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Everything posted by Bogdan
Then he wouldn't have made the video :)) he knows that he can't stop us trying to "save him" or whatever. if he hadn't said that then he would've been spammed much more, i'm sure. But now we can actually have respectful conversations about this. And to me it's clearly a digestive issue, since the obvious negative response is after he eats. Is the Hashimoto's somehow related to those digestive issues? i can't say, really. But From what he said in the video, he didn't mention any specific gut tests besides the endoscopy and blood tests, heavy metal tests and whatever laundry-list of tests doctors typically have you take. https://gojimanstore.myshopify.com/collections/test-kits So for the third time, with the risk of getting banned/reported or just annoying you, @Leo Gura i'm telling you this guy really knows his shit. He actually understands the gut. You have the money, just talk to him and try these tests out IF of course you haven't done that already. The problem with bacteria that is where it should not be is that when the circumstances are less than favorable, they encapsulate and just stay there until they are fed again. These problems DO NOT go away with any amount of fasting, any amount of breathing work, or any "letting things heal on their own" trust me, i've been trying for the last 4-5 years, not even urine therapy, NOTHING works for these kinds of problems! So don't only take the tests, but actually follow Gojiman's treatment, don't EVER try to solve the problem on your own!
I just wanna start by saying that i am not vegan or biased towards t, it's just that this guy has really sort of cracked the code to this shit, because he treats vegans, and people with gut issues typically have problems eating fruits and veggies and plants in general, and vegans eat a lot of plants (duh) There are SO many possible causes gut issues that my conclusion from my own 5 year journey of debilitating gut issues and nutrition/health research is that only a really exhaustive gut check like he suggests is gonna get to the root of it. You can't wing it with these sort of things. I'm currently gathering money to take these tests. Look at these people that he has helped: There are more, you can check out his channel for yourselves. As many (oh, so many) other people, they were told that the varying issues they had were not treatable, that they would have to live with them and so on. And in most cases, doctors have no idea of what tests you should actually take, it's like we're in the stone age of gut health, really... Please be open minded and consider taking these tests if you have any persistent gut issues, and for the love of God don't self-treat these things, work with someone like Gojiman who actually understands these things!
Leo, the only thing i would have you try is a consultation with Gojiman. No dietary change, no supplement, just try talking to this guy on his site, explain to him how you feel and at least see if he can help you. He responds very quickly on the little chat window. I think by this point you have nothing to lose.
Bogdan replied to roki00's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I just started following Damien Echols on YT and started reading Liber Null & Psychonaut by Peter J Carroll. Really interesting stuff! -
@Leo Gura I am curious if you did the tests that this man is talking about. I am also curious if you would give him a try.
Bogdan replied to Jay Ray's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Just like there are 7 chakras, 7 notes in a musical octave, 7 colors in the rainbow, 7 days in a week etc. there are 7 densities of light. Every density has some ingenious, unique way in which the One knows itself. In the first density The One is asleep (the elements, physical matter). In the second density, the One is dreaming (plants, animals etc.). In the third density, the One awakens (human beings). The 4th density is all about love, the 5th is all about wisdom, the 6th is all about the balance between love and wisdom, and 7th density beings are basically with one foot in the Absolute and one in the Relative (quite unimaginable). We currently are in the 3rd density. What we call demons and angels are, in a way, our future selves, that have graduated 3rd density. The ones that decided they want to skip love are what we call demons. So they are not good or bad, they are just like the left and right hemispheres of the brain. Now, it is true that a spirit that is causing trouble is not necessarily a demon, it may be for example a recently deceased relative or loved one that is desperately trying to cling to physicality, but in my experience it's pretty tricky trying to figure out this stuff through this route, of understanding angels, demons, physicality, basically the feminine side of God. The mythology and symbolism side, if you will. I only starded researching this stuff after several awakenings, and all the notions i had beforehand only hindered my awakening process and created a lot of doubts and fear. That is ok, God knows what it's doing, lol, but my advice to @Jay Ray is to focus more on the masculine, eastern, non-dual, seeing through the illusion type of thing before dabbling INTO the illusion, if that makes sense -
Get gymnastic rings, 3 kettlebells (16kg, 20kg & 24kg) even one is enough for the beginning, install a pull-up bar somewhere or have a place from which you can hang yourself and the rings from. Focus on a 1 to 1 ratio of strength and mobility sets and also a 1 to 1 ratio of pushing and pulling movements. Strengthen your joints, tendons & ligaments.
