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Everything posted by Artsu

  1. Woops, thought this was an SD thread
  2. Well, I'm going to keep doing it. What is infinite consciousness?
  3. @Nemo28 this is great to read. It sounds like in the past 2 years you've received the divine love. This is what it means in Christianity to be born again, even if most Christians don't know it. Most people have not received the divine love. Evil can still be overcome without divine love, but it is much more difficult. Read the letters on the website to learn more about this.
  4. People are in control of their actions, and if you do evil you have to pay for it. Yeah certain things are environmental, but the intention behind an action is your own.
  5. Can you explain more about this? My understanding is that coral+ is mystical, but SD is perhaps a turquoise model so it can't say too much about higher stages, except to say that they exist or maybe follow a particular pattern. I'm trying to determine what the stages are above turquoise, 8th circuit, and so on. I think the stages approach still makes sense, but i agree that as you go beyond turquoise you stop even wanting to look at SD stages. But then your consciousness settles back down and you can try to model what it is you were going through when your consciousness was elevated. So, is mystical consciousness just not even related to SD etc,? What is it then?
  6. By ego, i roughly mean a self concept formed in early life which we identify with. I am this, i am not this. The ego is only a fraction of who one is, and we continually progress away from it, but before the Self is awakened we think the ego is the main thing, or what the ego can do, how things relate to the ego. When you actualise you transcend the opposing sides of yourself, and it becomes more about how everything fits together rather than focusing on specific parts. Also, when you first actualise, you may become confused of who you are, because your ego has diminished, but you will build up a new self concept based on your true self. Oh, and as the ego progresses through different stages, it becomes aware of things that are not it such as other egos. The latter stages of ego consciousness are likely concerned with how one is seen from the outside, until the whole thing is transcended.
  7. Metal is quite advanced music. It focuses on dark and violent realities, but i wouldn't say it's a low form of music. The power in a song like raining blood fits the experience of being orange more than the experience of being red. I guess though that you could consider the lyrical themes of metal symbolic of integrating one's shadow, which is red, because red represents, in my view, the opposition and critique of the basic ego. Although, in that diagram it put red as the start of egoic consciousness. I would disagree. At purple i think you are focused on your own ego and maybe seeing other people as almost extensions of onself. In red you become aware of other egos but often in a conflicted way because not all egos get on well. At blue you expand your consciousness again to include things which compliment your ego while being separate from it. So this can include accepting outside forms of morality as a desirable thing rather than the punishment/disciplining of red. Blue imo also relates to attraction to the opposite sex, and i generally put this level as being adolescence. Orange completes the ego. The ego has now integrated with other egos, and it becomes about who can master all the different sides of a discipline. It's stil a part of ego consciousness, because you're viewing things in terms of components and relation to the basic ego, rather than a unified, transcendent self. Then i think another level should precede green, where you become whole and unified.
  8. Everything is not perfect, and exercising your will is part of what makes life good.
  9. How do you define mystical consciousness? I was thinking of just that term the other day, as a term for coral and the next few levels above it. It goes ego -> self -> mystical -> ???
  10. When i checked this thread just now it had 7 replies and 77 views!
  11. Perhaps focusing on self image is something you need to transcend. It's possible that it's partly a coincidence, and this has triggered a collapsing of your ego. Be prepared to re evaluate your life.
  12. Consciousness, in my view, is a particular kind of awareness. It is complex, and able to hold things while it processes them. Awareness is a broader term that could apply to things with no real sense of reality but which interact with other things.
  13. I can see now that there should be a level between orange and green. SD lumps self actualising with the first level of self transcendence, humanity consciousness. I would shift all of the levels up one for age (and expand the length of blue) and add in more variation for individual difference.
  14. I thought the majority of people dont even make it to green? I was orange from 15-19 i think. But again i am still learning SD so i could be wrong.
  15. That's a good point imo I use similar models to SD, and they don't suggest people become more liberal as they age. This political aspect is quite new to me, but developmental stages are not. Try Maslow's hierarchy of needs, or 8 circuits of consciousness, or Jungian archetypes.
  16. Team rocket are a criminal gang though. Idk but i feel that that shouldnt characterise red, because we all pass through red dont we? Yet only certain people develop a criminal mindset. At the age i was when pokemon was first popular (7 to 10) the kids wouldn't have been blue. I think blue is more an adolescent thing. When i was blue my pokemon phase had ended and i was getting in to music and philosophy and buddhism and stuff. I was searching for a culture to identify with i suppose. No, if SD works how i think it does, then pokemon would primarily be red. Or at least that was the focus when it was popular in primary school. I would think of training and discipline as related to red. Red processes the hard stuff, its our shadow. Shadow means the opposition to our ego, not anything criminal. So because of that it is brought in wherever there is opposition, rivalry etc. which is a big part of pokemon. Though it also has blue aspects. I mean the people that made pokemon are of course above red, but it seemed made for a red audience. Kinda like how Jordan Peterson is above orange, but his talks are generally geared towards an orange audience, because thats the age group he's speaking to. I mean I'm assuming SD does work how i think it does. I'm familiar with the advancement of consciousness that comes with development up the stages, so that would make red the late childhood mindset, and i think difficulty and opposition is a big part of that. I would perhaps even associate the simplistic, repetitive game play with red because it relates to how one spends idle time. But I'm still thinking that through.
  17. As infants, we don't understand what's going on around us. We don't remember because we can't process things well enough to base a memory from. As infants we don't even have an ego yet, so there's little in the way of an identity we can use to process ourselves. As young children we also lack the ability to analyse and critique our previous actions, so that also hinders the accessing of memories. Once we have a picture of how the world works and what is normal, we can process the situation we're in with more nuance and produce memories.
  18. Is pokemon red? I feel like it appealed to kids who are likely in red, with things like the battling.
  19. INFPs ideal match is ENFJ. I dont think theres a special connection between INFP and INTJ.
  20. Yeah and televangelism is quite a low form of Christianity. Green elements are probably minimum for a good religious form. That way it has worked through transcendence of opposites and has a humanity consciousness. It should also point upward through the spiral indefinitely, so that one can adhere to it no matter how far one progresses.
  21. Sounds like it would be in human species consciousness. I see nothing in the name that implies a transpersonal state of mind.
  22. I've made that comparison myself. Gonna have to go a lot further than turquoise to get there though.
  23. @Scholar if it matches your intuition, but you lack empirical data, and you want to convince others, try to guide their intuition so that they see what you see.
  24. That. There are other variants I know of that aren't listed. There are several systems with a lot of overlap that look at stages of human development. SD might have some errors but the general idea comes up so much that I'm sure there must be a lot of truth to it.