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Everything posted by Frenk

  1. No, mainly christian and muslim concept of hell
  2. Im saying based on what these people have written here there is no punishment, of course i dont know if that is true or not, im merely givng you another alternative just like you did with you website that you showed me. if they are true, it means that these people have 'crossed over', experienced 'afterlife', chose or were told to come back and they have shared their experience, which are wonderful for me. Again, of course we do not know if they are true or not. Not these, not anything we can read.
  3. @Artsu thanks, i'll give it a look. But when you also read about this: and this:'s_ste.htm And this:, , (its long, you can read the 'Is there anything else that you would like to add about your experience?' section which is at the bottom. My point is when you read these and there are much more you can clearly see that there is no such as punishment by god. But the problem is not what are you going to believe, but what is true
  4. @Someone here all good. All god. All love. But when you see all of these religious people (and they are too many) saying things like that about hell you really start doubting, at least me
  5. YES. That is exactly what im talking about, my deepest fear. When you really think about it, what other thing could be worse than that..
  6. @ivankiss yeah i get that. But at the end of the day you will make it out of the trip no matter how bad it is. What i was talking about is the religion's idea of hell. If you go there there is no turning back, its final, thats what scares me. Of course it might not be real, but you know how the ego is ? with all its doubts and fears and crap
  7. Yes but tell that to a devout christian. Be prepared for scripture attack
  8. “There is absolutely nothing in ordinary human experience to compare with the joy of the presence of the Love of God. No sacrifice is too great nor effort too much in order to realize that Presence.” — Dr. David Hawkins, The Eye of the I, p. 289 •Excerpt from Franklin Merrell-Wolff book: The Philosophy of Consciousness Without an Object The most marked affective quality precipitated within the relative consciousness is that of felicity . Joy is realized as a very definite experience . It is of a quality more intense and satisfying than that afforded by any of the experiences or achievements that I have known within the world-field . It is not easy to describe this state of felicity . It is in no sense orgiastic or violent in its nature ; on the contrary it is quite subtle, though highly potent . All world-pleasures are coarse and repellent by contrast . All enjoyment--using this term in the Indian sense--whether of a pleasurable or painful type, I found to be more or less distasteful by contrast . In particular , it is just as completely different from the pleasures experienced through vice as it is possible to imagine . The latter are foiled by a sense of guilt, and this guilt persists long after the pleasure-quality of the vicious experience has passed . The higher felicity seems almost , if not quite , identical with virtue itself . I find myself disposed to agree with Spinoza and say that real felicity is not simply the reward of virtue, but is virtue . One feels that there is nothing more right, or more righteous , for that matter , than to be so harmonized in one ' s consciousness ' as to feel the Joy at all times . It is a dynamic sort of Joy which seems to dissolve such pain as may be in the vicinity of the one who realizes it . This Joy enriches rather than impoverishes others . I doubt that anyone could possibly appreciate the tremendous value of this felicity without directly experiencing it . I felt, and feel, that no cost could be too high as the price of its attainment , and I find that this testimony is repeated over and over again in mystical literature . It seems as though but a brief experience of this Joy would be worth any effort and any amount of suffering which could be packed into a lifetime that might prove necessary for its realization . I understand now why so much of mystical expression is in the form of rhapsody . It requires an active restraint to avoid the over-use of superlatives , especially as one realizes that all superlatives , as they are understood in the ordinary range of experience , are, in fact , understatements . The flowery expressions of the Persian and Indian mystics are not at all over-statements .
  9. I think when you are in the greatest love you feel like you have never suffered in your life. And when you are in your greatest suffering it feels like you're never going to get out of it and all the good moments were a joke.
  10. @ivankiss and yet everything i wish i could experience this one day
  11. @Leo Gura have you experienced merging with this pure infinite consciousness? Or you wouldn’t be back here if you did that
  12. I wish i could but im too afraid for that. The only thing im doing is meditation and even that i have to stop when i feel the fear coming up..ahh why is my ego so afraid..