Bogdan replied to Jay Ray's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Spirits with negative polarities aka demons feed on your attention. So reasoning with them is only giving them more power, because you are still playing their game, they are still tricking you into GIVING your attention to them. They cannot posses you, they can only trick you into letting them posses you. Ego, like anything, has levels of complexity - gross and subtle aspects to it. Essentially, every "i" thought is ego, and you can't avoid having "i" thoughts as long as your body is alive, because at some point, "i" will have to eat, shit, drink, piss etc. Of course there are i thoughts that distract you from love, and that is what spirituality conventionally calls ego, and you can still have i thoughts being completely dis-identified with them - that's a "healthy", or awake ego - but when you are in that state, the boundary between the ego and everything else dissolves - you are aware of your Self, which is Presence/Love/God/Emptiness/Everything/Truth/Infinity, the you that doesn't change etc. So what you can actually DO is LOVE them. LOVE EVERYTHING! Negatively polarized beings cannot stand love, that's how they have to be in order to remain negatively polarized - so just love, love, love! And Loving kinda comes together with selflessness - you stop making the whole situation about you, and you actually make it about others - in this case, it's about helping those so called "demons" accept love (because they will have to sooner or later) - and the way you do that is through surrender - by actually having the attitude of "ok, i accept you staying as long as you like! If God accepts you being here, then i accept you too! I LOVE YOU!" But you really have to mean it authentically, and that can be tricky - because they will leave if you do that, but you can't do it while still wishing them to leave. You must learn to truly accept them - this means accepting the possibility of your insanity, and that relaxes you, because you can then stop that desperate trying to figure out if you actually are insane or not (because that's what you're actually doing, and that is the insanity, you are asking yourself if you are insane or not) and making things more impersonal, explaining things through demons and angels and shit can be helpful. But it's you, everything is you. There is nothing that isn't you. I'll give you one last point that helped me a lot, and that is recognizing that no THING, as unpleasant as it may be, doesn't block my awareness. No thing can stop me from being aware of the Presence that IT is happening in. On the contrary, EVERY THING can be used as proof of Presence, because no thing can be Present without Presence (does that make sense?) So if your Self is Presence itself, then it doesn't matter ego or no ego, demon or angel, they are all a celebration of the Presence that pervades and precedes them all. So move your attention on the fact that you are aware of something, not on the something itself. What you are can NEVER appear. -
I'm from Romania and since i was little, i heard around me other romanians complain about how young talented folk keep leaving the country with the reason that it's shitty here, and saying that them leaving is actually the reason for why the country is shitty. So i was kinda indoctrinated, i guess, to think that it's bad/selfish to leave the country. Firstly i was wondering what thoughts you have on that. I feel like my main focus is deepening my Presence, and for that i don't need anything from my circumstances. But for my self-actualization and LP i feel that where you live and stuff like that makes sort of a big difference. I'm 24 now, and i really resonate with Leo's idea of not staying more than 5 years in any one city at a time. So i was hoping for some suggestions for some top countries in the world that i should consider moving to.
@SirVladimir Thank you. Reading your words i felt the Place where you were writing from. Namaste, brother!
