the x-rays where considered speck free by dentists in the Facebook ACC group.
  19. For approximately two and a half years I was doing the Cutler Protocol for chelating the mercury out of my body, that was put there by having amalgam fillings. I did not make a lot of progress and ended up with the same dose as I originally started. The side effects where severe though, especially mental, so I definitely had a lot of heavy metals. Because of the slow progress, even after 80+ rounds, I worked on other parts of my health, which I know by now, I should have prepared before chelation, like my gut and liver health and combating parasites. In a online course I did, chelation with cilantro juice was suggested. I was very skeptical of this, as I heard of adverse effects and it was very much advised against from Cutler Protocol folks. I even warned others against it But because I was kind of desperate *trap alert*I thought of giving it a try. The guy teaching in this online course healed himself and others partly with the help of cilantro juice. The chemical chelators had strong side effects even on very low doses, so I was tempted to go down the cilantro way. In the two months of taking small amounts of fresh cilantro juice every three days, I definitely felt some side effects, but phases of feeling better too. In conjunction with the cilantro I took binders every day as well as vitamin C, E, magnesium and other helpful supplements. After two months I ran into minor panic attacks in the evening. They felt like my blood pressure was sinking too low and my heart rate was too low at the same time. I stopped drinking the cilantro juice for a week and did a round of DMPS to clean my body. Interestingly I had almost no side effects from that. Then I wanted to proceed with the cilantro, so four days after the round I drank my standard dose of cilantro juice (30ml/1ounce) once. Two days afterwards I ran into stronger panic attacks and general unwellness that lasted for more than a week. That marked the end of taking cilantro for me, as it clearly overstressed my body. I figured that I will go back to the Cutler Protocol as it gave me strong side effects, but no panic attacks. I wanted to reach 100 rounds to give it a last try. Some people only feel lasting improvements after this many rounds. The first one was not bad at all, but a few days afterwards I ran into having waves of anxiety in the evening while going to bed again. I woke up sweaty in the middle of the night some times. I made rules not to go too far this time, but I kind of broke them, because I was eager to complete my goal of doing rounds. For weird heart symptoms I even went to the hospital, to get it checked, but a ECG and blood work came back just fine. After three rounds I felt quite dysfunctional again. I developed the paranoid fear that I got poisoned from someone at my work, while having no evidence at all. This was clearly a sign that I messed up my brain. Then I got sick with the flu, like many of the people around me at the time. On the night of the onset I had heart racing, panic and neurological symptoms that lasted the whole night. While sick, and I never was sick for that long before, I had pain and pressure in my heart region and went to the doctor for an ECG, which came back normal though. In the month after getting sick I went to the hospital couple of times for heart attack symptoms like a numb left arm, pressure in the rib cage, heart pain and problems breathing, but ECGs, blood work and ultra sonic testing of the heart showed no evidence for heart problems. My mental capacities went down quite dramatic. I often had phases of being confused and being overwhelmed with organizing my life. Three weeks after the illness I got huge problems with insomnia. I did not sleep for three days and then only a little with help of sleep aids. The insomnia only went away after three and a half months. My blood flow became noticeably worse. Sex drive diminished almost completely. My digestion, which was not the best before, became worse and I now get bloated after every larger meal. The joy I have for life decreased quite a bit and I lost track of hobbies I had before. For some time I had occasional suicidal ideation, but not anymore. A symptom that I have since then is a pressure on my forehead which I guess is neuroinflammation. Bloodwork I did showed low thyroid values, lower testosterone and lower vitamin B12. I do a lot to get better, as I always try to improve my health. Things do get better over time, but I still struggle with the trauma of all of that. A big mistake I made was not listening to my body and keeping on doing chelation even though I had panic attacks. The main mistake was using a technique I knew was heavily criticized with too little care. It seems that I relocated mercury in more sensitive areas of my body and especially my brain. Let that be a warning that detoxing heavy metals is no joke. You cannot run away from a dysfunctional body as it is with you. If someone has ideas how to recover I’d be happy to hear them.
  20. I had panic attacks like these last year while doing a parasite cleanse. The ones I mentioned above came about through chelation and subsided afterwards.
  21. I have tested for TPO and TG antibodies negatively. For some strange reasons, I can't tolerate iodine supplementation even in small amounts (<50mcg) I did an ultra sonic of the thyroid and it showed that my thyroid is comparatively small, although standard medicine only recognizes too large thyroid glands as being a problem
  22. @nuwu Isn't normal vitamin C already fat soluble? I heard some things about normal ascorbic acid not being the best way for antioxidant support and that one should use more "natural forms".
  23. @Michael569 From what I learned, the values listed on the laboratory sheets aren't health values, because they are using every patient as the sample size and then use the bottom and top percentages as limits. Apparently TSH values above 2 signify hypothyroidism. I'm not far above now, so I'm not worried about that. I was told by a experienced German doctor via a forum, that fT4 should be above 1.4 and fT3 above 3.3. I had decreased appetite, but it came back.
  24. I do take 3g of vitamin C a day for antioxidant support Which antioxidants do you consider being unsafe and why?
  25. I eat very healthy and sleep enough. I too work out twice a week. But at the moment I have very little energy and going through life, doing the bare minimum is pretty hard.