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Everything posted by Artsu

  1. I get the feeling that if I told people my real spiral dynamics level they wouldn't believe me. But the evidence is in this blog.
  2. I will say the SS index goes from concrete to abstract, rather than replacing S and N with them.
  3. I am IEdU That means I am fully universal, fully idea based and fully empathetic (although the empathy is reduced because it is the secondary function rather than the primary), and I have a prominent adaptive side (but mainly directive).
  4. The 16 types dichotomies Yin vs Yang Universal vs Particular Adaptive vs Directive Idea vs Real Empathy vs Systems
  5. You go up the SS index as you ascend the psychic hierarchy. Each level represents another cognitive function (hint).
  6. The current iteration
  7. I know how to divide the 16 types into 32. I will show how soon, I've just gotta give it more thought.
  8. I'm posting my work to this site because it's the only site I know where vertical typology is discussed, but it's all spiral dynamics. I would rather a more general interest.
  9. I need to divide the functional aspects into 8 aspects instead of 4 so that it mirrors the latter aspects. This is proving difficult.
  10. I can't make sense of spiral dynamics, and I've improved on the elevator of enlightenment, so this blog is now dedicated to the psychic hierarchy.
  11. I need to write up descriptions for my vertical typology system, then I can go more public.
  12. I'm going to study differential geometry next year. Maybe statistics at some point, depending on how things are looking.
  13. I realised that I do have experience with higher Te and Si, but soon I will develop the higher Te a lot more as a part of Realm.
  14. Changing SS index back to: Se Si Te Ti Fe Fi Ne Ni
  15. This is groundbreaking.
  16. Another try... Red Se Blue Si Orange Te+Ti Green Fe+Fi Yellow Ne Turquoise Ni
  17. The Psychic Hierarchy is my own system.
  18. The 4 Functional aspects go over one full function cycle, 2 per stage, whereas the 4 Transcendent and 4 Mystical go over one full function cycle combined. So by going through the function cycle 2 times, a person can fully develop.
  19. The Psychic Hierarchy Consciousness Experience Reflection Aims Wants Needs Actualisation Meaning Purpose Intuition Mystery Vision
  20. Giving up on spiral dynamics. Going to focus on the elevator of enlightenment instead.
  21. In other words, Blue and Yellow need to be divided into 2 stages each. I reached turquoise at 25.
  22. Red Se Blue Si + Fe Orange Te Green Fi Yellow Ne + Ti Turquoise Ni
  23. I'm still working on this. Coral may not exist.
  24. I'm considering that Si may come before Se in the SS index, but that breaks the pattern of introverted functions being further down. There's something not quite right about red being Se but dar'yu being Si.
  25. If anyone has any comments or questions, feel free to post.