I have this predicament of what domain of mastery to choose. Music is one of the few things that can gather tens of thousands of people together and make them all agree on one thing, and in my numerous darkest of times, the only, and i mean only thing that i had the energy/willingness to do was to pick up my guitar and play/sing something. I studied guitar in high-school and went to the music conservatory in Bucharest, but dropped out in my second because i didn't want to play classical music, i wanted to play bass, so that's what i did. BUT Then i started researching spirituality, psychedelics and sports, and when i look into the world, i see people that need to learn the basic maintenance of the body, how to take care of their spine and joints so that they're not achy all the time; i see people that suffer from digestive issues, just like me, and need guidance to take the proper fucking tests, not try to solve it by trying some fad diet, not to mention understanding the Self and stuff like that! Besides that, i see all the pollution in the oceans and in the air and shit, and i keep thinking what if music is becoming a distraction? Should i join an ocean-cleaning group and spend all my time cleaning up the environment? Should i continue on the path of becoming the best Holistic Health Practitioner that i can be? Or maybe i should drop all these "worldly" things and "shoulds" and work on joining an ashram and live permanently there in the beautiful nature, RADIATING and raising/strengthening the Planetary energy vortex ? And you know what? I'm only half-joking about the last one... i'm trying to see that every perspective is partial and being open to everything is SUCH a mindfuck! ... I enjoy both music and sports so much, but even after taking Leo's LP course a couple years back, i still struggle to chose one of them as my domain of mastery. It all started with music, and i feel like i stopped half way through. But now, i'm almost half way through with getting good as an athlete and as a trainer, and i feel like moving to another country for the first time is real close, and i want to know WHY am i moving. So how do i go about tackling this problem? The thing is, i notice some limiting beliefs around both of them, like for example in music i always hated sight reading, which is SO fundamental, and sure i can force my self to do it and stuff, and probably it will be easier than i imagine (i know how to read scores, i just never practiced enough to be good at it), and regarding sports, being sedentary as a child, i kinda missed the opportunity of exercising while the body was still developing, so that is sort of a big limitation in my mind, but i don't want to become some world class athlete, i resonate more with balancing just the right amount of fitness in my life in order to do anything for hours on end and not have ANY aches whatsoever in my body - because i feel like this is much more relevant for at least 80% of the population, not this bullshit "go hard or go home" mentality that you see in gyms these days...anyways, I will continue to train my body and research movement/health, AND play music regardless. I'm passionate about both of them. i think movement it's such a basic human need, it's like car maintenance. And music is my favorite way of expression and creativity. -But again, how do i choose one as a main theme in my life, a domain of mastery? -OR am i looking in the wrong direction? Maybe neither one is the answer, and my true purpose is just out of sight. -What am i missing in the way i think? -Should i base my financial independence on one of them while dedicating the rest of my waking hours to the other? -Am i just scared of hard work? -Or maybe i have more basic needs that are unmet, and i should focus on getting out of Romania and getting good with girls for a couple of years... Ok, i'm gonna definitely do that anyway but still, for the last 4-5 years i have been exploring all this stuff on my own, and i guess i've come to a point where i feel like reaching out, admitting that i can't do everything on my own and asking for help. i'm tired of pretending that i'm so selfless that i don't need anything. I'm young, immature, tired, sad, angry, lonely and scared! I have so much to learn! Yes, i am God/Love. I am eternal/eternity and ultimately, i have nothing to fear (except for myself, lol). I try to live that Truth as much as possible, like i said. But right now i am imagining THIS human puzzle that is constantly trying to convince me that it's "solved", in order to trick me into stopping, and goddammit it's so tricky, because it is Perfect and there is nothing to solve, and it's an illusion but that's just a perspective, that can easily be turned into a deception and into spiritual ego and HOLY SHIT it's so amazing and fun and awesome and scary and everything and ok i'm ranting now, i'm gonna stop. -How does this sound as a plan: Move to the Netherlands, go to music school, work as a personal trainer for money, there i can grow my own shrooms to microdose and trip regularly, have all the solitude and quietness i need, go out and talk to dozens of girls every week, and do that for 4-5 years and then move to another country, maybe the US or Canada or something like that? Won't i burn out like that? maybe i should drop the music school thing and by doing so i'm freeing up more hours for meditation and talking with girls and making my own music, maybe i'm limiting myself by thinking that i NEED to go to music school, and i just have to get some balls and do my thing and have faith in myself. SO MANY THINGS SO CONSIDER!!! But i'm gonna leave it at that. i am eager to read your responses!
