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Everything posted by Jennjenn

  1. It’s class warfare. We can’t expect the working class to be “wise” when they are the ones who are constantly been taken advantage of. Not given the proper education and always kept in the dark. The ones who should “wised up” are the elites and the government and people with money and power. Stop taking advantage of the masses and maybe they won’t act in destructive ways. Let’s not blame the victim now. It was just a matter of time. Just like BLM burnt down police stations, this “occupy Wall Street 2.0” might as well do the same. And I for once don’t blame them. Stop treating people like idiots and maybe they will stop acting like one.
  2. Ted Cruz was born in Canada. I think he can’t run for president
  3. Hahaha I love this! that’s what he deserves... he’s that guy who a former girlfriend has to put a restraining order for him to stay away. The Former President lol now that I think about it, what are his Qanon followers thinking about him calling himself “the former president”
  4. I agree with this statement and it reminded me of something that happened to me yesterday... While shopping for things for my house I started to feel so much gratitude. I was in poverty and homeless once. And after many years of hard work things have completely turned around for me. But, I remember feeling that I want to keep this socioeconomic status forever. Not only for me but for my children and their children, and their children’s children. I want not 1 of my descendants to experience what I experienced. And that feeling is so primal that for a moment I understood why the elites cling to the status quo so much. They KNOW it is a scary world out there. Sometimes I feel like they’re more scare or just as scare than anybody else.
  5. 6 year olds loosing their lives in a school shooting is not “art”. It’s a latent social problem that is currently affecting many kids, parents and school staff. This is wrong and mocks parents who have lost their children to shootings. Because, according to Ben, it’s the kids fault they died because they didn’t “run, hide and fight” what is the point of this movie??... Out of touch and lacking empathy just like Ben.
  6. lol... this reminds me of that study of an all-white-suburb in Long Island. The researches interviewed the white residents waiting for the train about racial issues and they all had and overall favorable opinion on immigration and not too much issues with it. Then, For two weeks they planted a well-dressed Mexican couple waiting for the train and after two weeks passed they re-interviewed the people waiting for the train. Now the results were different and residents now thought that immigration laws should be stronger specially on the southern border....
  7. I read that in the book right now. Amazing how UBI passed the House of Representatives TWICE. it makes me think about how UBI was thought to be a necessity WITHOUT covid. And now with covid the government is still second guessing stimulus checks... imagine that... now should be the time to implement it more than ever and without a doubt.
  8. Excerpt from the book “The war on normal people” by Andrew Yang. This book was written before covid and before the demised of Trump’s presidency. Which tells me that things could get even worst than what he predicted. “The group I worry about most is poor whites. Even now, people of color report higher levels of optimism than poor whites, despite worse economic circumstances. It’s difficult to go from feeling like the pillar of one’s society to feeling like an afterthought or failure. There is a strong heritage of military service in many white communities that will be subverted into antigovernment militias, white nationalist gangs, and bunkers in the woods. There will be more random mass shootings in the months ahead as middle-aged white men self-destruct and feel that life has no meaning. As the mindset of scarcity spreads and deepens, people’s executive functioning will erode. It takes self-control to resist base impulses. Racism and misogyny will become more and more pervasive even as they are policed in certain sectors.”
  9. Thank you for mentioning this book. I got curious so I’m listening to it right now, and it’s good!
  10. This is what an INCREDIBLY smart person looks like. and a hero
  11. @BipolarGrowth thank you for the info. I will definitely look into it. ?
  12. The last time I did any type of drug was 15 years ago, in my teenage years. Ive grown to be scared of bad trips that’s why I don’t do drugs, or drugs by myself. I’ve been going to psychotherapy for 4 years and I feel so much better about my mental health. But I still feel like I need that final push to heal deep seated trauma. I found a famous retreat in Jamaica (I live in the US) but it is like $5000 for one week. You do three rounds of psilocybin with a mentor/guide. I can afford it. But I can’t denied that it is very expensive and I don’t know if it’s worth it. Thoughts?
  13. I see much more merit if a black kid from the ghetto, who had a whole system against him, graduates from community college. Even more so if he was in foster care, in that case he deserves all the awards. Ben Sharipo was literally handheld into Harvard
  14. Just think about Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and the owner of Whole Foods....Geniuses in making money, but social idiots. But, I think Elon Musk is slowly getting it, he sold all of his properties (he told Joe Rogan it “looks bad” for one person to have so much) and only today there was “news” of him donating 5million to the Kahn Academy (great organization btw). He “gets it” even though he 100% doesn’t “get it” just yet.
  15. I get it. One can be very smart and still be socially underdeveloped
  16. He hasn’t rebel against their parents yet. He still wants to be a good boy.
  17. We only need to switch that up. Society doesn’t take care of people because of individualism. Only once we think collectively we can meet our individual needs.
  18. One thing is true, and that is that abuse can happen in all socioeconomic status. Just look at Mike Pence, he didn’t invoke the 25th amendment even though Trump send a mob to kill him. He can say: there’s too much money or power or people to think about. But that’s exactly what someone in a abusive relationship thinks: money, stability, kids... Also, when Republicans call for unity after an insurrection it's like a husband saying: don't call the police, think about the kids and our family” *rolling eyes emoji* times infinity ?????
  19. I’m going to be 100% honest here. I can tell you from personal experience that if your basic needs are not met, meeting other needs is impossible. I immigrated at 18 on my own to the United States, then I got married and went through domestic violence and eviction. People can’t think straight when they don’t have shelter for the night or when going through abuse. They need to get out of the abusive relationship or find shelter first. The same goes for all the “5 determinants of health”. People can’t think straight if they’re sick and can’t afford health care, or when there is crime in your neighborhood or their neighborhoods are dirty and full of garbage, or when they don’t have access to quality education, or even when they don’t have access to high speed internet (now with the pandemic some kids are not going to online school because of that), etc... But I understand your frustration. Most people don't seem to focus on other things but survival. But that is because society has never taken care of its people. Just imagine how much human potential goes to waste on the ghettos for the lack of opportunities. Only now we are seeing glimpses of change with policies such as UBI, but only 10 years ago a policy like that sounded ridiculous. Now it is a real possibility. One day, when more systems like UBI develop, people would be in the right state of mind, and that’s when the most beautiful art will emerge.
  20. Good question. The thing is that just as with the Maslow hierarchy of needs, there are things that should be dealt with first. Cities focus on the “5 determinants of health” first before they can focus on anything else since those are the ones that predict the quality of life of their people.
  21. I’d add Sanitation. I live in NYC and garbage and rats are a huge problem. Garbage trucks only come twice a week and NYC households are overcrowded. Too many people living in one apartment because of high rent prices, and they produce a lot of garbage that is not picked up often enough. And, believe it or not, there are many empty apartments in NYC. With UBI people can get their own apartments or share but with a lesser number roommates. Also, lots of good enough food is wasted everyday from all restaurants. There should be a program where restaurants donate or even sell that food to the city instead of throwing it out. There are lots of poor people and people in shelters going hungry, and there are thousands of restaurants wasting food everyday.