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Everything posted by Artsu

  1. I'm the happiest I've been since before primary school. The education system really takes a lot out of you. It probably stunted my development by a couple years. Hopefully this degree isnt more of the same.
  2. Do you live in an orange society?
  3. I don't know what terminology to use to describing vertical stages of consciousness. My understanding deviates too much from the SD talk here, and it doesn't seem people are too familiar with Jung, whom I am more acquainted with than Maslow. Really, I use my own model based on this, and it's still developing.
  4. I didnt know God had a gender. He in the bible doesnt mean male, its a default pronoun. Maybe promote that instead, if you agree with it. The Christian God is not a male.
  5. You sound very confused. Are you referring to God as an asshole? Why?
  6. Is this a high piece of wisdom? All is one. What does it matter that i am here and you are there, i can do this, and you can do that. When one chooses, it should be with the all mind, as well as with total presentness. Analysis aims for a central portion, where one is deviating from the present but looking at things in terms of component parts. So do we need to be having this conversation? Perhaps not, but some interesting themes have come up.
  7. Woah I just noticed something. I just made 2 posts with an ENFP function order. I thought that was one of my weakest types, but it seems it's getting unlocked!
  8. Not really. This is gonna sound bad but animals function without even being purple. Beyond orange, increasing consciousness doesn't have too great ability on your ability to survive, although it will effect your ability to flourish. Think of Maslow's hierarchy of needs. The more necessary a need is for functioning, the lower down it is, meaning it is the first to be developed. Not everyone will become self transcendent or yellow plus. The people who do, I think, will be more intelligent in general, although it probably wouldn't be best to measure that with an IQ test. My IQ has probably dropped a few points in recent years but my spiritual intelligence has risen dramatically. Being so intelligent was intertwined with the journey towards self transcendence. I don't think every highly intelligent person will end up with high consciousness and this probably has to do with multiple sources of intelligence. The source of my intelligence is likely also a source that promotes the development of consciousness, but consciousness can be boosted without IQ. What I just said borders on tautological, but isn't if you take into account the different categories of sources. Anyway, that'll do for now.
  9. This is diverging too much from what I can respond to. I'll PM you some time soon if I want to continue this conversation.
  10. What do you mean by transcendence of thought? I think this is soul-related, not heart. I don't know the specifics well enough. I just know I have it, and it is what people need. It is the key, the main point. Most people probably will never get it. I can't tell if you're talking sense, because I don't understand it well enough, but clearly you must have already had a conception of this. Where did you get this conception? I mean, in speaking to you, I do think you have the divine love, it seems likely if not probable. But where are you getting this?
  11. What's the purpose of dating, if not looking into marriage and children? (not a rhetorical question) I think the children answer is basically it. Apart from that, it is still based on this being what the parties are wired for. Maybe you're just dating, and not looking to get married to the person. But in the long run, you're both looking to marry someone, aren't you? So the family answer, well, that's what it is. The woman gives birth, the man provides. The woman might also provide, but this is modern. So, why date apart from courting for marriage?
  12. I don't think I will change my view of him. My read is strong enough that I would rather just ignore him. How do you know what divine love is already? I haven't put it into words yet, but I know I have it. It perhaps relates to ego? But is a different rebirth from the ego-death+rebirth. Do you have divine love? How do you know? Can you identify a time when you didn't have it, if so? I am legitimately interested in how it is/was for you.
  13. Can you please elaborate on what you mean by him speaking from the source of divine love? The source of divine love is God. You think he is in touch with God? My read said otherwise. I can try other videos, but it was a strong read. Btw, Christ means something like the perfection of divine love in an individual. Jesus was the first Christ, and while there have been others, Earth has not seen a great deal of them. Perhaps a few thousand? (I'm not sure how strict this forum is with off-topic posts, but this relates to the Shamanic journey in terms of choosing a guru/whatever, and the relation with divine love and so forth)
  14. Keep striving. Love love love!
  15. What do you mean "not even a person"? Is it prejudice if I had no opinion of him before watching the video. It would be quick-judice, not pre-judice.
  16. Not the sort of response I was thinking I would see from you... Carry on then.
  17. I was hoping to hear of it in your own words. That guy strikes me as evil. Gurus often do.
  18. Simply put, given that women bear children, and oftentimes are more involved in raising them, it is reasonable to place more pressure on men to provide financially. Historically, men have been the providers, and it is only recently that women are often finding careers. Find someone who suits you. etc etc
  19. Have you been reborn? If so, what was it like? There are two things rebirth could mean. It could be being "born again" with the divine love, like Christianity... However, I did experience ego death and rebirth as part of the Shamanic journey. That's also what self-actualisation is, I think.
  20. It says " Forbidden You don't have permission to access /home/home.html on this server."
  21. @Zigzag Idiot that link doesn't work for me. I know a bit about astrology, enough to think there's something to it. But I don't know a lot about it. It's something I might give a good investigation into at some point. It would be cool to be able to guess people's sign to way-above-chance rate. I'm an INFJ (confirmed), and in enneagram my top 4 scores are 4, 5, 6 and 9, with 9 being most likely to be first. In 8 Circuits of Consciousness, I have activated all 8 circuits, and I think 2 beyond the ones usually listed. In Pod'lair, I have had quite a few experiences with Infinite Mystery. I think SD Turquoise is roughly equivalent to Circuit 8, and Pod'lair's merging of Cosmos. So on that basis my frontier consciousness (where my development is taking place, not necessarily where I am most of the time) is perhaps Coral, or the level above Coral. Also, my development has not slowed down yet. I have not yet reached "my place". I don't know anything about endocrine typology. Hopefully we can get that link to work for me; it would be cool to read about the relation between SD and enneagram, though I have a feeling it might confuse vertical and horizontal typologies based on similar applications of the yin-yang principle. We shaaaall see.
  22. Sounds like I'm a shaman, based on what @Keyhole said.
  23. No one knows everything. Check out the website.