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About Anaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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  1. @Cabot Thank you for what you said. I'm so happy to know that there are more of us here from Montenegro. Also, haha, sorry, I think that I pushed the wrong button earlier. I meant to respond to your comment, but I think that I accidentally reported you.
  2. Please don't confuse me more than I am.
  3. Lol! He says Oh my God!!! I didn't actually started meditation. I have been meditating for three years man! And to be honest I thought that I'll get some bigger results and benefits or maybe I have huge expectations I don't know really...
  4. Yes, I am sucked into these thoughts emotionally. What do you mean by meditating on thoughts/emotions, what should I do exactly? Doing some self-inquiry work?
  5. It's the opposite. I am not trying to ignore this beauty/emotions because I feel happy when I experience this state of beauty. The ATTACHMENT to this beauty is huge. I fall into a state of ecstasy... Shouldn't I be more present in a moment during meditation rather than fall into these kinds of state?
  6. Ok I will try to explain because English is not my first language. :-) My problem is that I am so attached to everyday situations, especially for those I labeled as beautiful. During meditation these "beautiful" situations appear one after another as a movie. Subconsciously, I start to smile and enjoy this "movie" until I start to be aware of what am I doing. :-) Suddenly there is a moment of silence and tranquility until another fantasy land pops in out of nowhere.
  7. Hey guyes, here's my guestion The past three years , I have meditated for an hour a day. However, my mind is still as erratic as a chattering monkey. What makes it worse is that my thoughts are quite emotional and feel so very real to me. I am identifying with my thoughts emotionally. I would really like to develop the ability to observe my thoughts without being overtaken by such emotion. What can I do to achieve this? Best regards from Montenegro