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Everything posted by Artsu

  1. What i learned about smoking recently... The withdrawals aren't actually that bad. It's more about maintaining the self control to not smoke. I find that in general you should be aware of what healthy limits are, and exercise will power in controlling urges. One key question to ask is: how do you KNOW you want to quit. If your resolve isn't firm, it's easy to crumble. Doing this will help with any addiction. Moderate use, firm resolve to quit.
  2. Nai'xyy roughly means INFJ. Scroll down to the bottom of the video list and go from there.
  3. I'll say btw that I'm only spending a short time on each read, so take the results very tentatively.
  4. @Elham you seem to be an INFJ, although INFP might also fit. @John Iverson ISFP @Harikrishnan ISTJ @Himanshu INFJ
  5. Some people like to use their viewpoints to influence the world around them. Often this means you need good arguments, and you can strengthen your arguments or upgrade to a better viewpoint through debates. If you mean why do people argue as opposed to debating, that's like asking why people are close minded. They want their belief to take force then and there, but no one's really looking to get on anyone's side. The pressure builds and something can break.
  6. Ok yeah but i can type people fairly accurately through forum posts because people tend to stick to a pattern.
  7. Romantic love is related to the anima. This is a counterpart to the male ego that has largely female qualities. Seeing through it is still ego consciousness, because you're viewing yourself in terms of component pieces rather thsn seeing through the whole thing. It's natural though. Maybe try talking to this person again, try and reignite it. Maybe it won't work but at least you will know you tried and you can get closure.
  8. Meaning what?
  9. You're right, going to university without an interest is likely a mistake. I was academically inclined when i started university, but then i learnt i had made the wrong decision, but stuck with it anyway, and that was a mistake, because i no longer had an interest. Now i am doing further study, but i can see s clear career development from this degree. If i had studied something that interested me, i wouldnt have considered it a mistake, and if i had done something with clear career development i wouldnt consider it a mistake, but instead i went down the middle and did something with some interest and some career development, but not enough of either. I could have instead done something that interested me more and specialised later, i just didnt know at that point what i wanted to do.
  10. You open with what seems to be an intellectual statement, and talk more about emotion towards the end of the post. Given the length of the post (it looks like about 4 functions worth of writing) this would suggest T dominant with F inferior. In particular i think it is Ti and Fe, and Ne and Si. Edit: actually, I'm going to throw INFJ in the mix for you as well. Ni can open with intellectual statements, and the Fe may come in at multiple points.
  11. No, hate is not love. You may be thinking of tough love.
  12. Can you explain what you mean by thinking? When browsing your posts i saw a fair bit that i linked to the Ti function in terms of how you word things, so that is why i said INTP.
  13. IxxJ types are quite go with the flow. ISFJs are Js because they feel compelled to take care of the things and people around them, roughly speaking. Again, my typings are done quickly and only preliminary, but I saw Si cognition leading your posts much of the time. For instance, in this post you talk about how things always have been, and you mention my viewpoint. Si is subjective perception to do with what is known. I type by cognition not persona. I have different ways of typing people irl or on video. (I look for the way word choice changes throughout posts, focusing especially on the opening lines. So i browse through a bunch of posts until i see the pattern, then i check against longer posts to see if it is reasonable) Oh, and I'm an INFJ and i score as a moderate P. There are problems with how the J and P axis has been constructed, so test scores are unreliable for a wide range of types on that dimension.
  14. God is aware of all that exists. I considered in the past that maybe rocks have awareness too. Awareness is far more universal than the sensory organs. For instance, when you drop a rock, it lands on the ground. Doesnt this mean the rock is aware of the ground?
  15. In my opinion you should stick with the computer science. I would say psychology if i thought psychology degrees were good, but i think theyre soso. Too much study to change career paths to a field which i dont think is well developed. It sounds like youre pretty set if you stick to the path youre on, and any sacrifices made might be for a similar overall satisfaction level. So unless you really dont like computer based work, i see no reason to change.
  16. I feel like debating would be something you completely get over st a certain point, but could still engage in for a given purpose. I'm less debate prone than i used to be.
  17. I think in general life in the spirit world will be much better than life on earth, but we may only get one shot at being here, so we wanna live for as long and as well as we can. That means using our time on earth wisely, such as to grow in love. We need to know at what point to just let go of things.
  18. @louhad ok maybe it was Fi i was seeing, not Ni. I will mention that any typing i give is only preliminary, and should be relooked at. Edit: i was seeing you use terms that i linked with Ni and terms that i linked with Te. If i confused Fi with Ni (they can both use a similar kind of language), and Ne with Te because you may have a Te subtype, or similar, then i can see how you could be INFP instead. Actually, i did notice that you seemed to lead with judgment, so that threw me off. That makes INFP consistent with what i noticed. My initial impression was that you were a P type. @Marten INFP
  19. @louhad INTJ @Forestluv ISFJ @mandyjw INTP Theres a few for now.
  20. I just want to make this post about the nature of thinking and feeling. I feel it is relevant to the discussion, and i want to post it somewhere so i can refer back to it later. Feeling divides things into good and bad, with a degree of belief. Thinking divides things into true and false, with a degree of confidence. You have to interpret the terms belief and confidence in terms of already knowing what the functions are. Belief and confidence both refer to how much one sees something as correct, but by differing criteria. Is the criteria values or logic based?
  21. Ok i might type the people who post in these threads and make a claim about their type. I'll see if i can agree or disagree after looking at some posts. Hopefully it wont be taken the wrong way, people can get pretty defensive about having their type questioned. Should be ok though.
  22. I've heard about that before with spiral dynamics. People going through either even or odd numbered stages. It makes me wonder which i am. Edit: oh and lets compare with other systems. Green is 8 circuits of consciousness 5th circuit and elevator of enlightenment shiny baby. Turquoise is 8th circuit and cosmos. So yellow is either 6th circuit tribe of humanity or 7th circuit gaia. Spiral dynamics misses a stage. That means, if yellow is 6th circuit, you'll actually jump to 8th circuit turquoise. You will likely have a low activity profile while 7th circuit is activating, going by that line of reasoning. Edit: its cool, this theory can explain why we can have entire years that are high or low in activity in a somewhat cyclic pattern. Actually it seems i have a good year every 3 years but stages go up every 2 or 4 years depending on how you define things. So the 2 might be separate but interrelating processes.
  23. Uh, the bible can help with consciousness elevation in general. Oh and politics can be easily an above orange topic. He may even be higher up the spiral than you think. Would you know?
  24. Debates still take place with high consciousness, but the views will be from a greater perspective.
  25. It is possible to waste time, more or less, but i dont know how far you are from where you should be. Love God and love each other and pursue the truth. The purer you get the less you'll be wasting time. (This is because acting with ill intent is one of the things which holds us back) Spend your time on what you feel you should, listen to what message the spirit is sending you. Yes things tend to line up, but one must act with love and wisdom. Sometimes we just mess up. Keep up with self inquiry, paying attention to ways in which you lack love.