Interesting point
I would stop taking calcium, it has blood clotting effect when taken as a supplement. I would also quit coffee altogether, cold turkey. I recommend everyone to take B12 as methylcobalamin. Use the cronometer website/app to track your vitamin and mineral intake. Don't rely on supplements. If you are low on any micronutrients, work on adding foods that contain them. Even for Omega3, i highly advise against fish oils, for many reasons. Try to eat ground flax seeds, soaked or ground chia seeds and/or hemp seeds for your Omega3's. If you insist on a supplement, choose one that comes directly from algae. The only other supplements i deem worthy at this point in my research are mushrooms, such as Paul Stamets offers (not affiliated in any way). Lion's Mane, Cordyceps, Reishi, Turkey Tail etc. They are amazing for the brain, like truly, truly amazing.
Static stretching will plateau pretty quickly. Flexibility is essentially a function of the nervous system. When you get a joint close to the end of it's range of motion, the nervous system activates the muscles surrounding that joint, preventing it to go past the point that it's familiar with. So the solution to flexibility is to strengthen the end of the range of motion of any particular joint. This channel is gold: Also, check out this:
@Maxman In order to give a proper answer we would have to have few hour long discussion. From my experience, making sudden drastic changes like giving up a whole food group, like grains, or going keto is very hard to adhere to, and produces food cravings and disorders. i advise people to manipulate the LEAST amount of variables possible, that produce maximum results. For example, the first thing i would have you try is to simply walk more, and burn more calories. AND NOT reduce calories! (assuming that your diet is pretty clean, as a vegan - meaning that you're eating your grinded chia and flax seeds, other nuts & seeds, vegetables, tubers, greens, legumes, herbs&spices and fruit) Do that, adhere to this simple "technique" of simply moving your body more, and then see what other tiny variable you can manipulate to make the next step. Don't try to lose the weight yesterday i spent almost 5 years trying to lose the weight fast. It got ridiculous!
@Zak He is not saying that HE is special; that you MUST do this or that in a dogmatic way, especially that you MUST follow HIS work, nothing else (OR ELSE) bla bla; When you're talking about what you SHOULD do to deepen your loving awareness, you're bound to be misunderstood, or sound dogmatic. It's just a language thing. And what i found from understanding my own doubts and skepticism of Leo and every master that i listen to and research, is that ego was looking for the smallest piece of evidence that the person isn't perfect, so that it can dismiss him/her and their teachings completely, thus successfully avoiding spiritual work. Make sure that you're working with your own light and shadow and then maybe you will be secure enough in yourself to not need anyone else to meet some silly standard of perfection so that you can project your big bro/daddy issues onto them. Much Love, my friend
@Gneh Onebar No, i havent. I'l check it out!
