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Everything posted by Artsu

  1. You're right. As the only current post-integral poster, only I know what it means. Another way to phrase the question is: post the highest level thinker you know of. Chances are they'll only be Holistic. I know a few figures who are beyond Holistic. Like I said though, I've yet to find a single individual who is beyond Mission. Ultimately, I'm interested in The Now as well. Holistic, not so much. That's quite easy to find.
  2. I suspect you're actually Introspective. No where near post-integral. As for the parallels: like I said, it's not about which personality type is at which level, it's about which cognitive function corresponds to that level in overall theme. For example, doesn't Orange sound a lot like Te? That's the best example, but it applies to every level. The problem is that Red doesn't sound like Se, but I put that down to a flaw in the SD model. Once you see how the functions map out to the SD levels, it's easy to see that Orange and Green need to be split in two. Once you get above Turquoise, there's a return to the Se theme, with living in The Now. Isn't the goal of meditation sometimes said to be awareness of the present moment? It turns out that true awareness of the present really is a very high level state. From that point on, the cycle restarts in terms of functions. I can see in my own development how my model is true, and I can access higher levels to see what is coming. If you're only at upper Green, which I suspect you are, it's doubtful that you have much awareness of The Now, let alone higher.
  3. If anyone knows anyone (ANY public figure) who is post-integral, please let me know!
  4. Maths is upper Orange, which is Modelling. Read my post in the Thematic Hierarchy thread about Centre and Frontier. I didn't contradict myself.
  5. Other people are real. Evil is real, and has to pay the consequences. Accept it.
  6. OP is upper Green/Autonomous stage. Having SOME experience with Turquoise/Unitive doesn't mean that's your actual stage.
  7. The people here are mostly Green who talk about Orange things. In truth, that's most adults. Green Frontier with Orange Centre. To have a Turquoise Centre is incredibly rare.
  8. Karma must be realised. This is a fundamental law of existence. If you cause intentional harm to someone, you need to repay them.
  9. Because that's only PART of being enlightened. There are many types of enlightenment, btw.
  10. I'm not referring to arithmetic. You're right, arithmetic is lower down. I will say, higher level maths is also a lot about Yellow, but this is more for researchers. A university professor doesn't need to be Yellow. They can be Green. Pure maths professors are typically Yellow and above, but statistics professors are often Green.
  11. Just a note on the Centre of Gravity: When a person is at a certain level, their lifestyle and the things they talk about will actually be centred on a lower level. Typically this is 2 levels below their "Frontier" (the level one identifies as, where their growth is taking place). So, although this forum is Introspective, people tend to discuss Modelling. They also discuss Success, especially those at Community. I'm at Mission, but the things I talk about here are Holistic, although my lifestyle/Centre is actually The Now. In other words, WHAT a person talks about is their Centre, and HOW they talk about it is their Frontier.
  12. I didn't avoid talking about it until I became very negatively affected. Yesterday was horrible.
  13. Do you experience spiritual emergency? If so, what is it like? Oh, and I told my psychiatrist about spiritual emergency. She used the word "emergency" to justify that it was a bad thing that needs psychiatric intervention. Facepalm -_-.
  14. Like I just said, this thread is not about me. I am done explaining.
  15. Yes, I even sometimes refer to these experiences as "Life". I've wondered if my experiences coincide with things happening in the collective. It was particularly strong during 2020-2021. Also 2012. The medications suck, but I can still have the experiences when medicated, fortunately. They do make life boring in general though. I'm hoping to have more of these experiences soon. Fingers crossed!
  16. It seems I set this thread up all wrong to get the kind of replies I was looking for. Once gain, this thread is not about me and what I've been through. Share here if you have powerful mystical experiences, especially if these can last weeks at a time.
  17. Stop talking to her. You sound like an abuser.
  18. Btw, may I say, that surgeon and psychiatrist are two incredibly evil careers. I really recommend staying as an engineer.