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Everything posted by BlackMaze

  1. I will start doing that I never thought of asking this question thank you!
  2. I never thought about this before... No! I can't find a situation that this happened... Actually the times that i didn't act on my intuition were the things i tend to regret. Does this mean that i should act on it everytime as long as it's nothing crazy? As i said above i went with logic against intuition and i don't think that i really regret it. But maybe my true intuition was to go with logic instead of feeling. Maybe everything i do in the end is intuition who knows. Maybe this goes deeper than what i thought. Do i even have the choice to act on my intuition?
  3. @mandyjw and how can i know if i should trust it or not?
  4. I'll give you an example. When i moved to another country there was no possibility for me to go to university, i had to learn the language etc. etc.. I wanted to go back to my country. There was an option to immediately start working save some money and go back or do something else. This was my intuition. The logic was telling me to learn something to do professionally to earn more money in the future and i had to invest 4 years in this. My intuition was strongly against it. I chose the logical option and invested those years. In the process i damaged my health but it was a good experience and now i'm in little better place than before financially. I still don't know if it was worth it. Logically it was worth it but at the same time i regret it. I think that i made the right choice though. But the right choice was logical going against my intuition.
  5. @Seraphim is there a way to cultivate this? @Rilles haha yes but it's hard to do it when my logic says otherwise @Breakingthewall i know what you mean.. But i am not sure if sometimes i have to trust my logic or other people that maybe know more about something than i do. @SilentTears i'm definitely going to trust my intuition and buy a lottery ticket next time but how do i know when to trust it? Should i trust it when i feel good and have an intuitive thought? If i have a negative intuition about something a bad feeling about a situation does it mean that i'm wrong?
  6. @zeroISinfinity @Pallero I don't know how to delete the above on my phone. @zeroISinfinity haha what is the best way to steal a million from thieves? @Waken this might be true but seems a little hard in my case because i rarely meet any new people where i live. But yeah i experienced what you mean in the past.
  7. @Nahm that answer was like an uppercut thank you! Practicing the inner smile feels powerful. I will come back to read this again many times. @Waken this is what the science of getting rich teaches. I know it works. I wonder if i will ever understand why. I'm not sure if i need to understand. I'm curious about this but maybe i should let the desire to understand go and just work with the principles that work. On the other hand Leo says that understanding is very important and i'm a little confused. The one thing to do that comes to mind is to start contemplating daily. I guess i will do this for a start. @Pallerothank you for your answer this is helpful.
  8. @RedLine i mean that by mindsets things get created. Wrong word choice. What i mean is that they are a tool that creates things but with metaphysical laws. @datamonster this is a simple answer but still i haven't thought about it like this before. Thanks
  9. @Tanz i really like the more holistic thinking in your answers, thank you! Are we creating things with our mindsets? Isn't this the same as making one million out of thin air only more subtly? The deconstruction of science videos were more radical than i believed and i started to slowly realize this. I can't really argue with them. But now i realized that i really know nothing and need some understanding for whatever reason. It's uncomfortable not being able to just trust science and hold it as truth. @RedLine i agree but the mindsets are something divine even if the persons having them are 'bad'.
  10. @Natasha i know that this was my original question but this is not really what i am really interested in. It was just one example and i think i know the practical answer for this now. I want to know how the process of creating stuff as a good life or one million dollars or whatever really works in a deep level.
  11. If it's only a slight swelling it's probably nothing serious. Sorry about my answer i have no idea if it's serious or not. I just wanted to tell you to not ignore it.
  12. @platolol i don't believe in quick fixes. I remember watching the secret when it came out. I believed that it's full of shit but still interesting enough to visit their website and download the science of getting rich. They were telling half of the truth they never mentioned action. I know that the book actually works if you do what it says. I want to understand fully why it works and don't know how to start. I could read books about it. Can i understand it throught books? Do i need to contemplate specific things for years to understand? Are psychedelics necessary to understand or not?
  13. @RedLine you misunderstood my question and used irony. I mentioned that hypothetically hard work is there. There are two people. One that realized that is god and one that is a 'normal' human not interested at all in this mumbo jumbo. They work their ass off. Will it really be easier for the enlightened person to make that one million in comparison to the unenlightened person with the same amount of work and why? @Tanz that's a good answer thank you. Why is this the case though? If someone has a video to recommend to understand this better please do. I haven't watched all actualized videos yet.
  14. I'm sorry if this stresses you out but go and do an ultrasound examination. There is a small chance that you will need surgery. Maybe that's not the case at all but don't ignore it. I speak from experience of a close person to me.
  15. @LfcCharlie4 @xxxx thank you for your answers!
  16. @Blackhawk because i am confused with some advanced actualized content that i don't understand. If you are god you could manifest 1 million out of thin air. I don't say that this will happen but in my logic the closer you are to godness the easier will it become. Why and how? Is this even true?
  17. @Blackhawk i am not lying to myself. Yes i want to do it and make at least this money in my lifetime. However this wasn't the reason i started this thread. I didn't have the thought "please tell me how to make a million i want it so badly". The truth is that my desire for this is really not that strong and it's something that i need to build up. I am honestly curious about the process and to understand how manifestation really works. Making a million is from my perspective something very difficult to do. If you know how to create this you can create many other things.
  18. @Someone here yes it could get done by writing it on the dreamboard + hard work, vision etc. What am i asking is what are the prerequisites to actually make it happen. Yes by writing it on the dreamboard i mean. Let's say you realize you are god. Will it be easier to make 1 million then? You wouldn't care probably but let's assume that you do. I don't really care about the million, to generate 10 millions in value is the answer i'm happy with. I'm curious about the whole process of manifesting something big. Is it easier the less attached someone is or more godly? Let's assume that hard work is there.
  19. @Leo Gura thank you! That was the answer i was looking for. I was also curious about the metaphysical aspect of it but i found out that you explain this in depth in videos that i haven't watched yet.
  20. @AdamDiC My intuition tells me that i can't be sure
  21. @Bojan V i'm sorry but i find it a little difficult to understand what you mean exactly. How do i reveal my secrets to myself? The word that comes up when i read your post is intuition. My intuition is to not trust the media and government about the whole situation. Most probably the vaccine is safe enough for it to be in the uk though. I guess that i will never know the whole truth and conspiracy theories are just a waste of time. I guess i should shut up and get vaccinated as a good citizen. Wear my mask and stay at home until a vaccine saves the day.
  22. How can someone be sure that it's safe? Also is it mandatory?
  23. @Ananta thank you for sharing your story. This makes more hopeful for the future as i am going exactly through this myself. What i realized is that everything will be ok as long as i am able to manage stress. Every symptom i had so far was caused from stress.
  24. Whatever works for you! It's true better quit now again because you don't know when the next attempt will be if you let it