Hi, this is my first trip report This happened around June of 2017, and i had about 4 or 5 120μg experiences prior to that. I was 21 at that time. The very first time i tried lsd about 30μg, and this was also my first psychedelic experience. (i was smoking weed pretty much daily at that point) I had very minor visuals, and i felt euphoric, like the best high ever. it basically was a 6 hour-long amazing conversation with one of my best friends (he took the same dose, it was his first time too). After that, i felt like i understood what this substance kinda is hinting towards, so i knew i was ready for more. I had a strong feeling of OH, I KNOW THIS! (I now know that i have this "talent" of remembering my trips quite well. Most of them, anyway.) So as i mentioned, the next 4-5 trips were all of around 100-120μg. They all had significant insights, but none of the magnitude of this 600 one. (At this point, i was watching Leo's videos for about 2 years, i started meditating and lifting weights. I was very much SD stage Green, and i still was identifying myself as an atheist and an environmentalist and stuff like that.) So listening to Terrence Mckenna and others, i knew that i wanted to do a higher dose, but in solitude - all my previous trips were done with a couple friends. So i got 4 bloaters of 150μg each, i told my mom that i would do a whole-day meditation and that i would close my phone (i was home for a few days), i woke up at about 7 or 8 A.M. i prepared the food for the day so that i wouldn't have to do anything while tripping. -So, at about 8:55 i put the little papers under my tongue, sat in a meditation position and waited calmly. I had my journal next to me, i wanted to record everything. (I'm gonna combine storytelling with what i wrote because i couldn't write much, as you might imagine ). -About 25 minutes later, i wasn't sure if placebo or not, but i started to feel the come up, and i had to shit twice! My body knew it had to be empty, or else -The come up was much stronger and faster than my previous trips, so i started panicking a bit at the thought that i might not be able to handle it, but i knew that if i panicked, music would just melt that panic away. So i just laid back with my eyes closed and put on The Division Bell album from Pink Floyd... HOLY. MOTHERFUCKIN. SHIT! i don't listen to whole albums a lot in everyday life, but when tripping... i feel like albums were made specially to be listened to while tripping so anyway: -Very quickly i started visually percieving, seeing impossible stuff, like emotions and language, that were like different kinds of oils and liquids flowing next to each other, forming layers, that were forming reality. And as i was melting in between those liquidy layers i saw every single person i ever knew. They were there... HERE! With me, in me... they were me! It was the first time i actually saw and understood what previously was just hearsay - the fact that "i" am/is God/Godliness/Everythingness. It was quite a shock to the system back then, and the first reaction was frustration, because if i am God - Everything, then how can i NOT be bored?!? But as i was taking notes i kept realizing more and more that the kind of information i am accessing is useless to try to capture in words. I also saw much more clearly how "the one that is frustrated" of that is the ego, which is a thought identified with itself. -"Beingess is useless to the ego". Oneness is useless, even counterproductive, to that which is designed to fragment. My mind was trying really hard to understand " OK... BUT WHAT DOES THIS MEAN TO ME, BOGDAN?" And it was disappointed that it only means that everything is One. No super-powers, this trip won't be a magic solution to anything. -"Only the ego can be sufficiently satisfied with the sufficient amount of ego death. Only an ego wants a reality more like this, a calmness/trip/ego more like that...". I was being made aware of random things from my unconscious, including my wish for ego death. I started writing seriously, with all caps EGO DEATH in my journal, but just as soon as i wrote that, i saw that only the ego can WANT ego death and that being just is. The ego was being shown it's obvious BS and it didn't like that. I saw clearly how childish my personality was. -"Discipline is KEY!" I still struggled to comprehend oneness, and kept trying to understand what does this oneness mean when i'm not on acid. And the only answer that i could come up was that the "work" or Sadana is to grow my balls in order to cultivate more and more presence. I was afraid of the peaceful, transcendental power of discipline. -"True balance is to be utterly, seriously disciplined, without being so serious". So basically being disciplined but relaxed. I saw how i needed to incorporate and integrate everything i knew. So by this point i started peaking. More like i arrived to the base of the mountain and started going up. This is where the trip really begins. -While with my eyes closed, i started going deeper and deeper, to the point where what i was experiencing was so radical and extraordinary, that when i tried to come back to write in my journal it was like being sucked through a straw. I had to completely let go of this reality to be shown what i needed to see. The last thing i was able to write was: "Oh, how i