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Everything posted by Artsu

  1. @Zigzag Idiot did that just use the term divine love in the type 9 description? Wow!
  2. @modmyth ENFJ
  3. The tree is physical reality. I think you will become aware by observing it if theres something off about it. People who are hallucinating often know they are hallucinating, there would be ways to tell. It would seem different.
  4. Its green because you are having the perception of greenness. Maybe green is the wrong word and you were mistaken to call it that, but the perception is what it is. It is there, in your field of representation. Maybe there is no actual tree there. Maybe you are dreaming, or seeing an illusion/hallucination, but the experience of seeing the tree is real and cannot be rationalised away.
  5. I play poker sometimes. Just play chips because real money is banned online in Australia. I just had a game of blackjack, myself as dealer. I tripled up then lost it in 2 hands there was a cool moment though where i raised my bet to 7, then put down three 7s! I like the synchronicity of cards, slots etc.
  6. No the goal is to be truly oneself. I'm sure there is something related to progress here, so you could still consider it.
  7. We have free will, so before our love is complete, we almost inevitably do evil sometimes. Some choose to do it a lot. So it is an inevitable thing rather than necessary i think. I could be wrong.
  8. I feel like black metal is largely a reactiom to blue Christianity, and can appeal especially to people who are in blue but go against the status quo (in a dark way). The song indicates a band member potential of yellow or higher, for instance the song title is 7th circuit gaia, just below turquoise.
  9. Utilitarianism is related to the commandment to love thy neighbour as thyself. The hedonic calculus can be solved by following God. That means one should align one's life with the will of God, we also have free will. Of course this means loving God completely. This gets to the ethics of intention. Do not go against love or truth in your heart. Follow the 10 commandments in essence. These arent actions, they are the result of evil intentions. Adhere to the truth, seek wisdom. When do utilitarians ever talk about this stuff? Do they even follow their own philosophy? How? Btw this gets at those increasing levels of zooming out as mentioned. God knows all our reality, so he is the highest authority.
  10. When it comes to utilitarianism, people often focus on the idea of happiness, or utility. Common criticisms include that this is too vague, hard to define and measure, or too dry and limited in scope. But I would say that the main point of utilitarianism isn't this, but rather is the idea of selflessness. Utilitarianism doesn't say do what makes YOU happy, it says do what makes you, and the other person, and the other person etc. happy. You have a far greater awareness of your own happiness, and have more control over it, so naturally you focus more on it, but it's about realising that your experiences are just as valuable as anyone else's, except insofar as these experiences are different in kind. Utilitarianism also has a future-focused component. It says to look at the consequences of the action you are about to perform. What is likely to happen when you do it, from the immediate term to the long run? What will it do to people as a whole, and one would suppose, to the planet as a whole, although people are likely given a much higher value than (non-human) animals for example. Then when it comes to what it is we are trying to achieve for ourselves and others, we can have a look at the term happiness. Happiness basically means feeling good, so utilitarianism is aiming to move towards states of feeling good on a global scale. It seems a bit circular to say doing good is about feeling good, but what it gets at is the importance of experience itself in any moral equation. If an action never changed anyone's experience at all, could it be judged as good? Not in utilitarianism. Selflessness is key, I think, in any moral system. This is to be done with wisdom, however. You do, after all, have the greatest consciousness of your self.
  11. We are not God. You are wrong. And tread very carefully when making these kinds of claims. Furthermore, we are separate, as humans, from the animal kingdom, and artificial intelligence will always be below us, unless the ai literally was a vessel for a spirit, in which case its not actually artificial, only the apparatus is. You could maybe call the human apparatus (our brain/body/genetics) an animal, but we are a higher form of consciousness. (Completely differ in kind, not just degree) I dont really give much consideration to animals or ai when considering the afterlife/spirit world, just humans (spirits). I think you summed up the point as enjoying oneself and being good to people. In order to agree with you on that, you need to stop viewing humans as being God, and give the highest position in your world to God. Love the lord God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength. Love your neighbour as yourself. Enjoy your food and wine, be content with your work Aaaand Be born again and enter the kingdom of God Be perfect
  12. 2 examples in culture that remind me of what i think to be coral: Shows like the twilight zone, and absurdism. This is because the consciousness associated with the mystical self feels like being in the twilight zone, and things get absurd. I am not necessarily saying that the writers of the shows, or composers of the absurdist art, are or aren't coral themselves.
