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Everything posted by Frenk

  1. Hahaha, this cute house emoji made me smile. Sure it must be true ?
  2. ^THIS! its becoming more and more frequent unfortunately. Good threads being ruined cause we love splitting metaphysical hairs and not see the whole picture
  3. @Demeter it is not my experience unfortunately ? Original link:
  4. Taken from I had an experience a few years ago that was NOT a dream but it did happen after I went to sleep - it was 100% real. I had just gone through about a year of faith shattering experience - left my husband and the Bahai Faith (for all intents and purposes as I wasn't about to represent the Faith in my condition) and moved to a small town for work. I was in a major life transition. I went to sleep one night and something happened to me that was not a dream and was not a NDE. I was though, given a gift. A gift of exposure to the next world. I was accompanied by an unknown entity of the purest love. I was told I was being given a gift and I was suddenly plunged into The Sea of Eternity; the purest most powerful love beyond all imagining, it was the essence of everything. I was at once one with everything that had been and everything that would be in an instant. I was infinitely connected to everything without separation while still having an individual consciousness. This space of infinity was like being the the middle of every firework that had ever gone off all in once beautiful blaze of unspeakable brilliance. The color so fantastical, earthly eyes have never seen the colors that existed there. Energy made of pure love was winding around in a massive whirling energy that threw me into complete ecstasy. It was so loud that it penetrated everything - but the sound itself was pure love and ecstasy. A circular flow of energy and lights dazzling beyond description. That ecstasy was so powerful, so all consuming my physical body was flailing around on my bed. I could not wake up but was aware of my "sleep". My body was WRITHING in this ecstasy and I was moaning and groaning at the top of my physical lungs while I was recognizing my oneness with the Essence of All Things. This was no pain - but a joy so beyond comprehension that my physical body could not bear the sheer power of it. I might have been likened to an electrical outlet trying to contain the power of the whole world's electricity supply at once. I think my body reacted so strongly because I was NOT in a near death state and was not detached from my body. A veil to the other world was being lifted for a moment for me so my body directly reacted to the force I was exposed to by writing and moaning - the ecstasy was too great for a physical being to bear. The whole time I was experiencing this unbearable LOVE, I was being told "Everything is OK. You're going to be alright". It was not reassuring me in the moment because of what was happening with my body that was flailing with Divine Passion, it was giving me reassurance regarding ME and my life. It was just pure acceptance. With the purest wash of love and joy filtrating everything I was and becoming one with the Love all at once. I was then brought back and allowed to come out of it. I "awoke" drenched in sweat and panting like I'd run a marathon. I knew if I succumbed to the rapturous love I would not come back - however, with this knowledge it's important to know that death was not on the table as a choice - it was just an offer to take a swim in the Ocean of Life, not to become a fish and live in it. I received no religious message or reassurance of faith as a Bahai. I was just allowed this gift of reality. I have struggled to understand why I was given this gift. It is affecting me more now 8 years later than it did at the time in regards to my life. Which is why I went searching for others like me and found this site.
  5. @Breakingthewall this might help:
  6. @allislove i made a post few weeks ago just to share this experience. I thinks its the best trip report here
  7. Wonderful! This one is great too:
  8. I've been struggling with the idea of hell for several years. It is the main reason of my suffering, brings me high levels of fear. Even though deep down i know there is no such place my ego just wont get over the fact that it might exist and im doomed to it. I wanted to ask if someone who has had genuine experiences on psychedelics or nde's or any profound awakenings or afterlife experiences: Does hell exist? When i say hell i am only referring to the place of fire, not the mental state of separation from God
  9. I don't know if im allowed to do this but i wanted to share this experience because it is the most wonderful thing i've read on this forum (im still new here though). The reason why im sharing is because some may have missed it and i want everyone to read it
  10. @Dryas i remember the days when battlefield 3 came out. 64 players on a team-deathmatch. Bullets coming left and right, tanks destroying stuff and rpgs flying over your head. Jets and helis crashing on your base. Not a single second without action. Total chaos
  11. @Leo Gura yes i agree, no matter how much i twist and turn its all gonna come down to direct experience, which is what i fear the most..
  12. @Leo Gura this is what i like to believe shit its barely readable
  13. The probability that it exists in the first place.
  14. @Nak Khid the only problem i have is the idea of suffering for eternity in hell.