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Everything posted by TheSunKing

  1. PC gaming (online) is awful. Everyone hacks.
  2. my body appears to be in linear time.
  3. Also a stumbling block for me. Surely I'd manifest a hot witch girlfriend and endless abundance.
  4. I wish the video were available.
  5. @A_v_E For me, ultimate artistic freedom would look like being able to have complete freedom to make art, and that the art could financially sustain me, without the need for supplemental income.
  6. This realization does not change my life whatsoever. Wouldn't God, upon waking up, make the dream a happy dream?
  7. ugly boobs. does not compute.
  8. Psychedelic song - All There Is I was going for a "Tommorow Never Knows" vibe. There Is Master 1.wav?dl=0
  9. 1) How long are you into spiritual path? 2.5 years 2) How many trips on psychedelics have you experienced? And what psychedelics? LSD and mushrooms, probly 10 times overall 3) How often do you meditate? once a day. 15-20 min 4) Has your life gotten better or worse? How? I am in a state of Peace, Joy, and Love alot more frequently. Depression still occurs but much less. 5) What are your main insides, want advice could you give to others? organs
  10. An indie rock song One by one Hidden under the sun i wanna see all of your sins hidden under your skin I told ya this was all a dream and It aint as it seems even the stars and Liz the Queen And nothing appears different My past still carries out I’m inside out and im outside in Let the air come over, I I’m waiting for this moment You’re all waiting for this moment Leave me here And leave me now For there is really nowhere else, I could ever be found I think there something in the air A hint of despair Or was it memories of her blonde hair? And nothing happens different My past still carries out And I’m inside out or I'm outside in Let the air come over ahh I’m waiting for this moment You’re all waiting for this moment
  11. Why not create software/app that helps people learn saxophone/music?
  12. Why didn't you make me hotter??
  13. @Thestarguitarist14 Thank you for the input . What are some of the most effective ways to clear out unconscious negativity? Would staying in a state of neutrality do this naturally?
  14. @PurpleTree Same boat here. Good information but no results. Had a consistent practice of meditation /SATS (State akin to sleep + visualization), and did not see any tangible physical manifestation.
  15. I had a similar fear at the start of my journey. The descriptions provided for the deeper states of meditation, were frightening to this body-mind. I started with 3 minute meditation and immediately saw benefits in nearly every area of life.
  16. The perfect life partner and endless abundance .
  17. I really enjoyed that. Great work, great questions. Subscribed
  18. Whenever this happens, I remember that I Am Love. And then I act accordingly. Usually irons out the wrinkles.