have to let go of this side to even...". -Here, similarly to how people describe meeting entities/machine elves, i met these two beings. Except we were one. They were my masculine and feminine. But actually, they were THE Masculine and Feminine. I was experiencing myself as a sort of a child archetype - pure curiosity and innocence, She was represented as a woman, but made out of white light, pure beauty, wisdom and kindness, and He was just the most badass kinda fit, kinda old dude, that sort of looked like Peter Ralston And he was like my fully mature, fully fledged potential, future self. Raw, infinite power. He also had this most amazing tracksuit that was this kinda dark red, but not really, it was the most amazing color ever! -So anyway, they congratulated me for being brave, for coming to them. She was proud of me, but He was sort of giving me a tough love kind of thing, but perfectly balanced, with infinite wisdom and love! Perfect parenting! -Then she took me by the hand, and said "Let me show you something" (She wanted to teach me what suffering is) and we flew through the Universe, and she took me to a weird place, where there was a kind of bookshelf - i was experiencing time as a physical dimension - and every single "book" in that library/bookshelf was one of my memories. All of my memories were laid before me, and she proceeded to show me every single "suffering" i ever had! From every awkward moment with a girl, every single time i got angry because i stubbed my toe,to things like the death of my father (i was 12). She would take each of these sufferings, like a string made out of Light and after She showed them to me, She would weave the strings together, making a rope. And basically She kept explaining and showing me that "because of this suffering you then did this, and you learned this, (and she would build up, and up, and up), and because of that you became the type of person that knows the types of things that made you take acid in this manner IN ORDER TO FEEL *THIS*" -And She pulled on the finished rope, squeezing pure emotion out of it, and i felt it all at once... i started crying like i never cried in my life. I never saw anything more beautiful, i didn't think that there could be anything THAT beautiful, it was completely overwhelming. There cannot be words deep enough to explain how beautiful what i just saw/experienced was. I don't know for how much i was crying. I described this very briefly, but this took hours in "real life". I basically watched all of my memories being played like on a dvd i don't really recall how i experienced time there. Now we're halfway towards the peak -After all that happened, is was His turn to show me something. -We "walked" through the Universe, and he explained and showed me in incredible detail what consciousness is and how awesome it is. He would literally take a piece of reality, of space, like you take frosting from cake, with your finger, and He showed me how it can turn into literally ANYTHING. He continued to show me uncountable unimaginable things that infinity does/is, while we would get bigger and bigger, zooming out of a Mandelbrot set type fractal, where i saw whole concepts like music, manifested in front of me. I literally saw music as a whole, like a fractal jewelry, and i remember looking at it and saying "oooh, and that's music". But it wasn't just a visual thing, it was like was seeing, feeling, hearing, composing, playing and being every possible infinite piece of music at the same time. Such it was for many other concepts, that i don't remember. -At some point we transcended fractality, where i was shown The Present Moment, how i was it, and how it is infinite. Now, this all seems common knowledge for me, but then it was very significant shocking because it was the first time i actually understood that the Universe was infinite. I pretty much had a materialist paradigm until then, although i was quite open to spirituality even as a child. -Time was dilating more and more and He proceeded to show me in increasingly ingenious and complex ways what Life is. I was being shown how the Universe is a Perpetuum Mobile, and at one point i recall becoming the seasons, cycling and cycling. Evey second became years and years, which escalated to experiencing lifetimes - birth/death/birth/death/birth/death over and over and over. It was interesting because i recall seeing this death/rebirth through the eyes of animals. I saw lifetimes of birds, specifically, and other animals that i can't remember as specifically. -Remember i said how what She showed me was the most overwhelmingly, impossibly beautiful thing that i ever saw and that i cried like never before? Well... what He showed me was orders of magnitude more beautiful than that. My physical body was crying so freaking hard, but i wasn't paying attention to it, what He showed me was too overwhelming. I don't even remember what exactly i started crying from. i only remember the significance of it. my brain kinda had to forget that moment. -So the insights were getting deeper and deeper, and i approached a sort of black hole. I don't know any other way of how to describe it. As an analogy, He was teaching me how to fight, like a kung fu master, and he had me pinned down, or holding me under water. My experience wasn't of fighting or