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Everything posted by Jennjenn

  1. Yeap. She’s very open and brave and the GOP always uses her as the boogie man. Other brave figures in history that also fought against white supremacy - Lincoln and Kennedy... We know what happened to them.
  2. We are living through history. Schools will teach about this for centuries to come and we are living through it.
  3. This picture is so profound. Lincoln is looking at us. He fought and won to the confederacy and white supremacist once, and he’s legacy is doing it again.
  4. True. This image brought tears to my eyes. Trumps sociopathy is bringing so much suffering, but as a true sociopath he doesn’t give a F*!
  5. The last nail in the coffin... It seems like Trump is officially a persona non grata in NY. All his contracts with the city has been canceled: two ice rinks, the Central Park Carousel and the Trump Golf Links in the Bronx. Hard fall when your own hometown doesn’t want you. He who thought himself to be the king of NY
  6. Yes. Trump should be removed from office, and all the others who contributed to the lie should be removed and prosecuted as well.
  7. These government officials keep feeding the delusion of the mob. It’s outrageously irresponsible. They should all resign or be removed. This has gone too far.
  8. Pence is in an abusive relationship with Trump. He has battered woman syndrome and/or Stockholm syndrome. Poor guy...
  9. I just had an aha! moment. Terrorist cults, such as the Maga cult, are not sustainable because we, as a society, have collectively agreed to “cancel” people and groups who act the way they did. Trump may still be president for a few more days. But we collectively took all his power away already. The society we have created has rules (not talking about laws, but rules), and he and his cult broke all of them. They are over. We expelled them from our internet bubble because what they did was heinous. I think they haven’t yet realized the gravity of what they have done.
  10. QAnon is a terrible virus of the mind with severe consequences. Those who caught it have been radicalized and many of them will never recover.
  11. There have been two viruses in this pandemic: the coronavirus and the Qanon virus. Both are deadly and have long-lasting effects
  12. Trump sent his mob to the capitol and put all of his colleagues in harm’s way. They all could have been killed. Specially Mike Pence. And after all of these Republican politicians are still saying “let’s move on.” Trump turned on Mike Pence and send the mob to kill him, but he’s just... quiet. These politicians are in a textbook abusive relationship but they don’t know it yet.
  13. On the contrary. I think he overestimated it. He thought more people will show up, and demand a Trump presidency, follow by civil war and Marshal law, etc. he thought the coup was going to be successful.
  14. Pelosi is live right now calling for the immediate removal of Trump. And also to the removal of president of the capitol police
  15. @DocWatts I still find it very suspicious how it was so easy for the Trump mob to just stormed into the Capitol. The last time something like that happened was 1814. I feel bad for the congressman and congresswoman having their offices rioted like that, someone stole some of Pelosi's mail and took a pic with it. Can you imagine having your private property tampered like this? It’s traumatizing. I also admire their courage and how they didn’t let themselves be intimidated by the mob. That’s a huge lesson for us in how not to let anyone intimidate you. Remember this?
  16. @DocWatts People are saying it was an inside job. That's why Pence was the one calling for the national guard when Trump refused. Did you see the video of police just letting them in?
  17. This is what I thought today while analyzing the events at the capitol and its similarities with the riots — Civil rights, systemic racism, mass incarceration and police brutality are real issues that have hurt people for 100s of years and it is a valid and legit cause. Following the lead of a wannabe dictator, narcissistic psycho is not.
  18. imagine how those poll workers are feeling?? they might be so afraid right now
  19. Trump is a GENIUS con-artist. Like for real, for real. You see how he planed all of this. Delaying the counting of mail in ballots in PA and other states until election night and all his efforts to destabilized the post office. All so he can create this illusion that he's winning and call fraud, and his base is 100 percent buying it (almost 70 million people). He knew counting the mail in ballots on election night will take several days, days will give them enough time to create suspicion and call fraud. (it's funny how this could sound like a conspiracy theory when is in fact reality) I just wonder why no one is calling him out on it. Not even the republicans from the states he's calling fraud. I wonder if after all this is over and done he will be charge for this, even Don jr called for war on twitter.
  20. Why is it that Trump has been impeached, lost the popular vote by 3 million in 2016, now, there is a rise of new voters and early voters and people that changed their minds during the last four years and are not voting for trump anymore.... So far Biden is leading the polls, and has a lead with the 90+millions votes already casted. Republicans tried to tossed out 127,000 already casted votes in Texas and lost (because they were democratic votes, obviously). Trump has been trying to delegitimized the elections for moths (I don’t think is because he believes he’s winning) BUT, after ALL of this, we are supposed to believe that the furious Trump base is waiting until the last minute to vote and all of a sudden WIN the election for Trump.... ????
  21. @Conceptually-made have you thought about studying social work? You can be a therapist with a social work degree and in my experience a much better one. With a social work degree you get some classes in psychology but most classes are on philosophy and sociology. This is great for a therapist and fixes a problem that I see psychologist have which is that they see people in a vacuum. It’s a “blame the individual” science. Social work on the other hand sees all the paradigms, expectations and social constructs that make most of us go “crazy”. It’s also more compassionate, and more “in tune” with our current times. If you like philosophy you are going to have an awesome time studying sociology and social work. In regards to your parents, you gotta do what’s best for you. University is soooo freaking long that you HAVE TO study something that you actually enjoy!