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Everything posted by Jennjenn

  1. @Leo Gura monsters, indeed lol kids, like any others, have free will. At the end of the day the can rebel and do whatever they want. It happens all the time.
  2. @Leo Gura kids are just like society, they grow in stages just like spiral dynamics. They’re born completely selfish and narcissistic. They have a red period, then a blue period, orange (when they want to start getting allowances, and building lemon stands). Then you teach honesty and to think about others, so they can finally can be green and beyond. As a parent we have to manage each stage accordingly. I really don’t know how people are supposed to teach a selfish little child (which all of them are) to “think freely”. That’s for adults.
  3. Yes, and I thought Leo believed in more government so we can be live a more harmonious life together.... so what is it? if my child learns to clean after himself we will definitely be more “harmonious” lol
  4. If you believe so much in having a free mind then why do you teach so much? You’re “teaching” people to have a free mind?... see what I did there lol.
  5. There are so many things we gotta teach a child (emphasis on the word child, once they’re adults things change), basic life skills, like cleaning after himself and discipline. But we also gotta teach them to have a open mind, to think for themselves, human decency and respect and learn how to say no when they don’t want to do something. I child would never have a healthy self esteem if we dismissed them and tell them what to do. I child with low self esteem is an easy pray. We also teach them the value of education... Being able to take care of yourself brings self confidence. My child is the autism spectrum so is imperative that he learns basic life skills, which he does and really well. If I over control him I’m telling him it’s ok to be control by others. I don’t think having a little disciple is mind control. Two things can be true at the same time.
  6. I don’t know how we jumped from teaching a kid to clean after himself to telling him how to think and to pray to baby Jesus. The kid can have a free mind and also learn how to wash dishes lol
  7. Having a kid that doesn’t know how to clean after himself is exhausting
  8. @Epikur I love this, great concept. My son has a list of chores he does 5 times a week in exchange for his allowance. I also say thank you and praise him for a good work, I hope it doesn’t backfires lol
  9. The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander.
  10. I’m originally from Ecuador, and just a couple of days ago a fleet of 260 Chinesse ships where approaching the Galapagos island illegally. Until now they are still right at the border of international waters, they stay there trying to lure the many different species of marine life into their ships. Galapagos is home to many vulnerable and endangered species. I think Ecuador CERTAINLY “looking at China with raised eyebrows right now”
  11. @Leo Gura students are introduced to objective, real history for the first time at college level courses like cultural anthropology, sociology, and even a freshman politics and power course (I took it and was shocked) which are required common/ flexible Core classes. Any class that teaches true history will take people out of denial and into a little bit more of understanding. That’s why trump called college “radical left indoctrination” centers.
  12. The problem in the US is that slavery has never been properly acknowledged. when nazi Germany ended, the government started reparations immediately and TRUE AND COMPLETE history was thought to their people. Everyone in Germany agreed, and the whole world as well, that being antisemitic was horrendous, and now *most* people wouldn’t dare to be antisemitic. If 50 years ago people would say “Jews lives matter”, people would support it and understand that they should not be killed in concentration camps. But here in the USA that have never happened. The true history of slavery is not even taught in schools. Just today I saw a video about a politician complaining about introducing a new curriculum about slavery to the deeply WHITE WASHED education kids received in the USA. That’s the problem. Everything is pushed under the rug. No real accountability has been taken. Every time someone brings the topic they shut it down and called it divisive. It’s like they’re ashamed of the truth, and it’s easier to be in DENIAL
  13. It’s crazy and scary. I think the unmarked vans are an scare tactic
  14. All of theses post are just a sequence of mansplaining abortion, which is exactly what the government does. Every time they debate about abortion is a bunch of men mentioning God and sin. Didn’t we agree a long time ago in the separation of church and state? The mention of religious dogma when talking about laws is outrageous. Also, the long term abortion argument is very misleading because most women don’t abort late term, that just feeds into this rhetoric that woman are dumb or evil so they should be monitored. When a woman wants to have an abortion they want to do it ASAP. But now because of “counseling” and “waiting periods” they are forced to stay pregnant for longer time. Those type of regulations only make everything worst. The only time I agree is about long term abortion because that is just being irresponsible. Wanting to have an abortion ASAP is actually very responsible. Giving a kid up for adoption is just cruelty for everyone involved. Why would someone want to impose that life-time cruelty on someone is beyond me. When I say mansplaining at the beginning is because all of this happened because men and society as a whole don’t trust woman and want to have opinions and be dogmatic about something that is 100% non of your business.
  15. I would like to understand why are so many people feeding culture wars in a spiritual forum? I doesn’t make sense to me... We are supposed to be understanding that we are all one, yet this forum is full of ethnocentric people with superiority complex and a victim blaming mentality. In an spiritual forum? Really? I don’t understand. I came here to fight exactly that part of my ego. To become aware of my own internalized biases, like racism and misogyny, and you guys are not helping lol. But this trend is everywhere. I see it everywhere. People all of a sudden are believing conspiracy theories and becoming Trump supporters. Why tho? Is it that life is too scary right now and he’s the only one telling you that it is all a hoax and just keep living your life like nothing is going on? Someone please explain this to me.
  16. @Akemrelax *sigh* I never said criticizing the left makes someone a Trump supporter. I think at some level you actually know what I’m talking about... im talking about the subtle -and not so subtle- racist and among other things, posts that we’ve seen lately. Particularly the ones that Leo locked today... Anyways, I’m exhausted... Today I discovered my dear friend believes covid is a hoax.
  17. I also think that people that want to silence BLM and protestors is because they made too much of a revolution and it became scary for some people. Like too much for comfort and that’s why they just want them to be quiet and say nothing: “Just be quite, don’t make a fuss, you’re making me uncomfortable”
  18. I will give Ben Shapiro the “Least empathic person” award. I imagine him arguing with his wife, he would say “ok I said I’m sorry, let’s move on”, and then explaining her how she’s actually the one at fault and making things worst because she refuses to just forget about it.
  19. @Epikur i have a kid and I’m 100% not a conservative
  20. I was listening to Joyce Meyer’s podcast and she said that a college student can’t be openly Christian on campus without being attacked. She said that “who would have thought that one day Christian’s would be persecuted in America” I can’t understand why she’s leaning towards these conspiracy type of ideas. I’ve been listening to her podcasts sporadically for quite a few years, mostly because I admire Jesus’s teachings a lot. I find Jesus to be the most liberal/ socialist teacher of our time and I always enjoy listening about him. Even though I don’t consider myself a religious person at all, I’m very spiritual. I’m also a college student, I understand college education is very green, so that’s exactly why she’s wrong. Green people won’t attack Christians or religious people, they pride themselves on being inclusive and accepting. She seems confused and paranoid. But she’s not the only Christian feeling that way. A few days ago I heard another “Christian” saying the same thing. What is going on??
  21. I’ve heard Leo mentioning or quoting Jesus a few times. Just right now, you can go to the politics topic and he just quoted Jesus in his latest response.