  13. How does beauty depend on identity? I don't get it. Beauty is a representation of something in your field of perception. It is metaphysical and positive. A quality something has. That doesnt uniquely define it. Qualities of mystery are also metaphysical, positive perceptions. Is absurdist art considered beautiful? If not, what is it?
  14. ESFP is a personality type. They are focused on present, visceral experience, as well as things like emotional regulation. I had a look at some of your posts, and the here and now is a big theme in what you write. For other people it is different. I dont have any tattoos, or samples to show you. An example is that you might get "progress" tattooed to represent the other side of your personality. I mean it could be any word that appeals to you. Dont just take my word for it, but thats a starting place for thinking about it.
  15. Its hard when youve transcended work but you still gotta work And society gave us a bunch of lousy pointless jobs. Boo
  16. I made a chair out of old lounge cushions. Its so comfy but the position i sit in hurts my bones.
  17. My impression was that guys with poor morals have a more forceful approach and cast a wider net, and sometimes it works. Its probably easy to go and flirt with someone if you dont care about how they feel. People generally arent trained to read for toxicity and some people can be very deceptive. So yeah, i dont know if women prefer mean guys over nice guys in general (it seems absurd to think they would, but the idea is repeated so often...), but the approach of the mean guy is more likely to be successful, at least temporarily.
  18. Its 4am and i can't sleep. Thats what i get for drinking caffeine! Oh well, dont need to get up early. Sleeping pattern has been erratic anyway. Hard to think right now though.
  19. Btw the reason 8 is a key number here is because there are 8 cognitive functions, 8 basic sides to an issue. Each new paragraph typically represents a different cognitive function, so you will process the information in a sequence, and the sequence is based on your personality type. It goes from introduction to semi-conclusion to conclusion. I am not totally sure what happens if you keep writing past the 8 paragraphs. Ive noticed that sometimes there is a kind of review that is put there that kind of looks at the whole thing together. The most common number of paragraphs i use is 4, but you need to interpret "paragraph" based on when there is a shift from one mode of understanding to the next. For example, i haven't pressed enter yet, so this is all one paragraph, but i have looked at multiple sides of the issue now, so this is essentially multiple paragraphs, i just didnt structure it that way. That would be 4 paragraphs i just wrote. Did that make sense? Its advanced personality type stuff so it might be tricky to "get".
  20. Longer posts especially. Aim for 8 paragraphs or so.
  21. It doesnt sound like youll get much out of it. You already know a lot of it, and academia has many problems. You will be highly constrained by professionsl standards if you go that path. How spiritually proficient are you? Could you consider working as a psychic, or life coach, or anything along those lines? Something where youre more free to do it your own way, something that would be more interesting for you. Some change will come from inside, but i think you are better off changing it from the outside because this doesnt mean studying for years when you might not get much out of it. Psychology as a whole needs a real shift, and perhaps you are better off locating people who are already developing it in a better direction. If the field is flawed, the degree is kinda corrupted, you know? Take a stand, free yourself from academic/professional standards imo. Always love, and seek the truth, wherever it shall lead you.
  22. I probably just liked the aesthetic. I also liked leather vests and motorbikes. And dinosaurs and dragons. A thread of badassery haha (I'm referring to a thread that weaves through my life, not this thread)
  23. Its an experience. It can last from hours to weeks. I experience life totally different, so much so that it lead to false conclusions that I was Jesus, or some other incarnation of a religious figure. It is a mystical state, where the self is experienced as very powerful, even having miraculous powers, and the world around is experienced as constantly synchronous. Given your questions though, i dont know how interested you actually are in what I'm saying...