anything, it was about life/love/death, but he was pushing my limits of what i can handle, but exactly, precisely to where i needed. My physical body was on it's belly, on the bed, contorting and my face was in a pool of saliva so i was kinda drowning/suffocating in my own saliva. I could stop whenever i wanted, but the hypoxia worked synergistically with the trip, to create an incredible ecstasy. Basically He pushed me as close to death as possible, to the point where i almost fell over. It is my speculation that if i had taken much more than that, i could've (or better said would've) made the conscious choice to suffocate the physical body and pass over into that abyss. -At that point i heard Her say to Him "enough... you're killing him." and i was sucked back into human consciousness, and i opened my eyes. 8 hours had passed. -If i remember correctly i started writing right away, saying things like: "take all the notes you want, you will never understand. This information can be understood only through Being" "you can't be more of this or that because you already are infinite" "don't take yourself so seriously, keep your role in society but don't be identified with it" "remember to snap out of the illusion from time to time and you'll be fine" "just get up and live your life, be creative" My mind was shook, it felt like it had THE answer, but it couldn't find it. Maybe a bit like a raccoon that dips it's sweet, amazing cotton candy in water and then it disappears Basically the human conclusion i got was to keep working to become as conscious as possible. I was in a state of blissful ecstasy, but i became ultra-aware how constantly changing everything is. This was very painful/scary for me at the time, very much anchored in ego. Because if everything including my state of being is constantly changing, then i couldn't find myself anymore. I kept becoming aware of the very different emotions and states of being that consciousness is capable of creating through "personality", and it was scary. Again, i didn't have the base of knowledge of how to interpret all these things correctly. It was like my ego was trying super hard to reconfigure itself, an it kept being deconstructed and reconstructed. One way thoughts managed to reconfigure false identity was with the objection that "what is saw was TOO beautiful" and i kept reminding myself holy shit, the beauty, Jeeeeeeeesus fucking Christ the beauty and i would start crying and weeping again and again for hours on end after that. I had to leave the house, to distract myself with something (i was sobering up, this was a about 6 P.M. so about 10 hours had passed, although i still was really high. And i went on a walk through a forest nearby, and i just kept weeping repeatedly, utterly in awe of the beauty and the profundity of what i just witnessed. The next days were pretty blissful, but obviously, what came next was a period of intense integration, that only very recently i feel like it came to fruition (i hope my english makes sense) So anyway, i know this report is already kinda long, so now i will give you my 2 cents on it: -obviously it wasn't very smart what i did :)) and although i am very grateful for the experience and it was truly awesome, i will always recommend upping your dosage systematically and gradually. -unconsciously, i was hoping that "this one trip" will solve all of my problems. We all watch Leo's and others' videos, so i don't have to tell you this, but no one thing is gonna fix your problems, because your problems aren't actually what you think. It's all Consciousness, so every single little detail of Reality is Absolutely mind-blowingly intelligent and perfect. Actually, the "problem" or what makes us perceive problems in things is our beliefs about what problems are, which comes from conditioning and separation (lol, the "separatists" from Star Wars XD) and all that. Ok, i'm gonna leave it at that. I have a few more trip reports coming. Love you guys!
@Leo Gura Namaste, brother! LMAO
I keep seeing this reoccurring thing in spiritual/metaphysical talks in general, and that is not making it clear when you are trying to explain an Absolute point of view, like trying to explain how God sees time, or from a relative, more "human" point of view. As i understand it now, from God's POV, there are no distinctions, in a sense, because it is simultaneously directly experiencing every possible configuration of consciousness. Our human experience of time, however, is generated by awareness going at a certain limited pace through a certain limited number of configurations of consciousness, that are like pictures, or snapshots who each look very similar one to the other (just like the movement in a movie is an illusion consisting of pictures moving at a certain rate one after the other). So every second we are going through a limited number of snapshots. Each one o those snapshots are (relatively) "separate" from each other, a new configuration. Each nanosecond is a completely new Universe (relatively). The "limited" number seems finite, (this is how God creates the experience of the finite) although it's still infinite, it's just a "lesser" infinity, just like how the natural number infinity is smaller than the rational infinity. This is my current understanding, i am open to enriching/expanding it