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About Artsu

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  1. If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask.
  2. I have developed Destiny, and all 8 higher thematic levels. I havr overcomme Effort and the 8 lower yhematic levels. My discovery of the thematic hierarcht relates to the level above Destiny, however most of this work relates Drive. So this is my Ti and Se at work.
  3. I will name the lower thematic levels as gollows: Materialism SeT and SiT Success TeS and TiS Connection FeN and FiN Solutions NeF and NiF And Popularity SeF and SiF Belonging FeS and FiS Knowledge TeN and TiN Concepts NeT and NiT
  4. As you get older, you overconr lower levels, staeting with the instinctual levels. This means you basically stop usinh them. They are no longer a relevant part of your personality. This happens continually throughout life.
  5. For the cognitive hierarchy, the functuons develop in pairs, such as Ni with Fe. At the moment I am naminh yhe srages as follows: Impulse Ni Fr Compulsion Ti Se Interest Ne Fi Effort Te Si Purpose Ni Fe Drive Ti Se Inspiration Ne Fi Greatness Te Si Destiny Ni Fe There are a few more levels but i dont kbiw what to call them.
  6. I will be discussing peiple who staert life after the instinctual stages, meaning starting at lower Se for the thematic hierarchy. Humans start life with 8 instinctual stages in both the thematic and cognitive hierarchies. Thus is what a baby us developing. For animals, i suspect there are function orders even below this, but this isnt relevant for a person.
  7. The type basef models havr a different functuon order for each of the 16 tyoes. You may be familiar with these from typology. For INFJ it is: Ni Fe Ti Se Ne Fi Te Si Again, the cognitive life stages model includes each of these stages once, whereas the cognitive hierarchy includes each stage multiple times, with the first function developing in a higher form after yhe 8th function.
  8. The universal life stages and thematic hierarchy models are based on 2 similar function orders. SeT means extroverted sensinh with thinking qualities, and si on. These orders develop in parallel, with one typically being a bit further along than the other. The orders are: SeT SiT TeS TiS FeN FiN NeF NiF SeF SiF FeS FiS TeN TiN NeT NiT The life stages model includes each of these stages once. I wont be discussinh this model much. The thematic hierarchy includes each of these stages multiple times, wherebSe is the stage above Ni. I will focus on this model a lot. As you go through the stages, the stages go from explicit, fixed, literal and visible, to implicit, flexible, interpretive and subtle.
  9. This blog is about stage models, based on the 8 cognitive functions. It will be both the universal function order and the type based function order of the INFJ, where i may be analysing myself.
  10. The vase was empty. We had forgotten all about it. Did you fill it? I was about to finish that. No you shut up. Shut up shut up shut up. I'm a friendly person. I want bread and soup. Do you have butter? I forgot to light the stove. How will we make our soup? you're so silly, you make me smile
  11. I'm really starting to get the hang of this whole actualisation thing. I figure all I need is a life purpose and I'm ready to go. So I've signed up for Eminem's Be Real academy program and I'm gonna put my all into this. I am soooo ready. The first subject is called if I had a million dollars. We have to write a million dollars budget for our life assuming that's all we ever make. I don't kbow a lot about money, but I'm keen for the second subject, Amityville. We have to write a horror story, and it has to be. Really. Fucking scary.
  12. Hackers make me sick
  13. What did the farmer see? Just what his karma be When you hear alarm you flee I'm so allah ackbar my G
  14. It's all happening.
  15. This is the pinnacle of ferocity. The writing on the wall is plain for all to see. Never mess with the chosen one. I am the great gatsby, the one and only. Who goes there? Never step into the castle unless you are prepared to tithe. Teeth chatter, bones shatter, none matters but pitter patter rain drops time stops you flop I stop for no man.